1915, Schah Ahmed Miza, "Könige und Gebäude" unverausgabte Krönungsmarken, kpl. Satz 19 Werte 1 CH bis 50 Kr, sauber * (Originalgummierung, Falzspur), Pracht. fast die kpl. Auflage wurde 1940 amtlich vernichtet, lt. Sadri-Katalog sollen noch lediglich ca. 130 kpl. Sätze existieren. Ahmad Miza Shah "Kings and Buildings" Un-issued Coronation Stamps, complete issue, mint hinged MH, fine and scarce. In 1940 by the order of the Iranian Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs, a total number of 90,000 stamps of this issue were destroyed by burning, which apparently leaves a total of approximately 5000 stamps in existence or around 130 complete sets or less.
year or catalogue no.
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