Cape of Good Hope 1863-64 triangular, printed De La Rue, range of 29, almost all used, on 2 Hagner pages. Mostly FU & 3 margins (provenance mainly ex international auction houses). Noted: 1d SG 18 x 4, 18b unused & 4 used, 18c unused (weak corner); 4d SG 19 used, 19a mint (light gum tone), 19a x 3 used, 19c x 5; 6d SG 20 x 5; 1/- SG 21 x 4. Odd small faults but mostly sound. SG cat £11550. Ex Lovis.
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Mowbray Collectables
Mowbray Collectables is New Zealand’s leading philatelic and numismatic auction house.
Postal stamp auctions are held monthly, with sale catalogues mailed out to about 3,500 customers... Read More