collectie 1864-2008 gestempeld en */** met velletjes, prestigeboekjes en postwaardestukken, ca. EUR 590 nominaal, in 3 albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
223rd Auction
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen 223rd Auction
A spectacular auction including a recent archive find of incoming mail to Amsterdam with valuable covers from France, Great Britain and its colonies (including Hong Kong), Portugal, Switzerland and more. The air mail collection from Hans E. Aitink. Postcards including a unique collection of Surinam.
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- Coins - Medals - Paper money (1) Apply Coins - Medals - Paper money filter
- European Countries (686) Apply European Countries filter
- France and Former Territories (109) Apply France and Former Territories filter
- Germany and Former Territories (324) Apply Germany and Former Territories filter
- great britain and former territories (350) Apply great britain and former territories filter
- Netherlands and Former Territories (1828) Apply Netherlands and Former Territories filter
- Outside Europa (350) Apply Outside Europa filter
- Topics and Miscellaneous (394) Apply Topics and Miscellaneous filter
Lot #349 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
Lot #350 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
Legioenblokken engros */** en gestempeld (15 sets en 4x 402B extra) in ringband
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #351 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
puntstempels, collectie tussen 1-256 op diverse waarden emissie 1872 w.b. mooie afdrukken en betere kantoren, totaal 900 ex. in deels gemengde kwaliteit in ringband
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #352 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
Kinderbedankkaarten, voorraad vanaf 1950 w.b. veel betere ex. met o.a. Comité, totaal ca. 350 ex. in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #353 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
automaatboekjes met telblokjes, complete collectie ** (inclusief PB6b, 9b en 9eF) in goede kwaliteit in luxe Davo album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #354 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
klassiek engros vanaf 1864 met betere ex. w.b. nrs. 6 (7x), 11 (3x), 12 (4x), 29, 47, 48, 49 (2x) etc. in ringband
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #355 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-1987 gestempeld en */** met betere ex., series en combinaties in 4 albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #356 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
PTT mapjes 2002 t/m 2011 in doos, nominaal EUR 643
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #357 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
114 particulier bedrukte postwaardestukken, gebruikt w.b. Dorus Rijkers, Kinabu en ongebruikt w.b. 3 ex. UPU 1927 en veel t.g.v. filatelistische evenementen
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #358 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
68 verschillende ongebruikte spoorwegbriefkaarten
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #359 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
emissie 1864, collectie van ca. 35 poststukken alle met langstempels van hulppostkantoren (meest provincies Groningen, Friesland en Drenthe) keurig opgezet in blanco album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #360 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorfilatelie, collectie van ruim 200 poststukken met vele verschillende stempels in 3 ringbandjes
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #361 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
** 2005-2012, nominaal ruim EUR 510
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #362 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-2007 gestempeld en */** met nominaal in 2 albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #363 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
** en gestempeld w.b. nominaal ruim EUR 430 en NL1 (90x) in 3 insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #364 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
100 jaar vorstinnen gestempeld en */** w.b. 534/537 ** in speciaal album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #365 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
** vanaf 1936 w.b. vel(de)len jaren '30 en '40 in 15 insteekboeken in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #366 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
en iets O.R. met betere ex. w.b. 131, 136-138 en LP 12-13 gestempeld, 518-537 *, boekje 9b etc. in insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #367 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
jaren 1980-1991 ** in vellen en veldelen in 13 vellenmappen in doos, (ca. nominaal fl. 12.850)
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #368 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
motief Vogels in Nederland, 78 velletjes NL1 à 10 zegels **
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #369 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
rolzegels, collectie ** met betere ex. in insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #370 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
automaatboekjes, collectie ** w.b. de goede boekjes nr. 9, combinaties en OR in 4 Davo albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #371 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 2000-2008 ** in 4 luxe Davo albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #372 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad */** w.b. veel jaren '50 in 3 insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #373 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
w.b. beter materiaal in klein insteekboekje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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