
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 7525 - italien staaten parma

Thursday Nov 28, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1852/1859: The Parma Collection of 20 adhesives including the Provisional Government issue (common colours) plus Newspaper Tax stamps all in generally good to fine appearance, all with regular or good margins and most with original gum except the 25 c. on violet paper without gum and touched at upper left, 40 c. on blue paper without gum but with good margins, the 5 c. yellow on white paper with full gum, three good margins showing the upper sheet margin, 15 c. vermilion on white paper withgood margins all round, the 25 c. red-brown on white paper used. A fine collection of high catalogue value. Certs. (9) Raybaudi, Sorani, Diena, Bottacchi, Vaccari Sassone = € 90'000€/Classici d'Italia PR1/PR16+PRM1/2.

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