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lot # 30348 - Romania King Carol 1869 - "Without Beard" Imperforate

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024 10:00 Europe/Zurich

1872 (27.2) Folded lettersheet from Giurgiu to Bucharest, franked with mixed issue franking of King Carol I 1869 15 bani red, good even margins and 1872 25 bani brown, perforated 12, tied by double-circle "GIURGIU/17.8" cds and boxed framed "RECOMANDAT" hs, part arrival bs, cover refolded with some minor repairs, a wonderful combination franking of imperforate with no beard and perforation with beard, cert. Heimbuchler (2000).



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About The Seller

David Feldman S.A.

David Feldman S.A. company has had a long and well-established tradition and experience in the international philatelic world. David Feldman auctions has unparalleled success at auction, achieving... Read More

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