1906. Tugra 20 pa dve dop. karte, jedna iz Bitolja za Nemacku, druga iz Soluna za Skoplje, sa retkim žigom SALONIQUE SUQURSALLE i turskim dvojezicnim žigovima MONASTIR i USKUB 2 ( Rašic 20 g, 36 f ).
1906 Tughra 20 pa two postal cards, one from Bitola to Germany, the other from Thessalonica to Skopje, with rare SALONIQUE SUQURSALLE cancel and Turkish bilingual cancels MONASTIR and USKUB 2 (Rasic 20 g, 36 f).
SFK - auctioneer & dealer of stamps, postal history, coins, banknotes, shares, badges, insignia and other ephemera items with emphasis on Balkan area.
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