
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 2152 - italien staaten sizilien

Thursday Nov 28, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1 gr. 'bruno ruggine intenso' plate I and state I on carta di Napoli together with 5 gr. rosa carminio from pos. 63 of plate I and 10 gr. 'azzuro cupo', each tied by horse-shoe cancel to lettersheet to Agrigento with "PALERMO 3 NOVEM. 59 PARTENZA" despatch cds and oval ASSICURATA registration handstamp alongside, both in black. Minor toning of the cover, nevertheless a most extensive inland franking with 8 grana for 4 sheets from office to office, doubled by registration. Signed Emilio & Enzo Diena; cert. Bottacchi (2013) Sassone = EUR 26'000.

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