
Status International

lot # 56 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia

Thursday Apr 29, 2021 12:00 Australia/Sydney

1902-65 collection in older Seven Seas hingeless album with Postage Dues (110, cat £850) inc 1902 mono-colours blank base (4) to 6d (cat £60), filled base (20) to 2/- & 1909-59 bicolours (71) to 5/-. 1913-36 Kangaroos (36, retail $1340) inc 1st wmk to 1/-. 2nd wmk 2d, 2½d, 1/-, 2/-. 3rd (10) comp to 5/- & SM / CofA wmks comp to 5/- inc both OS opts on 6d chestnut. KGV appears comp (92) with single wmk to 5d, plus 1/4 perf OS, LM set of 5, SM wmk perf 14 to 4½d, plus 1/4 perf OS (cat $325), perf 13½ x 12½ inc 1d green Die I, II pr M & 4½d Die II CTO, CofA wmk to 1/4. Opt OS set of 7 to 5d & perf OS set of 20 basic colours to 1/4 (total cat/retail $1340). Then near comp to end 1965 inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved U, 1928 Kooka M/Sheet M. 1927-30 Commems perf OS set of 6. 1931-32 OS opts (4) to 1/- Lyrebird. 1934 Vic Cent sets (2) to 1/- & Macarthur to 9d U. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV SJ to 2/- UN. 1938 Robes sets to £1 (2), plus SPECIMEN opts 10/- (4) & £1 toned M (£1 visually impressive). 1946 BCOF opts to 2/- Kangaroos M & 1949 Arms set to £2 U. 1953-66 QEII era near comp M with 1963-64 Navigator set of 8 to £2 Used inc 10/-, £1 white papers. Some toning or minor flts inc odd heavy cancel. Impressive collection with very little needed for completion. Some M/MNH, mostly G-F/VF U. Total cat/retail $6000. (530)
Estimate A$800

Sale Terms

About The Seller

Status International

Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More

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