1884 (April 1): 1½ d. deep lilac, Plate 1, an imperforate Imprimatur, lettered CJ, ample to large margins all round, fresh and fine, large part og. Rare, just 25 stamps removed from the Imprimatur sheet Gi K18 = £ 575.
Auction 321 - 332 Europe & Overseas Great Britain & British Commonwealth - Day 3
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 321 - 332 Europe & Overseas Great Britain & British Commonwealth - Day 3
Montag 3. Juni 2024 / Monday 3 June 2024
9:00 h 40001 – 40488 332: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part IV) New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Westaustralia
14:00 h 2001 – 2392 322: St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Sudan – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland
18:30 h 3001 – 3134 323: Brazil 1843 –1870 – The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection (part I)
Dienstag 4. Juni 2024 / Tuesday 4 June 2024
9:00 h 40489 – 40726 332: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part IV) Commonwealth of Australia
11:30 h 3201 – 3318 324: New South Wales – including the „Mint“ Collection of Peter Campbell
13:00 h 2393 – 2840 322: St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Sudan – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South frica, South West Africa, Sudan
18:00 h 3501 – 3782 325: Panama – The Classic Period 1807–1904 – The Álvaro Castro-Harrigan Collections
Mittwoch 5. Juni 2024 / Wednesday 5 June 2024
9:00 h 1 – 556 321: Europe & Overseas Great Britain & British Commonwealth
- Australian States “Unused” – The Peter Campbell Collection (part III)
- The “Huntingfield” Block – Australia‘s unissued Edward VIII Stamp 1936
- The “Lady Bridget Blue-Bell” Collection – “The smallest and most complete collection of Lady McLeod possible”
- African Airmail 1911–1945 – The Mike Roberts Collection
14:00 h 557 – 740 321: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America)
16:00 h 4001 – 4376 326: Great Britain 1840–1910 – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part V)
Donnerstag 6. Juni 2024 / Thursday 6 June 2024
9:00 h 741 – 841 321: Europe & Overseas Asia / Africa
842 – 1361 321: Europe & Overseas Europe A –Z - Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part II)
14:30 h 1362 – 1418 321: Europe & Overseas Collections & Accumulations
15:00 h 5001 – 5422 327: Worldwide Postal History – The Enzo Carnio Collection (part I)
Freitag 7. Juni 2024 / Friday 7 June 2024
9:00 h 6001 – 6413 328: Romania – Special Catalogue
12:30 h 7001 – 7174 329: Worldwide Rarities – The ERIVAN Collection – 2nd Auction
14:30 h 9001 – 9335 331: Schweiz & Liechtenstein Schweiz ab 1862, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein - Schweiz – Ziffermuster 1882–1889 – Die Sammlung Dr. James Johnstone (Teil III)
17:30 h 9336 – 9534 331: Schweiz Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Samstag 8. Juni 2024 / Saturday 8 June 2024
9:00 h 8101 – 8207 331: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie - Wehrwesen in der Schweiz – Die Sammlung Rolf Leuthard
10:00 h 8001 – 8053 330: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil II)
11:00 h 8208 – 8532 331: Altschweiz Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken (Rayon I dunkelblau und Rayon II gelb)
14:30 h 8533 – 8772 331: Altschweiz Rayonmarken (Rayon I hellblau bis Rayon III rot), Strubel
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Lot #4230 - europe Great Britain
1884 (April 1): 1½ d. lilac, lettered CC, an imperforate example with large margins all round, of good colour, overprinted SPECIMEN (Type 9) in black. Fresh and fine, large part og. Scarce Gi K18s = £ 825.rnRemark: Only few singles and a block of four are recorded in the Karl Louis card Index of the imperforate variety overpinted SPECIMEN. They all originate from the first five horizontal A- to E-row of a sheet.
Lot #4231 - europe Great Britain
1883: De La Rue Die Proof for the 2 d. value, printed in black on glazed white card, dated "27 JUL 83" and endorsed BEFORE HARDENING in black. Fresh and very fine, a rare Proof Gi K19 = £ 1'600.rnProvenance: Phillips, London, 7 April 1994, lot 375.
Lot #4232 - europe Great Britain
1884 (April 1): 2 d. lilac, lettered AL, an unused example, marginal from top of sheet, variety "Perf. 12", overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Type 9), fresh colour and the stamp unmounted og. Scarce and attractive Gi K19t = £ 450.rn
Lot #4233 - europe Great Britain
1884 (April 1): 2 d. lilac, lettered AT/BT/CT, an unused vertical strip of three, marginal from top of sheet, all overprinted SPECIMEN (Type 9) in black; lower stamp with diagonal crease otherwise fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Gi K19s = £ 250+.
Lot #4234 - europe Great Britain
1884 (April 1): 2½ d. pale purple, Plate 2, an imperforate Imprimatur, lettered IS, large margins all round, fresh and fine, old paper hinge, part og. Rare, just 24 stamps removed from the Imprimatur sheet Gi K20 = £ 600.rnProvenance: ex the De La Rue Imprimatur collection, sold on behalf of the "Board of Inland Revenue", Robson Lowe 17 Dec. 1975, lot 1776.
Lot #4235 - europe Great Britain
1883: De La Rue Die Proof for the 3 d. value, printed in black on glazed white card, dated "13 JUN 83" and endorsed BEFORE HARDENING in black. Fresh and very fine, a rare Proof Gi K21 = £ 1'600.rnProvenance: Phillips, London, 7 April 1994, lot 378.
Lot #4236 - europe Great Britain
1883 (Aug 1): 9 d. dull green, lettered DN-DO / EN-EO, an unused block of four of deep colour, wmk. Crown sideways inverted, overprinted SPECIMEN (Type 9) in black, large part or unmounted og. One stamp DO with small surface fault not detracting greatly from the appearance of a rare multiple Gi K25s = £ 1'700.rnProvenance: Robson Lowe 17 Nov. 1981, lot 520.
Lot #4237 - europe Great Britain
1883: De La Rue Die Proof for the 1 s. value, printed in black on glazed white card, dated "15 AUG 83" and endorsed BEFORE HARDENING in black. Fresh and very fine, a rare Proof Gi K26 = £ 2'000.rnProvenance: Phillips, London, 7 April 1994, lot 397.
Lot #4238 - europe Great Britain
1884 (April 1): 1 s. dull green, lettered AG, an unused example of rich colour and superb, large part og. A very scarce stamp unused Gi K26 = £ 1'400.
Lot #4239 - europe Great Britain
1884 (April 1): 1 s. dull green, lettered CI-CJ / DI-DJ, an unused block of four in a rich deep shade, well centred with large part og. A delightful and very rare multiple Gi K26 = £ 7'500.rnProvenance: Andrew G. Lajer list, Feb 2007.
Lot #4240 - europe Great Britain
1883 (Aug 1): 9 d. dull green, lettered HH, a used example of superb deep colour and showing portion of adjoining stamp at left, tied to "Parcel Post" label by "Stirling" circular datestamp (Aug 8, 1883) in black - just a week after issue. An extraordinarily early usage of this key stamp, some spotting on the label at top but of great scarcity Gi K25 = £ 475.
Lot #4241 - europe Great Britain
1886: De La Rue Die Proofs in black on glazed white card, 17 examples in cut-down format from the Striking Books, with completed designs of ½ d., 1881 1 d., 2½ d., 3 d., 6 d. and 1 s.; frame only designs for 1½ d., 2 d., 4 d., 5 d. and 9 d. values; vignette or Duty tablet only designs for 1½ d., 2 d., 4 d., 5 d. (both Die I and Die II, proving that both were originally produced prior to issue) and 9 d., this last defective at right. The cards...
Lot #4242 - europe Great Britain
1887 (Jan 1): ½ d. vermilion, a used horizontal pair, marginal from base of sheet, struck with single strike of "BA / E" obliterator (British Army, Egypt) in black. The pair was cancelled by favour at the British Army Post Office booth at the 1890 London Guildhall Exhibition. Crease in margin but rare and of superb appearance.rnProvenance: Collection Jeffrey K. Weiss, RL, London, 17 Dec 1996, lot 47.
Lot #4243 - europe Great Britain
1887 (Jan 1): 1½ d. dull purple & pale green, unused blocks of four (2) in differing shades, with block in paler shade showing, on first stamp, major flaw on the value tablet with frame break leading down to "d" in "1½d." and fourth stamp with "1" in "½" showing diagonal white line towards "d". Fresh and fine multiples with large part or unmounted og. Gi K29(1)+K29(2) = £ 150+.
Lot #4244 - europe Great Britain
1887 (Jan 1): 1½ d. dull purple & pale green, an unused block of four, first stamp showing "Deformed Leaf" variety (Duty Plate 4, Row 19, stamp 1), some minor rubs but very scarce, large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. Rare and attractive block Gi K29e = £ 800+.
Lot #4245 - europe Great Britain
1886: Colour Trial for the Jubilee 2 d. value, on white wove paper without watermark, perf. 14, printed in purple with duty tablet in pale brown, fresh and very fine, superb large part og. Prepared for a colour standard for the 1 s. green & carmine. Rare and most attractive Gi K30 = £ 1'000.rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 20 Oct 1993, ex lot 324.
Lot #4246 - europe Great Britain
1887 (Jan 1): 2 d. grey-green & carmine, an unused block of twenty-four (6 x 4), marginal from left of sheet, of fresh vibrant colour and superb large part og. with 21 stamps unmounted og. Gi K30(3) = £ 1'000+.rn
Lot #4247 - europe Great Britain
1887 (Jan 1): 2½ d. purple on blued, an unused block of four, marginal from base of sheet, overprinted SPECIMEN (Type 9) in black. Fresh and very fine but for diagonal crease in margin only, large part og. the lower stamps unmounted og. Rare Gi K31s = £ 370.rnProvenance: Collection Jeffrey K. Weiss, RL, London, 17 Dec 1996, lot 105.rn
Lot #4248 - europe Great Britain
1886: De La Rue Due Proof for the 3 d. value, printed in black on glazed white card, dated "20 MAR. 86" in black. Rare and very fine Gi K32 = £ 1'550.rnProvenance: Collection Jeffrey K. Weiss, RL, London, 17 Dec 1996, lot 117.rn
Lot #4249 - europe Great Britain
1886: Plate Proof for 3 d. value printed in black on green, poor quality unwatermarked wove paper, an imperforate block of four with good margins all round, without gum. A scarce and most unusual multiple Gi K32 = £ 1'300.rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 20 Oct 1993, lot 331.
Lot #4250 - europe Great Britain
1887 (Jan 1): 3 d. purple on yellow, shades, two unused blocks of four, both from Plate 4, marginal from the lower right corner of the sheet (Row 20, Stamp 11) with "Damaged Ornament" variety in each block, one block in a deep shade from an early State, second block in a later State with same variety but Row 20, Stamp 12 also showing "Broken Frame Line" at base, imperfections but largely fresh and fine, large part og. A very scarce pair of...
Lot #4251 - europe Great Britain
1890: 3 d. purple on orange paper, an unused example, marginal from base of sheet, of spectacular true colour, tiny wrinkle on unmounted og. An exceedingly rare shade. Photocopy of RPSL certificatee (1976) of the block of four from which this stamp was split Gi K32(3) = £ 1'300.rnProvenance: Phillips, London, 7 April 1994, lot 425.
Lot #4252 - europe Great Britain
1886/87: 4 d. green & purple-brown, an imperforate Imprimatur, large margins all round with sheet margin at top, fresh and fine, large part og. Scarce, just 46 stamps removed from the Imprimatur sheets Gi K33 = £ 725.rnProvenance: Collection Jeffrey K. Weiss, RL, London, 17 Dec 1996, lot 139.rn
Lot #4253 - europe Great Britain
1892: De La Rue Die Proof for the 4½ d. value, Frame / Duty (Plate 8) only, printed in black on glazed white card, dated "10 MAY. 92" in blue and endorsed BEFORE / HARDENING in black. Fresh and fine, a rare Proof Gi K34 = £ 1'850.rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 8 Oct 1997, lot 120.
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More