
Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd.

lot # 43 - TURKISH POST

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020 20:00 Asia/Jerusalem

Turkish 25pi stp used in the Holy Land 28.2.1906 Registered printed matter front wrapper (of books package 27x21cm) sent from Jerusalem to Alexandria, to Prof. Kaufmann in the German School. Franked 25pi (Mi #122C) Turkish stamp (single franking),  1pi  registration + 24pi for 96x10pa for each 50 gr. printed matter rate, 4800gr. Tied  by “JERUSALEM” 28.2.906 datestamp (Collins #PM13), registration cachet  “JERUSALEM PALESTIN R No 43”  (#RC1) at left,  Imprimé & Einschreiben private violet cachets at bottom; filing hole at bottom left o/w vf, a Very Rare usage of the High Value stp. The heaviest Printed Matter delivered by the Turkish post in the Holy Land recorded by us, certif. Tsachor-Aloni



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