Litzmannstadt - 10 items: a) 5/1942 - 6pf imptd Hitler pc ex Prag to the head of the Jewish Ghetto - Litzm., family Bermeiser corresp., used for transfer of 20RM, Getto - Verwaltung arrival date cachet, Simon Unlisted, filing holes; b) 5/1942 Thank-You card - 2 cachets of "Der Aelteste..." t.1 & Unlisted 2 lines; c) 6/1941 - 15pf Thank-You card to Switz. w/3 lines "Aelteste... Rumkowski..." t.3; d-f) The set of 3 stps 5 - 20pf Juden Post; + 4 banknotes: 50pf, 1 + 20RM - XF & 5RM well used; items a-c - f - vf, others – as described (x10)
PC (
About The Seller
Ing. Yacov TSACHOR
Member A.I.E.P. - International Association of Philatelic Experts
Current Areas of Specialisation: Israel, including Doar-Ivri, 1948 Interim Period; British Mandate Palestine: postal... Read More