GJ.20, 5c. 3rd printing, with VARIETY: Paper darkened almost completely due to reaction of the gum, fantastic!
Auction # 2413 ARGENTINA: General auction including rarities, varieties and much more!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2413 ARGENTINA: General auction including rarities, varieties and much more!
Selection of lots of all periods with very low and tempting prices, it includes pre-stamp mail, classics, stamps and sets of all periods, varieties, proofs and essays, postal history and much more! With material for every budget and type of collector!
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Lot #152 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 5c. typical example of 3rd printing, VF quality
Lot #153 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 5c. 3rd printing, orangish red, used in Rosario, very nice
Lot #154 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 5c. 3rd printing, beautiful example in dark dun color produced by reaction of the gum, with blue cancel to be identified, superb
Lot #155 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 5c. 3rd printing, used in Córdoba, with blurred impression produced by effect of the gum, very nice
Lot #156 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 5c 3rd printing, 2 examples on fragment with 7x7 dotted cancel of Buenos Aires, superb
Lot #157 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20j, 5c. 3rd printing, very nice mulatto example, a thin in one corner, very good front
Lot #158 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20k, 5c. 3rd printing, with VARIETY: bottom left angle incomplete (pos.19), VF quality
Lot #160 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. dull impression, lightly cancelled, VF quality
Lot #161 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. dull impression, with "RIO 4 to" cancel, VF
Lot #162 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. inky impression, rare moss green color, used in Buenos Aires in SE/1865, VF
Lot #163 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. dull impression, with VARIETY: Line in border in the bottom left angle, interesting to identify the position
Lot #164 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. very inky impression, the background vitually full, lightly cancelled, VF
Lot #165 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. worn impression, with blue cancel of Concordia, excellent
Lot #166 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. semi-clear impression, with blue rococo cancel to be identified, thin on back, VF front
Lot #167 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. dull impression, with triple dotted cancel
Lot #168 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. dull impression, very lightly cancelled
Lot #169 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. inky impression, with cancel to be identified
Lot #170 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. dull impression, thin on back, very nice front
Lot #171 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. pair with dull impression, datestamp of B.Aires 26/SE/1866, the left stamp with small defect, the right one superb, very attractive
Lot #172 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. semi-clear impression, with ellipsoidal cancel of Mendoza with FRANCA, VF
Lot #173 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. inky impression, one border with defect
Lot #175 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. worn impression, very lightly cancelled, VF