

lot # 317 - General - Thematics 1973-2014

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023 17:00 Europe/London

BUTTERFLIES - MOTHS Themed collection with sets / part sets from 1973 to 2014, and contains 120 stamps, 7 MS, 2 sheetlets, 4 booklets and 1 cover. This is a balance collection where sets or individual stamps have been extracted leaving this remainder which is however, extensive. The collection is in mounts or on album pages, or on stockcards and appears to be UM apart from a handful of used stamps. There are some non-butterfly stamps forming part of a set and some where butterflies or butterfly motifs are not obvious at first glance but are in the overall design. Not all stamps are listed by SG, some are noted in the Appendix and others in on-line listings. Includes material from Aland, Albania, Alderney, Antigua, Armenia, Aruba, Austria, Azores, Bahrain, Bangaldesh, Barbuda, Belgium, Biafra, Bolivia, Bosnia, BIOT, British Virgin Islands & Brunei. All in clean, fresh condition. Cat value of listed stamps c£238. {CC} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £56.80)

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