
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 2080 - libanon

Thursday Nov 28, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Lebanon & Syria (French Mandate) 1919/25ca: The collection on leaves with covers/cards (35), including TEO and OMF issues on cover, large handstamped "Poste par Avion" bilingual (used in lieu of the first Airmail issue being sold out) on two fronts and a cover from Aleppo, 1921 cover with OMF franking cancelled "Alexandrette" cds's in violet, OMF franking to UK cancelled octagonal PAAKILINE datestamp in blue, 1922 cover with full set of fourth Airmail issue (Yvert 10/13) used to Antioch, 1924 registered cover from "Soueidie" to Antioch, 6th Airmail set on cover, 1925 underpaid cover with 50 c. tied "Maarat El Noman" cds and taxed; also a few pages of off cover material, condition varies but an interesting collection.


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