50 drx. (1-3-1955) with "Pericles" in dark green. Serial nos. "ετ. 332853". Washed & pressed (Pick 191a) Extra Fine
Auction #513 of Coins, Medals & Banknotes
By: A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos Auction #513 of Coins, Medals & Banknotes
A. KARAMITSOS is holding an auction of Coins, Medals & Banknotes PAPER MONEY - Governor Capodistrias, Coin Notes, National Bank of Greece WWII Issued & Banknotes issued after WWII. Coins - King Otto, George I, Paul & Constantine II. Greek Island with Crete, Ionian state and Hellenic Republic. Medals & Decorations of Greek military and Foreign countries.
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Lot #9227 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
500 dr. (8-8-1955) with portrait of "Socrates" in green on multicolor underprint. (Pick 193a). Serial number ( E.09 692878). Uncirculated.
Lot #9228 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
5.000 drx.(23-3-1984) with "T.Kolokotronis" in deep blue on multicolor underprint. The digit "0"(last) of serial.(lower) is double print. (Pick 203a) UNCIRCULATED
Lot #9229 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
2 x 1drx.27-10-1917.(1918) with "Hermes seated at ctr." in Darker brown w/o unpt.Inner line in diamond surrounding Hermes,diamond brown.Two pcs. with continuous Ser.nos "Α/36 42098/42099" (Pick 304b) Uncirculated
Lot #9230 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
Uncut vertical pair of 1 drx.(1918) with "Pericles" at right. in brown. Back is green with medal at ctr. A VERTICAL PAIR WITH VERY IMPORTANT ERROR OF PRINT. WITHOUT CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS.!!!!!!!!!!! A Third digit is changing instead of sixth.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Γ 182456 / Γ 183456. Slightly rusted (Pick 305) Extra fine & Almost Uncirculated
Lot #9231 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
1 drx.(27.10.1917)(1918) in black on light green and pink unpt. with "Homer" at center. Production specimen, Serial A/1 to Δ/50 & 1 to 100.000. (Number of notes put in circulation:20.000.000) Three ser. nos. "A/1 000.001", "Δ/50 100.000", "Δ/50 000.000" & "73438 5.11.17" at the bottom margin.(Handwritten) One file hole. Probably the only one known! with stain (watermark place) & thinning. (Pick 308s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis...
Lot #9232 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
1drx.27-10-1917.(1918) with "Hermes seated at right" in Purple on lilac and m/c unpt,pinholes (Pick 309) Uncirculated
Lot #9233 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
1 drx.(27.10.1917)(1922) in purple on lilac and multicolor unpt. with "Hermes seated" at left. Production specimen, serial A/1 to B/50 & 1 to 100.000. (Number of notes put in circulation:10.000.000) Three serial numbers "A/1 000.001","B/50 100.000","B/50 000.000" & "7349 6.10.22" at the bottom margin.(Handwritten). One file hole. Probably the only one known! (Pick 309s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 264c) Extremely Rare &...
Lot #9234 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
2 drx.(27.10.1917)(1918) in blue on brown and orange unpt. with "Zeus" at left. Production specimen, serial A/1 to Δ/50 & 1 to 100.000. (Number of notes put in circulation:18.798.202) Three serial numbers "A/1 000.001","Δ/50 100.000","Δ/50 000.000" & "73438 25.11.1918" at the bottom margin.(Handwritten) One file hole. Probably the one known! (Pick 310s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 259c) Extremely Rare & Uncirculated
Lot #9235 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
2 drx. (27/10/1917)(1922) in red-brown on multicolor unpt. with "Orpheus with lyre" at center. Production specimen, Serial A/1 to B/50 & 1 to 100.000.(Number of notes put in circulation:10.000.000) Three serial nos "A/1 000.001", "B/50 100.000", "B/50 000.000" & "7349 6.10.20" at the bottom margin.(Handwritten). One file hole. Probably the only one known! (Pick 311s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 265c) Extremely Rare & Uncirculated...
Lot #9236 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
50 x 10drx. (6-4-1940) with "Demeter on ancient coin" in blue in green and light brown unpt. Fifty pieces with continuous serial nos. (Are in two groups) "Β 18 254089 - Β 18 254108" & "Β 18 254366 / Β 18 254395" (Pick 314) Uncirculated
Lot #9237 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
5 x 20 drx. (6-4-1940) in green on light lilac and orange unpt with "Ancient coin with Poseidon". Continuous serial nos. "B24 202845 / B24 202849" (Pick 315) Uncirculated
Lot #9238 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
5 x 50 lepta (18/6/1941)/(ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ) in red and black on light brown unpt with "Nike of Samothraκe" at left. Church on back. Continuous ser. nos. "ΛΕ 127233 / ΛΕ 127237" (Pick 316) & (Grabowski GR 33) Uncirculated.
Lot #9239 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
2 drx. (18-6-1941) "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ" with "Ancient coin of Alexander" at left, in purple and black on lt. brown underprint (Pick 318) & (Grabowski GR 35) Uncirculated.
Lot #9240 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
2 x 5 drx. (18 June 1941)(Greek State/ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ) with "3 women of Knossos" in black & red on pale yellow. Continuous Serial Nos."AE-477534/AE-477535" (Pick 319) & (Grabowski GR 36) Uncirculated
Lot #9241 - Greece - paper money - banknotes treasury bonds and fiscal notes
100.000 drx. (15-5-1943)(Serie 3th) Agricultural treasury bond, in green. With ser.nos."ΓΑ 006035" (Paper without watermark)(Pick 143) Uncirculated
Lot #9242 - Greece - paper money - banknotes treasury bonds and fiscal notes
50 million drx. (6.10.1944), "ΤΑΜΕΙΑΚΟΝ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΙΟΝ"(Cephalonia - Ithaka) uniface. & Printed on official watermarked paper. (not this piece) Serial nos. A "07487" Four stamp, two on face & two on back, plus red stamp "6 Oct. 1944" on backside. Printed, off center. (Pick 151) & (Stratoudakis - Pitidis 420) Uncirculated
Lot #9243 - Greece - paper money - banknotes treasury bonds and fiscal notes
50 million drx. (6.10.1944), "ΤΑΜΕΙΑΚΟΝ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΙΟΝ"(Cephalonia - Ithaka) uniface. & Printed on official watermarked paper. Serial nos. A "07478" Four stamp, two on face & two on back, plus red stamp "6 Oct. 1944" on backside. Without accent after serial letter A and different frame. Printed, off center & slightly problematic corners. (Pick 151) & (Stratoudakis - Pitidis 420a) Uncirculated
Lot #9244 - Greece - paper money - banknotes treasury bonds and fiscal notes
100 million drx. (6.10.1944), "ΤΑΜΕΙΑΚΟΝ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΙΟΝ"(Cephalonia - Ithaka) uniface. & Printed on official watermarked paper. Serial nos. A "1768" Four stamp, two on face & two on back, plus red stamp "6 Oct. 1944" on backside. (Pick 152) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 421) UNCIRCULATED
Lot #9245 - Greece - paper money - banknotes treasury bonds and fiscal notes
200 million drx. (5.10.1944) "ΤΑΜΕΙΑΚΟΝ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΙΟΝ" (kalamata, branch), in orange. Serial nos. "B 266314". But without handstamp on back. (possibly were not used) Slightly rounded corner. (Pick 161d) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 419d) Uncirculated
Lot #9246 - Greece - paper money - banknotes italian occupation wwii
5 drx. (1941) with "Hermes of Praxiteles" at right on back and "wheat" at left on front, by "CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA" in green. Serial nos "0004 570120" Stains, rusted & rounded corner (Pick M1) Fine
Lot #9247 - Greece - paper money - banknotes italian occupation wwii
1 drx. (1941) for "ISOLE JONIE" in dark green. Serial nos "002 488016" (Pick M11) Uncirculated
Lot #9248 - Greece - paper money - banknotes british military authority
2 Shillings - 6 pence (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation, 1944/5) in green on pink unpt. Back in olive green and brown on lilac and olive unpt. Serial "K" Stained/Rusted (Pick M3) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 436) Almost Very Fine
Lot #9249 - Greece - paper money - banknotes british military authority
5 Shillings (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation, 1944/5) in brown on blue and green unpt. Back in violet on green and blue unpt. Serial "R". Creased, two small yellow spots on the back. & slightly rounded corners. (Pick M4) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 437) Fine plus
Lot #9250 - Greece - paper money - banknotes british military authority
10 Shillings (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation, 1944/5) in blue on olive and lilac unpt. Back in olive brown on gray and brown unpt. Serial nos. "04R 551076". Stained & rounded corners (Pick M5) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 438) Fine plus
A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos are experienced auctioneers of Philatelic, Numismatic and Post Card. We are specialists in the stamps and postal history of Greece, Greek Errors, New Greek Territories, Levant,... Read More
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