NEW WATERMARK DISCOVERY: KEVII Somerset House Printing 2s.6d. Excellent Dull Reddish Purple colour well-centred fractionally E. very fine mint slight hinge full original gum - lovely example. Reverse: review of the Anchor watermark discovery … it is significantly mis-positioned to West but there is additional presently unidentified 'manuscript' style watermark to East. The obvious conclusion this example comes from the first row to the left-hand side (as viewed from the front). Still viewing from the front, the sheet was printed mispositioned with Anchor watermarks significantly to the right - so far over that the watermark plate inscription intended to be present in the left-hand marginal sheet selvedge NEVER INTENDED TO BE SEEN ON THE STAMP was pulled over into/onto this stamp. In 50 years, we have never seen this before on a KEVII high value stamp … however we are reminded of the manuscript watermarks upon the Queen Victoria 'bantam' ½d's of 1870. Originally the EDVII 'square' high values were printed in sheets of 56 so a few more left-hand marginal examples must have originally existed. Discovered after 111 years almost certainly unique today - a new UPA discovery 111 years following printing. Clearly visible to the naked eye upon the reverse, even more graphic when immersed in Prinz super-safe watermark fluid or the American produced 'Clarity' watermark fluid (neither affect the gum of mint stamps). Comparables: Compare the Somerset House Dull greyish purple 2/6d. … scarce unmounted mint but available at a £1,000+ retail value. Now compare with an INVERTED WATERMARK Somerset House 2s.6d…. We cannot - None exist. Now compare against a similar but DLR printing 2s.6d INVERTED WATERMARK … mint - a £5,000= stamp. We have not checked but this example may now be the only known Somerset House 2s.6d. watermark variety in existence. Sensational new discovery. Buy to own this unique example and research. Unique (image available) {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £960.00)
SG 316 M50(2)
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Universal Philatelic Auctions
2008 saw us celebrating our first 50 years of supplying stamps to discerning collectors. Omniphil and Avon Approvals were both launched in 1958. In those days it was not uncommon for 3000 young... Read More
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