60 poststukken 1870-1967 met port belast w.b. uit het buitenland, enkele oudere ex. in gemengde kwaliteit. Zie selectie
221st Auction
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction
Netherlands 2nd part collection Déboursé markings, issue 1852 luxury sheet positions and stamps, postal stationery with exceptional offer proof, covers with extensive “Bontkraag”, Telegram unique forgery 1 cent with inverted value, Dutch East Indies with varieties, interesting country collections in particular Switzerland, picture postcards and a very special offer of (golden) coins.
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- Coins - Medals - Paper money (1) Apply Coins - Medals - Paper money filter
- European Countries (560) Apply European Countries filter
- France and Former Territories (84) Apply France and Former Territories filter
- Germany and Former Territories (162) Apply Germany and Former Territories filter
- great britain and former territories (200) Apply great britain and former territories filter
- Great Britain and Former Territories (17) Apply Great Britain and Former Territories filter
- Netherlands and Former Territories (1963) Apply Netherlands and Former Territories filter
- Netherlands Postal Stationary (306) Apply Netherlands Postal Stationary filter
- Overseas (221) Apply Overseas filter
- Topics and Miscellaneous (348) Apply Topics and Miscellaneous filter
Lot #149 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot #150 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
14 poststukken emissie 1852 met nrs. 1 (10x w.b. paar en dubbelfrankering), 2 (3x) en 3 (2 ex. op envelop naar Berlin 1861) in redelijke kwaliteit
Lot #151 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
38 poststukken met grensstempels w.b. Duitschland over Enschede, rood Paid Ship letter London, groen Franco D met sterren, Hamburg A en W, Pruissen A (met grote en kleine A), zeebrieven en Gezuiverd
Lot #152 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
spoorlijn Breda-Vlissingen 1877-1916, 61 poststukken met kleinrond-, grootrond-, typenrader- en blokstempels w.b. briefkaart met kleinrond Vlissing:-Breda, tevens 52 zegels met kleinrond-, grootrond- en typenraderstempels
Lot #153 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
spoorlijn Arnhem-Breda en Breda-Arnhem, 47 poststukken met kleinrond-, grootrond- en typenraderstempels, tevens 65 zegels met kleinrond-, grootrond- en typenraderstempels
Lot #154 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
spoorlijn Zutphen-Zwolle-Leeuwarden 54 poststukken met takje-, kleinrond- (met de verschillende spellingen en veel combinaties met haltestempels) en grootrondstempels, tevens 42 zegels. Zie selectie
Lot #155 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
78 postukken met klein- en grootrond trajectstempels, alle met blokje i.p.v. route w.b. kleinrond Amst:Rott:Rijnspoor op briefkaart met halte Gouda
Lot #156 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
27 ongefrankeerde poststukken 1859-1871 met rondstempel H.Spoorweg en rode haltestempels Delft (w.b. 1 ex. naar Batavia), 's Gravenhage, Haarlem (tevens in zwart), Leiden (tevens in zwart), Rotterdam en Schiedam (tevens in zwart).
Lot #157 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
speciaalcollectie met 100 briefkaarten 3 en 5 cent Bontkraag gebruikt (w.b. 1e-dag) en ongebruikt met plaatfoutjes, verschoven adreslijnen etc.
Lot #158 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
lange- en kortebalkstempels met betere zegels, veel emissie 1913, in insteekboek
Lot #159 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
automaatboekjes, overcomplete gespecialiseerde verzameling met doubletten in album, op bladen en doosje
Lot #160 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1852-1996 gestempeld in 2 luxe Davo albums
Lot #161 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1852-2003 gestempeld w.b. 1-29, 47 en 130-131 in 2 Davo albums
Lot #162 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
grootrondstempels, collectie hulp- en bijkantoren ruim 550 ex. op diverse waarden en emissies met mooie afdrukken en betere kantoren keurig opgezet in 2 ringbanden
Lot #163 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
nominaal ca. EUR 540 in 3 banden
Lot #164 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie tussen 2004 en 2013 zowel gestempeld als **, nominaal EUR 377, NL1 (70x), kerst (70x) etc. in dik insteekboek
Lot #165 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
series gestempeld engros tussen 1906 en 1967, cat.w. 4050 in insteekboek
Lot #166 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Hangend Haar engros gestempeld met veel kleurnuances w.b. 2½ gulden (2x) en 5 gulden
Lot #167 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
gestempeld engros tussen 1906 en 1950 w.b. veel series, cat.w. ca. 5200 in insteekboek
Lot #168 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands and former territories
meest betere ex. w.b. proeven, tandingen, blokken van 4 */** etc. in insteekboek
Lot #169 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1852-2001 deels */** met betere ex. en series w.b. nagegomd in 2 Importa albums
Lot #170 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
collectie 1852-1952 gestempeld met betere ex., roltanding en Indië in klemband
Lot #171 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
95 poststukken ca. 1860-1980 met enkelfrankeringen (w.b. internering 1), aangetekend, expresse, onbekend en veel naar het buitenland, beschreven met tariefverklaringen, op bladen in doos. Zie selectie
Lot #172 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
voorraad gestempeld 1953-2012, tot ca. 2008 vrijwel alles 6x, in 6 insteekboeken
Lot #173 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
meest ouder materiaal w.b. port, aangetekend, klein- en grootrondstempels etc. in 36 rondzendenveloppen in doosje
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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