Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Coin Auctions
Lot 0218a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleGermany > Bavaria: double-struck silver homage medal commemorating Albrecht (Albert) III der Fromme, Duke of Bavaria-Munich, by Franz Andreas Schega (1711-1787), circa. 1766-70; not maker marked; size: 39.5mm; weight: 28.85g. Obv.: right-facing Albert; leg. "ALBERTUS III • BOIOR • DUX •". Rev.: 9-line legend in Latin, highlighting Albrecht's (1438-1460) accomplishments, among them the expulsion of the Jews from Upper Bavaria (in 1445). Reverse is double-struck. In BU: some surficial tarnish marks but with superb luster and shine - a stunning piece; ref: Forrer, vol. 5, p. 377. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals |
Lot 0213a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleFrance: brass "Rechenpfennig" by Johann Georg Holtzhey (1729-1808), ND (circa. 1749-1774); size (oval): 19.5mm; weight: 0.8g; coin alignment. Obv.: 3-masted ship; Ger. leg. "Durch Gluck und Kunst" ['By Luck and Art'] & letters "EE" + "PF" on either side; medallist's initials "I G H" in exergue. Rev.: right-facing Louis XV; leg. around "LVD XV•D• # •G•FR•ET•N•REX". Piece's date is est. between time Holtzhey took over his father's Amsterdam workshop and year Louis XV died. Holtzhey Forrer-listed v.2 p.536-537 though w. erronious birth/ death dates (1695-1760) which preceed his father Martin's birthdate (1697). Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals |
Lot 0224a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleGermany > Silesia: Hängender Kornjude "Hanging Corn Jew" medal, 1694-1695, struck in copper, by Christian Wermuth; size: 34.5mm; weight: 14.2g. Obv.: Jew hanging from tree with Devil on his head, peasant's house w/nest on roof & "LUC 12" in doorway; leg. "Du Korn Iude•" ('You Corn Jew'); 2-lines in exergue "Wolfeilezeit 1695•" ('Cheap Times'). Rev.: Jew facing right w/Devil on his sack; Ger. leg. "Du Korn Iude." & "Theure Zeit.1694." ('Expensive Times'). In BU, w/luster; Brettauer-1902, JM-111, P.u.R. 79, Feill-2721. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals |
Lot 0219a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleGermany > Gotha: 'Cuckold Medal' ("Hahnrei medaille") w/ 'Feather Jew' motif (ND), c. 1700, by Christian Wermuth; cast in white metal (silver?); size: 31mm; weight: 10.3g. Obv.: antlered Jew riding large cock, 5 smaller roosters in background; legend around: "WER KEINER I ST DER KAN NOCH EINER # WER DEN" ['Where no-one can become someone']. Rev.: decorated open chest on tiled floor w/ pair of antlers from behind; double-ringed legend: "DIE LADE FVHRT DIE GRÖSTE ZVNFFT AVF ERDEN # VM MANCHEN IST ES EWIG SCHADE" ['The clouds drove the guild off the ground, To some it is eternal pity']; 4 line legend on box: "DAS ER KÖMT # IN DIE # HAHNREY # LADE". Not documented in any research works on Jewish medals, it most closely resembles the anti-Semitic/satiric "feather Jew" medals which played on the alleged sexual-financial prowess of Jews during times of famine. In EF-AU with traces of luster; Fieweger-133, Feill-3431. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals |
Lot 0214a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleGermany > Bavaria > Fürth: Kornjude "Pricelist" jeton variant, 1772, by Johann Christian Reich; struck in pewter(?); size: 29mm; weight: 7.1g; medallic strike. Obv.: Jewish grain peddler facing right, w/ goat (not devil) on sack, to open jaws of alligator; legend: "Korn Iud (sic) Ver Zweifel [no period] U. Geh Zum" ['The Corn Jew Branches out and Goes Forth']; in exergue: "Theure Zeit 1772" ['Expensive Times 1772']. Rev.: 11-line pricelist of food items for year 1771 with bar above Reich's name. Obv. similar to Friedenberg JM-117; rev. unlike Kirschner #23/ Brett-1909; identical to Kuenker 143 #1897 (but Fieg-89 ref. not precise). In VF+. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals |
Lot 0225a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleGermany > Silesia: 'Hanging Corn Jew' (Hängender Kornjude) medal, 1694-1695, rare variant struck in lead, by Christian Wermuth; size: 34mm; weight: 22.35g. Obv.: Jew hanging from a tree w/ Devil on his head, peasant's house w/ nest on roof; leg. "LUC 12" in doorway + "Du Korn Iude•" ['You Corn Jew'' above; in exergue 2-line leg.: "Wolfeilezeit 1695•" ['Cheap Times']. Rev.: walking Jew facing right w/ Devil on his grain sack; legend above: "Du Korn Iude." + "Theure Zeit.1694." ['Expensive Times'] below. Brettauer-1902, JM-111 & P.u.R. 79. Poor detail may be due to weak die strike. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals |
Lot 0220a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleGermany > Sachsen-Thuringen: 'Corn Jew' medal of woman & grain peddler, 1771-1772; by Johann Christian Reich; pewter(?); size: 38mm; weight: 17.35g. Obv.: housewife with clenched fists imploring Jewish grain peddler (facing right) to give her corn to feed her family, & Devil cutting hole in sack; legend above: "DU KORN IUDE den 12. Mertz: 1694." + 2 lines below: "Theure Zeit auch 1771.1772". Rev.: upright grain sifter + Proverbs 11:26 quotation. Die seam visible along rim where both side's dies compressed the metal. In AU-UNC with original luster in places; Kirschner-28; JM-118; Brett-1906; Fiew-86. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals |
Lot 0215a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleGermany > Bavaria > Fürth: Kornjude jeton ("liegendes scheffelmass"), 1772, by Johann Christian Reich; struck in pewter(?); size: 29mm; weight: 6.4g. Obv.: Jewish grain peddler facing right, to open jaws of allegator; legend around: "Korn Iude Ver Zwei Fel. Und Geh Zum" ['The Corn Jew Branches out and Goes Forth']; in exergue: "Theure Zeit 1772." ['Expensive Times 1772']. Rev.: horizontal grain sifter; legend above: "Furchte Gott." ['Fear G-d']; on image: "Wer Korn Innehelt dem Fluchen Die Leute Aber Seegen Komt Uber den der is Verkauft"; Reich's name in exergue. Brett-1908; JM-120; variant Kirschner-24. In BU. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals |
Lot 0226a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleGermany: 'erotic medal' by Christian Wermuth 1730, struck in copper; size: 28.5mm; weight: 11.9g. Obv.: fox approaching bush; 2-lined legend above: "ACH IHR IUNGFERN GROS UND KLEIN / LASST IA KEINEN FUCHS HINEIN" ['Oh, it's all wholesale and retail # Don't let the fox in'] + 3-lines in exergue, "WOLLT IHR NICHT # BETROGEN # SEYN." ['You do not want to be cheated']. Rev.: male figure running away from woman clinging to him in bed; 3-lined Latin legend above, "NON MOEGHABERIS # CONTRA SEXTVM # I.E." + 4-lined Ger. legend in exergue, "DU SOLST NICHT # FUCHS. # SCHWAENTZEN # 1730.". In VF+; die-crack edge obv.; Fiew-126. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals |
Lot 0210a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleAustria > Hapsburg: 1686 'Jews & Turks Budapest' medal ("Türkenkrieg medaille"), by Martin Brunner; struck in copper; size: 41.5mm; weight: 28.85g. Obv.: Turk & Jew around furnace melting metal with ingots coming out; legend around: "WER DISTILLIRT NUN GELD ZUM FRIED*WEIL TURCK UND IUD DES KRIEGES MUD*" ['Who mints money for peace now that the Turk and Jew are tired of war']. Rev.: 11-line legend & date '*1686*' below, "OFEN belongs to LEOPOLD. Luck has been against Mohammed. He loses the city of Ofen with all its gold, which was destined to be used for the purchase of peace.". Legend on rim: "DURCH DIESEN STREICH * DAS TURKEN REICH * STEHT AUF DER NEIG" ['By this battle the Turkish Empire nears its end']. The only Austrian anti-Semitic medal between Renaissance and Napoleonic era, issued for Hapsburg victory over Ottoman Turks (& Jews) in battle for Budapest ("Ofen"). In VF-EF; few dents & rim nicks; Kirsch-31, JM-18 & 108/109. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals |