
Status International

lot # 1787 - Australia tasmania

Thursday Oct 29, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

Collection: 1878-1912 Official perfin collection inc 1878 QV Sideface 8d, perf OS. 1892-99 QV Tablet vals to 1/- perf T, OS or A sideways. 1899-1912 Pics to 6d inc wmks & perfs, with OS, T & A sideways, Perfins. Noted inc 1899-1900 wmk TAS set to 6d. 1903 9d & 1/-, wmk V/Crown with T or OS Perfins. 1906-09 9d & 1/-, wmk Crown/A with T or OS perfins. F-VF U. SG cat £300+ for normals, ACSC cat $750+ for basic OS Perfins. (86)

Estimate: A$250 - 400


Sale Terms