
Status International

lot # 445 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS World

Thursday Oct 29, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

Collection in 5 older style loose leaf albums with much of interest with Egypt from early 1900s Pyramids to post-Millennium Pics inc 1926 King Fuad Birthday 50p & 1947 King Farouk £1 bicolour both MNH, SG cat £220, 1933 Aviation set M (£100) & 1946 Philatelic Exhib M/sheet pr (£200), total SG cat well over £650. PNG collection to mid-1970s inc 1950s Pics 10/- Map & £1 Fisherman opt SPECIMEN & others to 5/- VF CTO. Sudan from 1897 opts to 1950s Pics inc 1935 Surcharges (9) to 10P (cat £70). Then Hong Kong, Japan & Malaysia, GB inc KGV Seahorses to 5/-, Europe from Austria to Switzerland & mixed British Commonwealth to 1930s. Seven Seas Australian Territories hingeless album to mid-1980s (retail $220) inc Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay to 1974 UPU plus useful Christmas & Cocos Is Pic sets. NZ 1985, 86, 87 PO Year Albums & misc Australia & World Pics & Commems in 8 s/books inc San Marino Fall of Fascism opt on 5c brown MNH, variety 'double opt' (2 diff, Mi cat €100). GB 1952-82 Commems inc high vals & much more in 14 albums.

Estimate: A$450 - 550

Sale Terms

About The Seller

Status International

Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More

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