
Dr. Reinhard Fischer

lot # 103 - münzen byzanz

Friday Mar 17, 2017 13:30 to Saturday Mar 18, 2017 20:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Mar 17, 11:30 GMT

Romanus IV. Diogenes, 1068-1071, Gold Histamenon nomisma (4, 38g), Constantinople. Av: Christ, Romanus and Eudocia stand side by side from the front, therefore circumscription. Rev: Michael, Constantius and Andronicus stand side by side from the front, t herefore circumscription. Sear 1859, very fine to extremly fine.
Romanus IV. Diogenes, 1068-1071, Gold Histamenon Nomisma (4,38g), Konstantinopel. Av: Christus, Romanus und Eudocia stehen nebeneinander von vorn, darum Umschrift. Rev: Michael, Constantius und Andronicus stehen nebeneinander von vorn, darum Umschrift. S ear 1859, ss-vz.

