
Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd.

lot # 794 - HOLOCAUST (incl. Ghettos & Camps) Handbooks

Wednesday Nov 09, 2016 20:00 Asia/Jerusalem

1939 - 7 mailed items (4 pcs & 3 cvs, 2 w/original contents) dated 22 & 23/9, 1+13+17+21+22/10 all by wife in Paris Rome hotel (they were refugees) to husband Dr. Yakob Kraminer in "Camp de Rassemblement, Mesley sur Maine, Groupe 20 Ex Autrichiens" (Assembly Camp... ex Austrian Group). In the letter of 1/10/1939 she mentions a long list of items that she is sending him, incl.: "2 Pullover, 1 Weste, 2 Packet Zigaretten... 8 Dosen Sardinen, ¼ kg Zuckerl...", 4 items are censored; fine (x7), Very Rare correspondence French authorities already interning refugees as early as Sept. 1939


About The Seller

Ing. Yacov TSACHOR

Member A.I.E.P. - International Association of Philatelic Experts

Current Areas of Specialisation: Israel, including Doar-Ivri, 1948 Interim Period; British Mandate Palestine: postal... Read More

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