mixed banknote and coin lots - Coin Auctions

Lot 31234 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31234 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel ~341g súlyban T:vegyes

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31229 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31229 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

1936-1963. 14db-os vegyes fémpénz és zseton tétel, közte Német 3. Birodalom, Ausztrália, Svédország, illetve 'Italautomata zseton', 'BSZK Rt. Váltójegy'

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31240 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31240 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31235 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31235 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1,35Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31230 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31230 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Vegyes: 33db-os nagyrészt kelet-közép-európai pénzérme tétel, benne magyar, szovjet, lengyel, csehszlovák és román érmék T:vegyes
Mixed: 33pcs of mainly East-Central European coins, with Hungarian, Soviet, Polish, Czechoslovakian, Romanian coins C:mixed

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31236 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31236 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31231 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31231 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

37db-os vegyes, nagyrészt magyar sport- és díjérem, jelvény és kitüntetés tétel, közte ~1975. 'Vegyvédelmi műszerkezelői jelvény' és 'Harckocsivezetői jelvény' zománcozott jelvények , 1954. 'Arany János Iskola' fém jelvény, Szentesy Hiesz Géza (1896-1975) 1955.Budapesti Testnevelési és Sportbizottság - NP. IFJ. IV.' fém asztalitenisz díjérem füllel T:T:2,2-

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31237 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31237 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31232 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31232 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

38db-os vegyes magyar bankjegy és fémpénz tétel, benne 29db bankjegy korona és pengő időszakból, közte több 'Vöröshadsereg Parancsnoksága' pengőkkel T:vegyes

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31227 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31227 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

4db vegyes sérült, rossz tartású ezüstpénz, közte 1848KB 20kr Ag 'V. Ferdinánd', Orosz Birodalom 1911. 10k Ag T:3,3- ly.
4pcs of various silver coins in bad condition, including Hungary 1848KB 20 KReuzer Ag 'Ferdinand V', Russian Empire 1911. 10 Kopeks Ag C:F,VG hole

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots