192 opdrukbriefkaarten uit G.106-121 gebruikt (w.b. G. 116II, 118aII, 118bII, 120aII, 120bI en 120bII) en ongebruikt (w.b. 111bII en 118aII), bijfrankeringen, bestemmingen, doubletten, etc.
221st Auction
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction
Netherlands 2nd part collection Déboursé markings, issue 1852 luxury sheet positions and stamps, postal stationery with exceptional offer proof, covers with extensive “Bontkraag”, Telegram unique forgery 1 cent with inverted value, Dutch East Indies with varieties, interesting country collections in particular Switzerland, picture postcards and a very special offer of (golden) coins.
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- Coins - Medals - Paper money (1) Apply Coins - Medals - Paper money filter
- European Countries (560) Apply European Countries filter
- France and Former Territories (84) Apply France and Former Territories filter
- Germany and Former Territories (162) Apply Germany and Former Territories filter
- great britain and former territories (200) Apply great britain and former territories filter
- Great Britain and Former Territories (17) Apply Great Britain and Former Territories filter
- Netherlands and Former Territories (1963) Apply Netherlands and Former Territories filter
- Netherlands Postal Stationary (306) Apply Netherlands Postal Stationary filter
- Overseas (221) Apply Overseas filter
- Topics and Miscellaneous (348) Apply Topics and Miscellaneous filter
Lot #126 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot #127 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
112 opdrukbriefkaarten uit G.125-148 met veel betere ex. ongebruikt (w.b. G.132, 134I, II, 144aI, II, 144bI) en gebruikt (w.b. 125II, 3 ex. 126aII, 129I, 132, 134I, 135I, 140bII, 144bI en 147II), bijfrankeringen, doubletten en enkele opdrukverschuivingen
Lot #128 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
ca. 700 geïllustreerde briefkaarten uit G.240-287, alle ongebruikt, in bak
Lot #129 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
130 briefkaarten 5 cent Hangend Haar w.b. vroegst bekende datum 15 oct 91, V- en A- kaarten en veel bestemingen w.b. USA (incl. stempel dead letter office), Papeete Taïti, Uruguay, Japan, Argentinië etc. in doosje. Zie selectie
Lot #130 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
25 brieven emissie 1867 met N.R. Spoorweg rond- en haltestempels w.b. bestelling Beurs, 2 enkelfrankeringen nr. 10, paar nr. 10 op brief naar USA etc. in mooie kwaliteit.
Lot #131 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
ruim 60 poststukken 1851-1867 met gebroken ringstempels en naamstempels met doubletten, deels gemengde kwaliteit. Zie selectie
Lot #132 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
ruim 100 ongebruikte enveloppen uit G1-25 w.b. 3 (2x), 17a, 17b, 21a en 21b (2x) in doosje
Lot #133 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
25 monsterzakjes naar Frankrijk, alle met verschillende frankeringen w.b. met nrs. 19 (2x), 21+33, 35+36, 36, 36 (2x), 60 (3x) en 64
Lot #134 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
kleinrondstempels postkantoren, bijkantoren en spoorwegkantoren, collectie met veel mooie afdrukken en betere ex., totaal ruim 700 ex. mooi opgezet in blanco ringband
Lot #135 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1867-2013 deels */** in 3 Davo albums en envelop
Lot #136 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
nominaal ca. EUR 200, NL1 (ca. 380x), Kerst (ca. 30x) en Wereld1 (ruim 20x) in 2 ringbanden
Lot #137 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
kleinrondstempels collectie bijkantoren, stations etc. en iets franco-takjestempels met mooie afdrukken, betere ex. en doubletten (totaal ruim 250 ex.) mooi opgezet in blanco album
Lot #138 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
plaatfouten, collectie gestempeld en */** met betere ex. in album
Lot #139 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie ** w.b. nominaal ca. EUR 620 in 2 Davo albums
Lot #140 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
fdc's, collectie E2-E119 in album
Lot #141 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1852-2002 gestempeld met betere ex. en series in 2 Davo albums
Lot #142 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1852-1994 gestempeld later */** met betere ex. in Unie album en Davo album
Lot #143 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1852-2001 gebruikt en */**, deels beide, tevens doubletten, boekjes etc., rommelig opgezet w.b. beter materiaal in 6 albums in doos
Lot #144 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
kleinrondstempels Amsterdam inclusief bijkantoren, trajecten etc. met betere zegels en stempels, totaal ruim 2000 ex. in blanco Victoria album
Lot #145 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1852-1972, tot ca. 1940 deels gestempeld overigens * w.b. En Face, tevens port etc.
Lot #146A - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
41 poststukken met trajectstempel Amst:-Rotterd: (1a EUR 80,-) met Arabische cijfers 1, 2, 3 en 4 en veel verschillende naam- en haltestempels, gemengde kwaliteit w.b. gefrankeerde pracht ex.
Lot #146A - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
41 poststukken met trajectstempel Amst:-Rotterd: (1a EUR 80,-) met Arabische cijfers 1, 2, 3 en 4 en veel verschillende naam- en haltestempels, gemengde kwaliteit w.b. gefrankeerde pracht ex.
Lot #146 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
190 stuks met puntstempel w.b. betere nummers
Lot #147 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1924-1981 */** w.b. En Face *, tevens iets gestempeld
Lot #148 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1852-1989 gestempeld met betere ex. en series in goede kwaliteit in 2 albums
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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