Eleventh Int. Railway Congress complete set, m.m. low values with some faults incl 5c with patch of gum missing, 15c crease, 30c small thin, 50c heavy h/r, 4p carmine (SG545) fine looking centred slightly NE even yellowish gum with h/r. 10p brown (SG546) fine looking well centred very faint gum bend only visible from the back pencil dealers mark & small h/r. Cat £925 (image available) {MH} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £118.40)
SG 534-46
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Universal Philatelic Auctions
2008 saw us celebrating our first 50 years of supplying stamps to discerning collectors. Omniphil and Avon Approvals were both launched in 1958. In those days it was not uncommon for 3000 young... Read More
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