
lot # 21921 - Saudi Arabia 1960-1975

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023 17:00 Europe/London

Superb mint & used collection of 'Gas Oil Plant', 'Wadi Hanifa Dam' and 'Airplane' definitive issues, all sorted and identified in stockbook. There are between 1 and 3 of each value in fine cds used or mint condition, a good degree of completeness throughout with many better stamps cataloguing £100+ each including high values of 100p & 200p. All of the different printings are present with the various watermarks and papers. An exceptional lot rarely encountered in this quantity and quality. Will benefit being broken down. (Between SG 396 & 815, SG Cat £7600+) HEAVY/OVERSIZE LOT - OVERSEAS SHIPPING SURCHARGE APPLIES. (image available) {CC} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £1,000.80)


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