
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 2707 - türkei ganzsachen

Friday Nov 29, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

British Post Office in Smirna 1874/1913c.: The Exhibit collection beautifully written up on leaves with covers/cards (85), including 1874 cover franked GB 1 d. red and 4 d. vermilion tied "F87" to London, 1874 cover to London franked GB 4 d. vermilion pl. 13 pair tied by bold "F87" to London via France, 1879 cover franked by three 1 d. reds tied "F87" to Wales, 1876 2½ d. mauve on covers (3), 1880 2½ d. blue on covers (2), 1883 2½ d. mauve on covers to UK and USA, Levant issues with 40 pa. on 2½ d. covers (12) incl. multiples on letter; 1902 40 pa. on 2½ d. pair used on cover registered to USA and forwarded on to France with no less than 19 handstamps, scarce 1905 'Levant' issue covers, 1905 cover with Turkish 20 pa. used to Smirna and readdressed with 40 pa. on 2½ d. to London, scarce postal stationery usages throughout, destinations noted incl. British Columbia, Canada, Egypt, India, Neths East Indies, New Zealand, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Tunisia etc., a splendid collection in much above average condition.


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