German States, Bremen – 1856 5sgr, one reversed image cliché on celluloid in vermilion, Sperati`s preferred colour for good photographic exposure, a fascinating working cliché with annotations pertaining to the Verichrome film used, the violet filter, and various other production aspects; a very rare working cliché from which Sperati worked to produce his finished reproduction through the process of photolithography.
All World Collections, Indian States, Sperati - Day 5
By: David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. All World Collections, Indian States, Sperati - Day 5
We are thrilled to announce the opening of our prestigious June Spring Auction series. The sale features an exquisite array of over 5’300 lots of stamps, essays, proofs, postal history and collections from all over the world, just waiting to become a cherished part of your collection!
This auction presents the 10th in a series of auctions featuring the Joseph Chalhoub Collection of Egypt. It includes the early postal history of the Venetian mail, Napoleonic period, Posta Europea, Waghorn and other Agents, plus the stamps and postal history of both the First and Second Issues, King Fouad I and King Farouk.
Europe and Overseas
This auction features stamps and postal history from around the world, with better Austria, Italy, Portugal, particularly strong Romania including the “Marcel” Collection (part II), China, USA and important Persia, with the first part of the Bjorn Sohrne FRPSL collection with his International Large Gold Medal collection of postal stationery.
Olympics & Football
The auction features rare football World Cup medals and memorabilia from the 1930s and 1950s, as well as important Olympic philately and memorabilia including official decrees for the 1896 Athens issue, Specimen ticket albums from 1932 Los Angeles and 1936 Berlin, 1972 Sapporo participant's badges and IOC Session badge, Pierre de Coubertin handwritten letter, etc.
France & Colonies
This auction includes major rarities of classic France such as the exceptional mixed franking of the Ceres 1F carmine and 1F vermilion on cover plus a Ceres 1F tête-bêche pair on cover, as well as the second part of a fantastic collection of over 240 lots of Liberation issues. French Colonies also includes the unique Saint Pierre & Miquelon set of unissued "Libres France" overprints.
Great Britain
This auction presents the greatest offering of Great Britain that we have ever had the pleasure to offer in over 50 years, with an exceptional array of Line Engraved including major rarities, as well as important Surface Printed and KGV.
All World Collections:
This auction features groups, collections and estates from around the world, including specialised exhibit collections such as the John Davis collection of British Forces in Egypt and an FIP Large Gold medal exhibit collection of the Argentina Liberty Heads. This auction represents a great opportunity for collectors looking for a new area to collect, or for dealers looking to add fresh material to their stock.
Indian States
This auction presents 440 lots of Indian States with a wide range of material from many of the States with stamps, varieties and covers, and at price levels from the very affordable to the showpiece rarities. The particular highlight is certainly the Barwani collection of Tony MacGillycuddy, formed over many decades.
Sperati’s Art of Philately
The auction features over 130 lots from philately's most famous forger, Jean de Sperati, with his working clichés and impressions on glass and celluloid paper. It includes a complete approval book that features 235 finished reproductions of some of the world’s rarest classic stamps gifted by Sperati to his daughter, as well as forgeries of some of the most iconic stamps such as the Mauritius Post Office issues, the Swedish 3sk, Australia Roo issues, Great Britain's 2s brown and VR Officials, Austria's Mercury issue, etc.
British Empire
The British Empire auction features attractive British West Indies throughout, with rare stamps, proofs, postal history, stationery and collections. The British Offices in Siam section has a stunning range Bangkok “B”s, with mint and used and no fewer than 8 covers. From Ireland we have the second portions of the Des Quail collection of postal history and the Barry Cousins collection of essays and overprints. As well as better India and Cape of Good Hope triangulars.
Egypt – Chalhoub Part X
Europe and Overseas
Olympic Philately and Memorabilia
France and Colonies
Great Britain
All World Collections
Indian States
British Empire
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Lot #80059 - Sperati
German States, Bremen – 1856 5sgr, one spectacular negative reversed image cliché block of four on translucent glass with black border around, featuring one very unusual flaw white spot on one stamp that is marked “47 fixé” (perhaps referring to year 1947), also “taches verre chassis” with an arrow pointing to the black border; a unique cliché featuring Sperati`s working notes.
Lot #80060 - Sperati
German States, Hannover – 1860 10gr, two glass support clichés of extraordinary beauty, one in a radiant green (mirror image) dated Aug 1935 with Sperati`s production annotations relarting to exposure time and temperature, and an impression on thick glass in vermilion, also a small group of cancellation trials on paper, with production notes in pencil, incl. Hannover circular datestamp, Blumenthal circular, linecancels of Emden, Lehe,...
Lot #80061 - Sperati
German States, Hannover – 1861 10gr two glass clichés, one in black and one in the radiant vermilion colour that Sperati preferred for optimum contrast, showing hand-painted surround and comprehensive production notes at base, specifying temperature, chemical composition and exposure duration; a very attractive pair of clichés.
Lot #80062 - Sperati
German States, Lübeck – 1859 two items featuring the face value error “Zwei ein Halb”, one thick glass support cliché and one printing trial with reversed image in a radiant rose pin and with Sperati`s technical annotations; very rare, with only one finished reproduction of Lübeck being offered in the “Ultimate” collection sale of Sperati.
Lot #80063 - Sperati
German States, Oldenburg – 1855-61 issues, fourteen components of Sperati’s production, comprising:
1855 1/3sgr: four glass clichés, in gray and black with technical notes at base relating to the violet filter used, chemical composition and exposure time.
1859 2gr: four glass clichés in deep red, vermilion and light red, all with manufacture notations at base, and a black negative cliché, and a trial impression in black on...
Lot #80064 - Sperati
German States, Oldenburg – 1859-61, 1/3gr one finished reproduction, unused (type A) and 2gr, one finished reproduction, unused (type A), both signed Jean Sperati in pencil on back, also two celluloid clichés, one of each value, 1/3gr in vermilion and with production notes, the 2gr in black, both with image reversed; a fine and unique group of matching celluloids and finished stamp reproductions.
Lot #80065 - Sperati
German States, Oldenburg – 1861, 2gr one negative master cliché dated July 1941, and a thick glass support cliché with an exposure in vermilion, also two fine clichés on celluloid, in brown (dateed 1941) and vermilion (mirror image), the colour that Sperati often preferred for optimum contrast, one cliché with Sperati`s handwritten production comments; a fine group that includes the key master cliché on the basis of which the finished...
Lot #80066 - Sperati
German States, Saxony – 1850 3pf, group of thirteen objects, comprising 4 glass support clichés, two in red, one dated Aug 1941 with production notes at top and base, and another noting exposure time and temperature, five clichés on celluloid, one with integrated cds numeral 2, with comprehensive notes written by Sperati about the celluloid used (Pathé), temperature and exposure time, also four photographic fragments with postmarks Zittau,...
Lot #80067 - Sperati
German States, Saxony – 1850 3pf, group of two beautiful glass support clichés, one in red-vermilion with dating March 1945 and Sperati`s characteristic production notes written around the area of design, also a very fine glass with an impression of the stamp in a luminous white-gray. Five cancellation trials include a gray celluloid with two Leipzig datestamps, and four papers with working proofs of mute circular bar cds, numeral 15, Leipzig...
Lot #80068 - Sperati
German States, Saxony – 1850 3pf, small group of four items, including two glass support clichés in black and red, and two clichés on celluloid in red, one mounted on thick cardboard and marked “Pathé“, denoting the type of film used, and one smeared with vermilion colour around the design and with production annotations; a unique working lot of Sperati towards this world-famous German issue.
Lot #80069 - Sperati
German States, Saxony – 1850 3pf, one glass support cliché in black on translucent glass dated Aug 1941, with a very detailed impression and integrated cds, and one beautiful cliché with image reversal on celluloid in red vermilion and note “fort Pathé” denoting the Pathé brand of celluloid used by Sperati, a very fine pair of working clichés.
Lot #80070 - Sperati
German States, Saxony – 1850 3pf one splendid celluloid cliché with a reversed image impression in a refulgent red-vermilion with some decorative production notes at base, a very fine and rare cliché of the sort that Sperati worked on in preparation for the finished stamp reproduction; displaying well as an example of Sperati`s high-quality reproduction.
Lot #80071 - Sperati
Great Britain – 1840 Penny Black Official VR, an outstanding group of ten glass clichés, all lettered PE, in a startling array of colours, including red, gray-blue, light gray, brown, three in negative, one is a true Sperati working cliché that includes manuscript notation about exposure, filter, chemicals, and temperature; the Penny Black VR official has not been mentioned in the literature on Sperati; this is a major discovery associated...
Lot #80072 - Sperati
Great Britain – 1840 Penny Black Official VR, an incomparable group of seven items, comprising five glass clichés (one with mirror image), all lettered PE, one in red and two in black with razor-sharp impression, also a black impression on transparent celluloid paper, and a faint gray impression on celluloid. The Penny Black official has not been mentioned in the literature on Sperati; this is a major discovery associated with this most...
Lot #80073 - Sperati
Great Britain – 1840 Penny Black Official VR, one glass cliché in red and one in black, both lettered PE, with razor-sharp impression. The Penny Black VR official has not been mentioned in the literature on Sperati; this is a matching pair of the highest beauty and rarity. This lot comes with Sperati`s own cardboard box for photographic paper of the Lumiere Brothers brand.
Lot #80074 - Sperati
Great Britain – 1880 2s Queen Victoria, group of five glass clichés of position KJ, incl. one negative cliché painted with brown surround to focus the light, also a cliché in the red-brown colour, with varying production annotations showing Sperati experimenting with differing levels of light exposure to achieve the most desirable result; a unique range towards the production of this famous stamp.
Lot #80075 - Sperati
Great Britain – 1880 2s Queen Victoria, group of three glass clichés of position KJ, incl. a cliché in red-brown, black, and a most unusual dark, steely blue, the latter with dating Oct 1951 and a note “tiré” denoting a satisfactory result to make the finished reproduction, also two clichés on celluloid with mirror image in shades of brown, one with Sperati’s pencil arrows to indicate retouching needed; a unique range in the two media of...
Lot #80076 - Sperati
Hungary – 1871 2kr reversed image impression in black on photographic paper with manufacture notes, and 3kr red-brown glass support cliché together with Sperati’s paper wrapping for this Hungary 3kr; an exceptional pair of the highest rarity, only one single 3kr reproduction was included in the Sperati “Ultimate” collection.
Lot #80077 - Sperati
India – 1854-1882 Queen Victoria, a fascinating and wide-ranging group of reproduction materials for stamps and postmarks, comprising a unique exposure on glass of the mute barred diamond cds used on the 1854 4 anna stamp (the only known Sperati object that incorporates this issue), one glass cliché of 2a 1856, three glass clichés of 1r 1882 in black and brown with production notes, also four clichés on celluloid of the 1r, of which three are...
Lot #80078 - Sperati
India – 1882-89, 1r, the un-overprinted design used by Sperati in a group of five items, including an attractive celluloid cliché coloured black around the design for optimum contrast, and two celluloid clichés with reverse image in black and some notations, also two fine glass support clichés on different coloured backgrounds; unique components of stamp production with nothing similar in other collections or archives.
Lot #80079 - Sperati
Italian States, Naples – 1860 issue 1/2t one glass support cliché with mirror image, with production notes around area of design and dating “7/38” indicating July 1938. An attractive piece of supportive production material.
Lot #80080 - Sperati
Italian States, Papal States – 1852 issue 50b and 1s, 50b working trial in blue on thin paper, and two proofs of the 1s top value with impression in black; three attractive production elements impressed on very thin paper.
Lot #80081 - Sperati
Italian States, Parma – 1859 “Provisional Government” 80c, 5 production items, incl. two glass support clichés with mirror image, one coloured black around the area of design and one red, together with accompanying proof impressions on paper in black and red, one dated June 1924 and thus a very early Sperati production, also one fine impression on translucent onionskin paper, a very attractive set.
Lot #80082 - Sperati
Italian States, Sardinia – 1851-63 issue 3l, two glass support clichés, clear impression in red-vermilion and one in dark brown with mirror image, with interesting production notations at top and base and coloured around the area of design in order to concentrate light.
David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. company has had a long and well-established tradition and experience in the international philatelic world. David Feldman auctions has unparalleled success at auction, achieving... Read More
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