2 x 5 million drx. (20-7-1944) in brown with "Arethusa on dekadrachm of Syracuse" at left. Continuous serial nos. "656779 ΞΤ / 656780 ΞΤ" with suffix letters. (Pick 128b) & (Grabowski GR 24d) Uncirculated
Auction #513 of Coins, Medals & Banknotes
By: A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos Auction #513 of Coins, Medals & Banknotes
A. KARAMITSOS is holding an auction of Coins, Medals & Banknotes PAPER MONEY - Governor Capodistrias, Coin Notes, National Bank of Greece WWII Issued & Banknotes issued after WWII. Coins - King Otto, George I, Paul & Constantine II. Greek Island with Crete, Ionian state and Hellenic Republic. Medals & Decorations of Greek military and Foreign countries.
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Lot #9202 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
Final proof of 5.000.000dr. (20.7.1944), without serial number. & with large margin at the bottom (Pick 128s). Uncirculated.
Lot #9203 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
Final proof of 5.000.000 drx. (20.7.1944) with variety "missing colours and ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ" on the face, Backside is full color. (Pick. 128s). Uncirculated.
Lot #9204 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
2 x 10 Million drx. (29-7-1944) Brown. Dk. brown fringe around denomination guilloche and sign. Two pieces with continuous serial nos. "465587 AΞ / 465588 ΑΞ" & suffix letters. (Pick 129b) & (Grabowski GR 25b) Almost Uncirculated & Uncirculated
Lot #9205 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
Final proof of 10.000.000dr.(29.7.1944) with margin on the left, without serial numbers, (Pick 129s). Uncirculated.
Lot #9206 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
2 x 25 million drx. (10-8-1944) in green with "Ancient Greek coin" at left and right. Continuous serial nos. "027105 ΕΠ" & "027106 ΕΠ" with suffix letters. (Pick 130b) & (Grabowski GR 26d). Uncirculated.
Lot #9207 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
2 x 25 million drx. (10-8-1944) in green with "Ancient Greek coin" at left and right. Continuous serial nos. "151163 ΕΤ" & "151164 ΕΤ" with suffix letters. (Pick 130b) & (Grabowski GR 26c) Uncirculated
Lot #9208 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
Final proof of 25.000.000dr. (10.8.1944) in green with margin on the right, without serial numbers, (Pick 130s). Uncirculated.
Lot #9209 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
24 x 200 Million drx. (9-9-1944) with "Parthenon frieze" at ctr. in brown and red-brown. Unpt. in tightly woven pattern w/o cirles. A series of 24 banknotes with continious serial nos Prefix ΙΑ-ΙΩ. This series is coming from one out of four printers who printed the Bank of Greece banknotes in WW 2. (Pick 131a & Grabowski GR 27a) Almost Extra Fine to Uncirculated
Lot #9210 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
Final Proof of 200 million drx. (9.9.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. In brown and red-brown. Number "15" in yellow and number "16/ΠΡΟΣΘΙΑΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΙ" in red on margin. (Pick 131s) Uncirculated
Lot #9211 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
2 x 500 million drx. (1-10-1944) in blue-green with "Apollo" at left. two pieces with Same serial nos. "KZ 275697" (printed) with prefix letters. (Pick 132a) & (Grabowski GR 29a) Uncirculated.
Lot #9212 - Greece - paper money - banknotes wwii issued banknotes
100 Billion drx.(3-11-1944) with "Nymph Deidamia" in red-brown. With serial nos "874955 ΕΠ". BUT WITH A RARE COMBINATION OF ERRORS. A)PART OF BACKSIDE IS PRINTED ON FACE. B)BROWN COLOR OF FACE IS MISPRINTED. c) INCOMPLETE PRINTING ON THE BACKSIDE. Error of print of (Pick 135a) & (Grabowski GR 32b) RARE & EXTRA FINE
Lot #9213 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
2 x 50 drx. (1-1-1941).(2-1-1945) with "Hesiod" in red-brown on lilac unpt. Wmk:Young male head. Printer:TDLR (w/o imprint). Two pieces with continuous serial nos. "β.Δ-168 209474 / β.Δ-168 209475" (Pick 168) Uncirculated
Lot #9214 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
Final Proof of Face of 50 drx.(9.11.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. in brown on blue and gold unpt. UNIFACE (Pick 169s) Uncirculated
Lot #9215 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
PROOF of face of 50 drx. (9.11.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR, Black without underprint with statue of Nike of Samothrake. "ΥΠΟΔΕΙΓΜΑ" on left margin. (Pick 169s). Uncirculated.
Lot #9216 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
Final Proof of back of 50 drx. (9.11.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. in brown on blue and gold unpt. UNIFACE (Pick 169s) Uncirculated
Lot #9217 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
Proof of back of 50drx. (9.11.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR, black without unpt. with "Phoenix". "ΥΠΟΔΕΙΓΜΑ ΧΡΩΜΑΤΟΣ" at the two margins.(stained)(Pick 169s) Uncirculated.
Lot #9218 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
500 drx.(1945) with "Portrait of Capodistrias" in green. With first type serial nos. "λ.Ι - 159 071457" (Pick 171a) Almost Uncirculated
Lot #9219 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
2 x 500 drx.(1945) with "Portrait of Capodistrias" in green. With second type continuous serial nos. "Θ.01 - 113914 / Θ.01 - 113915" (Pick 171a) UNCIRCULATED
Lot #9220 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
10.000 dr.(1945) with "Aristotle" in orange, size 180 x 90 mm. With second type of Ser. Nos. (common). (Pick 174a) stained. Very Fine plus
Lot #9221 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
20.000 drx. (1946) with portrait of "Athena" at left in dark green. (LARGE FORMAT) Serial nos. "K.07-048893" Tears and cuts (Pick 176a) Very Good
Lot #9222 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
5.000 dr.(1947) with "woman & children" in purple on orange.Size 153x80 mm.2nd issue. (Pick 177).Almost Uncirculated.
Lot #9223 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
20.000 drx. (1947) in dark green with "Athena" on face & "Medusa" on back. A ISSUE. Without security strip. Ser. nos. "Τ.19 - 509911" Rusted, rounded corners & slightly problematic, horizontal margins. (Pick 179a) Very Good
Lot #9224 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
20.000 drx. (1947) in dark green with "Athena" on face & "Medusa" on back. With security strip. Serial nos "T.28 - 924786" Slightly stained. (Pick 179b) Very Good
Lot #9225 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
20 dr.(1-3-1955) with "Democritos" in blue. (Pick 190a) Almost Uncirculated
A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos are experienced auctioneers of Philatelic, Numismatic and Post Card. We are specialists in the stamps and postal history of Greece, Greek Errors, New Greek Territories, Levant,... Read More
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