
SFK Auctions

lot # 1739 - yugoslavia 1921 - 2010

Saturday Nov 29, 2014 12:00 to Sunday Nov 30, 2014 18:00 Europe/Belgrade
Last date for bids: 
Nov 29, 09:00 GMT

1940. NEPONOVLJIVA AVIONSKA VISOKA FRANKATURA: II avionka 2 x 10 d + 4 x 50 d sa izuzetno visokom 228,50 din frankaturom zbog velike težine paketa, kompletan front paketa upucen od USA ambasade u Beogradu za Njujork, POSLATA PREKO LISABONA KLIPEROM ZA AMERIKU readresovano u dolazu, sa više americkih carinskih i poštanskih manipulacija, portirano sa 10 c americkim portom na ime carinskog rukovanja, UNIKAT za specijalistu frankatura i trans atlanskih letova.
1940 UNREPEATABLE AIRMAIL HIGH FRANKING: 2nd airmail issue 2x10 d + 4x50 d with extremely high 228.50 d franking because of great parcel weight, complete parcel front sent by USA Embassy in Belgrade to New York, SENT OVER LISBON BY CLIPPER TO AMERICA readdressed in arrival, with several US customs and postal manipulations, arrival 10 c US postage due for customs handling, UNIQUE for franking and trans-Atlantic flights specialists.

(¼img src="/syms/airmail.png">)