1742c.: Cover from New York addressed to the "Rt. Honourable George Thomas Esq., Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Provice of Pennsylvania and the Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex on the Delaware, in Philadelphia" with manuscript "NY dust 9:-" at top in ink. Interior of cover with notes regarding payments. Thomas was Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania from 1738-1747. Rare.
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG CORINPHILA AUCTIONS 297 - 308 Day 3
Auction Schedule Corinphila Auctions 298-307, 2 - 9 June 2023
The 298 - 3070 Corinphila Auction will start Friday/Saturday June 2nd/3rd with Switzerland and will be continued with Europe and Overseas from Monday June 5th through to Friday June 9th 2022
Attention: There is NO Auction on Sunday June 4th 2023!
We kindly ask you to view as early as possible. We arrange the possibility from Monday, May 8th onwards to view the large size lots during our office hours. Please contact us either by phone +41 44 389 91 91 or Mail in advance.
Viewing and Auction in our premises at Wiesenstrasse 8 in Zurich.
Freitag, 2. Juni / Friday 2 June 2023 |
Catalogue 305 |
Schweiz und Liechtenstein |
09.00 h |
9001 - 9365 |
Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz |
13.00 h |
9366-9701 |
Historische Stiche u. Ansichten Schweiz, Sammlungen und Posten |
Catalogue 301 |
The BESANÇON Collection |
15.00 h |
5001 - 5394 |
British West Africa (part II) |
Samstag 3. Juni 2023 / Saturday 3 June 2023 |
Catalogue 301 |
Schweiz und Liechtenstein |
09.00 h |
9801-9920 |
Fürstentum Liechtenstein |
10.00 h |
8001-8287 |
Schweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken – Rayonmarken |
14.00 h |
8288-8619 |
Sitz. Helvetia (Strubel) – UPU, inkl. Sammlung Ziffernmarken Dr. James Johnston |
Montag 5. Juni 203 / Monday 5 June 2023 |
Catalogue 307 |
The DUBOIS Collection (part II) |
09.00 h |
20001-20729 |
Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia |
Catalogue 298 |
Europe & Overseas |
16.00 h |
1-209 |
Americas – North, Central & South America |
Catalogue 304 |
The Guyaquil Collection (part III) |
18.00 h |
7501-7586 |
Ecuador 1865-1872 |
Dienstag 6. Juni 2023 / Tuesday 6 June 2023 |
Catalogue 298 |
Europe & Overseas |
09.00 h |
210 - 1051 |
British Commonwealth, including
Catalogue 306 |
Die Sammlung Erivan |
17.00 h |
10001-10190 |
Zeppelinpost (Teil II) |
Mittwoch 7. Juni 2023 / Wednesday 7 June 2023 |
Catalogue 298 |
Europe & Overseas |
09.00 h |
1052 - 1348 |
Asia / Africa, incl. Postal History of Nepal - The Robert Wightman Collection |
Catalogue 299 |
Great Britain |
09.00 h |
3401-3647 |
The Line Engraved Issues 1840-1870 - The Ake Rietz Collection |
Catalogue 300 |
The 'CHATEAU DU SOUDUN' Collection |
14.30 h |
4001-4230 |
Great Britain - Mint Victorian Stamps & St. Lucia |
Catalogue 298 |
Europe & Overseas |
16.30 h |
1349-1481 |
Great Britain |
18.00 h | 1481A-1571 |
All World Collections and Accumulations, Literature |
Donnerstag 8. Juni 2023 / Thursday 8 June 2023 |
Catalogue 296 |
Europe & Overseas |
09.00 h |
1572-2334 |
Europe A-N including Greenland 1721-1938
15.00 h |
2335-2789 |
Europe O-Z including
Freitag 9. Juni 2023 / Friday 9 June 2023 |
Catalogue 303 |
Die Sammlung Waldviertel (Teil II) |
09.00 h |
7001-7270 |
Österreich & Lombardo-Veneto 1850-1867 |
Catalogue 302 |
The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part VI) |
12.00 h |
6001-6702 |
Italy, France, European countries, South and Central America |
Sale Terms
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Lot #2 - Overseas usa
18478: Franklin 5 c. pale red-brown on blued, a used example with large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at top, cancelled by barred grid obliterator in red. Signed Georg Bühler Scott = $ 425.
Lot #3 - Overseas usa
1857 (Jan 10): Cover from Annapolis to La Spezzia, Kingdom of Sardinia, bearing 1856 Jefferson 5 c. brown imperf., a fine adhesive with good to large margins, shaved at base, tied by crisp "ANNAPOLIS Md." cds in black, "GB / 1F 60C" accountancy handstamp and French "ETATS-UNIS PAQ. BRIT. CALAIS 27 JANV. 57" entry cds, both in black alongside. Reverse with "BOSTON Br PKT 14 JAN" transit cds in black, LONDON transit cds in red and GENOVA...
Lot #4 - Overseas usa
1867: 30 c. orange, with grill, used on 1869 cover from New York to Paris endorsed "pr. Russia, French Mail", tied by bold strike of circular segmented cork handstamp in black. "NEW YORK / PAID 12" cds of despatch and red 'PD' with Calais entry marking (Jan. 17) in red. Slight soiling but a very rare stamp on letter Scott = $ 2'000.
Lot #5 - Overseas usa
Lindberghiana 1926 (Dec. 3):CONTRACT AIR MAIL SERVICE / DAILY REPORT - Pilot Receipt Official Form 270 receipt for mail, flown and signed by Charles Lindbergh by his own hand, cancelled by "SPRINGFIELD ILL DEC 3 7AM" duplex. A fine and outstanding airpost document.rn
Lot #6 - Overseas usa
Goodyear Airship VOLUNTEER 1931 (June 12): 'First Pacific Coast Ship-to-shore Air Mail Transfer' three printed envelopes from the "S.S. City of Los Angeles with green special flight cachet on reverse, two franked with 5 c. (slight stained perfs.) plus 2 c. surface rate, sent via "San Pedro Calif. June 12" to Waterford, Ireland, third with 5 c.single franking to Long Island NY.
Lot #7 - Overseas hawaii
1893: Princess 1 c. green overprinted "Provisional Govt. / 1893" in red in a complete unused pane of fifty (5 x 10) and King David 2 c. rose overprinted "Provisional Govt. / 1893" in black in a complete unused pane of fifty (5 x 10), each with American Bank Note Co. imprint at base, fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og. Scarce multiples.
Lot #8 - Overseas hawaii
Literature 1948: Hawaii - Its stamp and postal history by Henry A. Meyer, 412 p. bound in blue linnen, published by Philatelic Foundation New York incl. Part I 'The Postal History of Hawaii' - Part II 'The Stamps of Hawaii' - Part III 'The Postal markings of Hawaii' plus Appendices. Fine copy together with 1976 Robson Lowe catalogue Hawaii - The 'Spencer' collection as well as 1998 Robert A. Siegel Auction catalogue of 'The Christian H. AAll...
Lot #9 - Overseas usa
1851/1938: Small collection with a few hundred stamps used/unused incl. some better values from the early years, airmails, souvenir sheets, officials, postage dues as well as few items from Guam, Hawaii, offices in China and Canal Zone, on album pages, in addition a stockbook with duplicats and two office files containing cards, picture postcards, postal stationery items, FDC's and plenty of modern business mail envelopes owner's car = Mi €...
Lot #10 - Overseas usa
1857/1930: Small accumulation of United States and areas oddments, many of which are unusual such as two post cards from China respectively dated 1919 and 1922, the former with censor. The Shanghai Overprints are represented to 40c, the 20c orange and 24 red both with clear parcel Roller 'SHANGHAI CHINA', Hawaiian postal stationery, nearly fifty private despatch stamps and several Telegraph proofs. The quality is mixed as usual, with good and...
Lot #11 - Overseas usa
1856/1880: Four delightful small envelopes all of business card size, one franked Blood's Penny Post from Philadelphia the other three with USPS stamps, all untied but credible, attractive and scarce.
Lot #12 - Overseas usa
1860/1960: Lot of ca. 80 items, of which one front and one part of a cover, beginning with some attractive 19th century letters, quite a lot of stationery (circulated and uncirculated) and picture postcards, register covers, air mail, one parcel card highly franked form Switzerland to the USA. Regarding ciculated mail the destination is often Switzerland.
Lot #13 - Overseas usa
1980/96: Lot 15 memorial covers with included coins and medals, seven of them shwoing large items in pure silver, in addition some other special items, all to remember famous persons as John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, Mount Rushmore or Statue of Liberty, in an album.
Lot #14 - Overseas Argentina
Colonial 1799 (July 26): Entire letter from Buenos Aires to Lima, Peru struck with fine "BUENOS / AYRES" handstamp in red, rated "4½" reales in manuscript. Slight acid ink fault but scarce so fine.
Lot #15 - Overseas Argentina
1832 (Aug 14): Entire letter from Buenos Aires to Ayr, Scotland endorsed "per Emulous Pkt." (Naval Packet), strucvk on entry at Falmouth with typically weak but scarce "BUENOS AYRES / O" handstamp in green, Scottish wheel tax "½" handstamp also in green and reverse with Ayr arrival (Nov 29) and charged "3/9d." due to pay. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #16 - Overseas Argentina
1854 (March 18): Prepaid entire letter from Buenos Aires to Rosario, struck with superb oval framed "FRANCA" in blue. The entire slightly distressed internally but displays well. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #17 - Overseas Argentina
1868 (June 15): Double Atlantic crossing entire letter from Buenos Aires to New York endorsed "via Southampton" at top, reverse with British P.O. "BUENOS-AYRES" cds im black (June 26) alongside "London" cds (Aug 1). Struck on arrival with Depreciated currency "NEW YORK / 45 / U.S. NOTES" datestamp (Aug 11) with "32 Cents" British credit handstamp alongside. Scarce. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #18 - Overseas Argentina
1878 (8.Jan) : 8c. lake rouletted and 1f olive (minor perforation fault) as a rare mixed franking France and Argentina on a very clean transatlantic letter from 'BUENOS AIRES' to 'PARIS'. The 'BUENOS-AYRES PAQ. FR. J No 3' confirms that the letter was passed on board ship the day it was posted in Buenos Aires. An arrival mark PARIS ETRANGER (7. Feb.) is struck on the back.
Lot #19 - Overseas Argentina
Confederation 1858 (May): 5 c. bright red, a used example, with good to large margins all round, used on cover to Tucuman tied by oval "CORREO NACIONAL / FRANCA / ROSARIO" handstamp in black. File fold just above the adhesive but fine. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #20 - Overseas Argentina
1865: Rivadavia 5 c. brown-rose, prf. 11½, a worn example used on 20 April 1866 enttire letter to Tupisa tied by oval "CORREOS / DE SALTA" handstamp in black. An attractive entire. Ex the Brian Moorhoue estate.
Lot #21 - Overseas brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 10 r. vermilion in a vertical pair with single 100 r. blue-green, used on 1876 entire letter from Bahia to Figueira, Portugal somewhat heavily tied by cork obliterators in black. BAHIA despatch cds below (April 10). Reverse with "P. Transatlantico" arrival in violet (April 25). A fine entire. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #22 - Overseas Argentina
Incoming Airmail 1937 (Feb. 2): Legal sized registered business envelope from "Baltimore MD Feb 2. 37", franked with 1922/25 Head of Freedom 5 $ carmine and blue and additional adhesives of 15 c., sent by airmail to "Rosario Argentina 11. Feb.37", RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED and returned to "Baltimore MD Feb 12. 1937". Rare high 5$ - franking.
Lot #23 - Overseas Argentina
1908/1949: Decorative stationery, twenty-eight entires with a good range of overseas destinations and different designs, coastal scenes, gardens, farming, Esperanto, two with postage due. An "easy on the eye" lot.
Lot #24 - Overseas Argentina
International Exhibition Collection of Argentine Air Mail 1924-1939 'The Development of Argentine Outbound and Domestic Airmail' showed by carrier, routes and rates with the different rate changes up to 1939. The fine internationally exhibited eight frame collection comprising 220 covers showing the development of Argentine airmail starting with the Early Flights 1924, French Carriers, Argentine Aeropostal SA, US-carriers to German Lufthansa...
Lot #25 - Overseas Argentina
Incoming Mail 1897/1910: Group of 10 piture postcards from Europe to Argentine, incl. 1902 card from Bundaberg, Queensland (Native fishing, Mulgrave River) and 1907 card from Krugersdorp / Transvaal to Buenos Aires as well as 1910 card from Sweden to Rosario.
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More