By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
lot # 9142 - 1912-1949 ROC
1949 (Jun 10) Chinese style cover from East Szechuan Shih Chiao Hsiang double registered to Chungking,franked on reverse SYS Golden Yuan $200,000 x 35 = $700,0000 Golden Yuan. According to the Golden and Silver Yuan exchange rate announced on June 5, 1949, Silver Yuan 1f: Gold Yuan $250,000, $700,000 Golden Yuan is equal to 28f Silver Yuan, matching domestic double registered postage. stamps tied by East Szechuan Shih Chiao Hsiang cds., along with Chungking arrival cds. A few stamps faulty but still rare.
1949年6月10日銀圓時期貼金圓票中式封自東川石橋鄉雙掛號寄重慶, 背貼孫像金圓票20萬圓35枚,合70萬金圓,按49年6月5日發佈的金銀圓兌換匯率,25萬金圓兌1分銀圓,折合28分銀圓,符合國內雙掛號郵資。銷東川石橋鄉日戳並有重慶到達戳。部分票有損,但仍不失珍罕。