
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 2673 - türkei ganzsachen

Friday Nov 29, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Lots & Collections, Russian Post Office in Smirna 1872/1913: The Exhibit collection on leaves (covers/cards 37) with 1872 cover to Taganrog franked 10 k. carmine & green cancelled "Smirnsvo / Agentsvo" cds, 1880 cover with 10 k. carmine & green used to Constantinople, 1884 7 k. blue used on cover to Haida, Bohemia (both covers cancelled "Smirna" cds's in blue; postcard usage with single 2 k. green, 1896 4 k. stationery card used to Berlin, 1890 10 k. red & green used on 1898 cover to Isfahan, Persia; card with 10 k. bisected and used to Pola; 10 k. stationery letter-card used to Belgium, 1904 ROPiT receipt form with Smirna cds in violet; 1900 1906 reg's cover with overprinted values (4) for 2 pi. rate to France, registered 3 pi. rate cover to Trieste, 10 pa. Printed Matter cover to Germany, 1903 cover to Robert Mertens in London franked 7 x 4 pa. on 1 k., 1905 registered 1 pi. on 10 k. up-rated usage to Argentina, further covers/cards to Djibouti, Haifa, Isfahan, Kerman, Metelino etc., four 1913 Romanov issue frankings incl. 10 pi. on 1 r. green registered usage. A marvellous lot with viewing highly recommended.


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