1946-2001, cultivated mint never hinged collection in the Gr. Stock book, over Gr. Stretch complete, as well high postal stamps values, souvenir sheet 1-10I, etc., Michel approximate 2300,-
1946-2001, gepflegte postfrische Sammlung im gr. Einsteckbuch, über gr. Strecken komplett, dabei hohe Freimarkenwerte, Bl. 1-10I, etc., Mi. ca. 2300,-
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #139 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #139 on
The 139th auction nearly 11.000 lots, including the special “Horst Kühner Collection” will be on sale September 5/6, 2014.
The “Horst Kühner” collection of numerous rarities from the “German Colonies and Post Offices Abroad” and the “German Occupation WW II” including Sudetenland, field post and propaganda forgeries. One can find among many others items, a 50 Pfg China with double handstamp overprint, Heydrich-Block with protective cover, protective jacket and tissue paper!, OSS propaganda block in red, just to name only a few of the great rarities.
The philatelic section includes:
German states: more than 1,400 lots, with Bavaria two Schwarzer Einser, Prussia - interesting cancellation section, Saxony - cancellation collection. The second part of a Thurn & Taxis exhibition collection, including recently certified rarities! Numerous country and general collections.
German Empire: offerings of among others - interesting “breast plate” lots; all periods with types, colours, rare records and varieties, “se-tenants and stamp booklets”. Zeppelin philately selection of rare items.
German colonies / Post offices abroad: over 1,200 lots, including numerous mnh issues, unusual features, and full sheets, full sheets; DOA 39IIAIIa mnh (500); interesting forerunner issues, covers and cancellation from all areas.
Occupation World War I./Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/
WW II./Fieldpost: contains an attractive supply of many varieties and unusual features, GG I/IIIL mnh (1,200), Kotor I/VI mnh (2,000), Laibach 45/60 cancelled (750), Alexanderstadt 12X cancelled (1,800), Fieldpost 6DD mnh (850), 6K mnh (850) , 8A cancelled (1.350), Cuban package stamp Type I (*) (2,400) and numerous propaganda forgeries WW II.
German local issues: interesting supply with Spremberg, forerunner covers, Bad Schmiedeberg, Grossräschen, etc.
West zones/Bund/Berlin: varieties, rarities, sought-after initial issues, stamp booklets Bund/Berlin with many rare types
SBZ/DDR: specialized types, colours, varieties including Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 26b mnh (1,500), block issues, Mi.-Nr. 86xb and 86yb each mnh; furthermore, postmaster divisions, proofs, and so on.
Europe: interesting offers form Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and more.
Overseas: lots from the People's Republic of China, “Peony” block; “British Colonies” collection with numerous items, many of the offered items are scarcely to be found.
The Numismatic section includes:
Coins: approximately 600 lots, including investment gold, collectors’ coins from antiquity to modern times and a section of medallions.
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Lot #12465 - sammlungen - übersee australien
Lot #12466 - sammlungen - übersee australien
Australia including AUSTRALIAN states, extensive inventory in 11 mostly large as well to Michel number numbered stock books, as well numerous old cancelled stamps, maybe also equipment for the postmark collector
AUSTRALIEN inkl. Australische Staaten, umfangreicher Bestand in 11 zumeist großen sowie nach Michelnummer durchnummerierten Einsteckbüchern, dabei zahlreiche alte gestempelte Marken, evtl. auch Fundus für den Stempelsammler...
Lot #12467 - sammlungen - übersee australien
1913-1995, more cultivated cancelled inventory in 3 good filled, black, 64 sides quality stock books, from kangaroo / King Georg, partly in different quantities, as well Shilling and pound values, a few booklets values. Are contained round 9000 used item s, nothing calculated
1913-1995, gepflegter gestempelter Lagerbestand in 3 gut gefüllten, schwarzen, 64 Seiten Qualitäts- Einsteckbüchern, ab Känguru/King Georg, teils in...
Lot #12468 - sammlungen - übersee australien
& New Zealand, collection like inventory in the plug-in book with numerous complete set and souvenir sheets from the 90s years, mainly imbricating respectively close puted, nothing calculated
& NEUSEELAND, sammlungsartiger Bestand im Steckbuch mit zahlreichen kpl. Satz- und Blockausgaben aus den 90er Jahren, überwiegend überlappend bzw. dicht gesteckt, nichts gerechnet
Lot #12469 - sammlungen - übersee australien
Australia, special -year book 1990 / 91 with self-adhesive, stamp booklet and package stamps
AUSTRALIEN, Spezial -Jahrbuch 1990/91 mit Selbstklebenden, MH und Paketmarken
Lot #12470 - sammlungen - übersee bolivien
1867 / 1984, collectors stock including some duplicates in two to Michel number numbered stock books, mostly old stamps
1867/1984, Sammlerbestand inkl. einiger Dubletten in zwei nach Michelnummer durchnummerierten Einsteckbüchern, zumeist alte Marken
Lot #12471 - sammlungen - übersee britisch-honduras
1888 / 1973, base collection including some double stamps in the to Michel numbers numbered stock book, amongst other things as well MIno. 164 / 175 unused
1888/1973, Grundstocksammlung inkl. einigen doppelten Marken im nach Michelnummern durchnummerierten Einsteckbuch, u.a. dabei MINr. 164/175 ungebraucht
Lot #12472 - sammlungen - übersee taiwan
Taiwan, provenance 396 - 442 ** Art treasure I - VI complete, partly slight gum shading
TAIWAN, ex 396 - 442 ** Kunstschätze I - VI kpl., teils leichte Gummitönung
Lot #12473 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
People¦s Republic of China 1969 / 1984, mint never hinged collection in the stock book, evident except for five stamps complete, for that Michel no. 1102 / 1107 double, the souvenir sheet issues are all existing, additional were the stamp booklet from SB 2 and a few stamps from 1985 collected
Volksrepublik China 1969/1984, postfrische Sammlung im Einsteckbuch, augenscheinlich bis auf fünf Marken kpl., dafür MiNr. 1102/1107 doppelt,...
Lot #12474 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
1970 - 1986 (approximate. ), mint never hinged essentially complete collection with all good issues alike souvenir sheet 11 / 19, further good souvenir sheets (partly multiple!) Michel-no. 1074 / 82.1126 / 31.1221 / 24.1594, etc., high catalogue and trad e valued, in the supplement still a few subscription bags with not einsortierten mailings
1970 - 1986 (ca.), postfrische im wesentlichen komplette Sammlung mit allen guten Ausgaben...
Lot #12475 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
People¦s Republic of China 1949 / 1968, mixed in mint never hinged or in used created collection in the stock book, as well numerous sought issues, amongst other things in mint never hinged Michel no. 985 / 989.990 / 992.993 / 994 and 1028, in the supple ment still a few stamps from the provinces
Volksrepublik China 1949/1968, gemischt in postfrisch oder in gestempelt angelegte Sammlung im Einsteckbuch, dabei zahlreiche gesuchte...
Lot #12476 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
1966 / 67, lot from 5 round cancel complete sets, as well Michel no. 945 / 6, culture revolution issues no. 966 / 76.977 / 81.982 / 84.990 / 92.995 / 1008.1028
1966/67, Partie von 5 rundgest. kpl. Satzausgaben, dabei MiNr. 945/6, Kulturrevolutions-Ausgaben Nr. 966/76, 977/81, 982/84, 990/92, 995/1008, 1028
Lot #12477 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
Literature inventory, as well 80 booklets of the study group China from the years 1974 / 2008, Heft-no. 21 / 33.39 / 64.70, 95 / 120, 122 / 128.131.135 / 138.141 / 142, furthermore as well catalogue the First flight letters 1949 / 1995, original Chinese special catalogue 1999, a treatise over the bilingual date stamp in of the PRC, a German / English / Chinese code book the philately and an auction catalog
LITERATUR-Bestand, dabei 80...
Lot #12478 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
1897 / 1980, lot with over 500 stamps in the stock book, amongst other things as well VR China Michel no. 8 / 11 I, 760 / 764 808.874 / 881.903 / 913 and in mint never hinged Michel no. 1078 and 1607 / 1609
1897/1980, Partie mit über 500 Marken im Einsteckbuch, u.a. dabei VR China MiNr. 8/11 I, 760/764 808, 874/881, 903/913 und in postfrisch MiNr. 1078 u. 1607/1609
Lot #12479 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
Treasure trove in the box, as well Souvenier-Folder, maximum cards, postal stationeries, often nineties, enormously acquisition price
FUNDGRUBE im Karton, dabei Souvenier-Folder, Maximumkarten, Ganzsachen, oftmals 90er Jahre, enormer Einstandspreis
Lot #12480 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
1898 / 1955, rustic lot with in total 600 stamps on stock pages and rustic album pages, with also numerous stamps from different provinces, amongst other things as well China Michel no. 79 / 81, postage due stamp Michel no. 15 / 16 and 32 always in used and Nordost-China Michel no. 171 unused
1898/1955, urige Partie mit insgesamt 600 Marken auf Einsteckblättern und urigen Albumblättern, dabei auch zahlreiche Marken aus verschiedenen...
Lot #12481 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
Stamp booklet, 1980-1990, collection from 14 different mint never hinged stamp booklet, as well Michel no. SB 2 (dolphin), SB 4 -15 Year of the Dog / -Schweines / - the rat / - bullocks / - Tigers / - rabbits / -dragon, and so on. , SB 17, high catalog v alue!
MARKENHEFTCHEN, 1980-1990, Sammlung von 14 versch. postfrischen Markenheftchen, dabei MiNr. SB 2 (Delphin), SB 4 -15 Jahr des Hundes/ -Schweines/ - der Ratte/ - Ochsen/ - Tigers...
Lot #12482 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
1980 / 90 (approximate. ) over 100 First Day Cover and postal stationeries
1980/90 (ca.) über 100 FDC und Ganzsachen
Lot #12483 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
Stamp booklet, 1981-1988, lot from 9 mint never hinged stamp booklet, as well Year of the Pig / -dragon, and so on. , Michel approximate 390.- (former starting price 100)
MARKENHEFTCHEN, 1981-1988, Lot von 9 postfrischen Markenheftchen, dabei Jahr des Schweines/ -Drachen, etc. , Mi. ca. 390.- (alter Ausruf 100)
Lot #12484 - sammlungen - übersee volksrepublik china
Lot with 77 First Day Cover / postal stationeries provenance 1983 - 1990
Partie mit 77 FDC/Ganzsachen ex 1983 - 1990
Lot #12485 - sammlungen - übersee dominikanische republik
Souvenir sheet hoarding of goods, as well souvenir sheet 2.29 A, 44, always 10 time, souvenir sheet and 45, always 20 time, Michel approximate 890,- Euro
BLOCK HORTUNGSPOSTEN, dabei Block 2, 29 A, 44, je 10 mal, Block 34, 35, 37, 38, 42 und 45, je 20 mal, Mi. ca. 890,- Euro
Lot #12486 - sammlungen - übersee Ecuador
1872 / 1978, collectors stock with mostly old stamps and some duplicates in the stock book
1872/1978, Sammlerbestand mit zumeist alten Marken und einigen Dubletten im Einsteckbuch
Lot #12487 - sammlungen - übersee falklandinseln
1904-1985, inventory in the edge full 16 sides stock book, from the beginning till 1944 partly unused, accordingly evident all mint never hinged, are contained ample issues from King George VI amongst other things dependent area alike Graham Country, sou th Georgia and Orkney-islands always complete, Falkland Islands Dependencies, Michel approximate 2000,- Euro
1904-1985, Bestand im randvollen 16 Seiten Einsteckbuch, anfangs bis 1944...
Lot #12488 - sammlungen - übersee ghana
& Gold Coast * / ** / o collection in the Lighthouse album, focal point from independence, before that with some better values, till 1995, nice Motivausgabe, miniature sheet and so on.
& GOLDKÜSTE */**/o Sammlung im Leuchtturmalbum, Schwerpunkt ab Unabhängigkeit, davor mit einigen besseren Werten, bis 1995, schöne Motivausgabe, Kleinbogen etc.
Lot #12489 - sammlungen - übersee guatemala
1871 / 1960, base collection including some duplicates within a to Michel number numbered stock book
1871/1960, Grundstocksammlung inkl. einiger Dubletten in einem nach Michelnummer durchnummerierten Einsteckbuch
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More