
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 7067 - Franzoes. Post in der Levante

Thursday Nov 28, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

French Post Office in Jerusalem 1877 (Dec 7): Envelope of the British Consulate in Jerusalem via Jaffa to London, bearing Sage 30 c. brown type I, tied by “JAFFA SYRIE” cds of the new bureau de distribution in black and Jerusalem Cross / Croix potencée de Jérusalem in blue (Steichele no 325 / Pothion = 35 points) alongside. On reverse "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE" transit (Dec 11) cds. Minor edge wear, nevertheless a fine and fresh cover, correct 30 c. rate to an unexpectedly rare destination, signed Brun, cert. Nakri (2002).

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