1949 Court Fee overprinted "SAURASHTRA": 1a purple, used, showing "POSTAGE" omitted variety, fine and scarce; ex George Harell (S.G. £425).
All World Collections, Indian States, Sperati - Day 5
By: David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. All World Collections, Indian States, Sperati - Day 5
We are thrilled to announce the opening of our prestigious June Spring Auction series. The sale features an exquisite array of over 5’300 lots of stamps, essays, proofs, postal history and collections from all over the world, just waiting to become a cherished part of your collection!
This auction presents the 10th in a series of auctions featuring the Joseph Chalhoub Collection of Egypt. It includes the early postal history of the Venetian mail, Napoleonic period, Posta Europea, Waghorn and other Agents, plus the stamps and postal history of both the First and Second Issues, King Fouad I and King Farouk.
Europe and Overseas
This auction features stamps and postal history from around the world, with better Austria, Italy, Portugal, particularly strong Romania including the “Marcel” Collection (part II), China, USA and important Persia, with the first part of the Bjorn Sohrne FRPSL collection with his International Large Gold Medal collection of postal stationery.
Olympics & Football
The auction features rare football World Cup medals and memorabilia from the 1930s and 1950s, as well as important Olympic philately and memorabilia including official decrees for the 1896 Athens issue, Specimen ticket albums from 1932 Los Angeles and 1936 Berlin, 1972 Sapporo participant's badges and IOC Session badge, Pierre de Coubertin handwritten letter, etc.
France & Colonies
This auction includes major rarities of classic France such as the exceptional mixed franking of the Ceres 1F carmine and 1F vermilion on cover plus a Ceres 1F tête-bêche pair on cover, as well as the second part of a fantastic collection of over 240 lots of Liberation issues. French Colonies also includes the unique Saint Pierre & Miquelon set of unissued "Libres France" overprints.
Great Britain
This auction presents the greatest offering of Great Britain that we have ever had the pleasure to offer in over 50 years, with an exceptional array of Line Engraved including major rarities, as well as important Surface Printed and KGV.
All World Collections:
This auction features groups, collections and estates from around the world, including specialised exhibit collections such as the John Davis collection of British Forces in Egypt and an FIP Large Gold medal exhibit collection of the Argentina Liberty Heads. This auction represents a great opportunity for collectors looking for a new area to collect, or for dealers looking to add fresh material to their stock.
Indian States
This auction presents 440 lots of Indian States with a wide range of material from many of the States with stamps, varieties and covers, and at price levels from the very affordable to the showpiece rarities. The particular highlight is certainly the Barwani collection of Tony MacGillycuddy, formed over many decades.
Sperati’s Art of Philately
The auction features over 130 lots from philately's most famous forger, Jean de Sperati, with his working clichés and impressions on glass and celluloid paper. It includes a complete approval book that features 235 finished reproductions of some of the world’s rarest classic stamps gifted by Sperati to his daughter, as well as forgeries of some of the most iconic stamps such as the Mauritius Post Office issues, the Swedish 3sk, Australia Roo issues, Great Britain's 2s brown and VR Officials, Austria's Mercury issue, etc.
British Empire
The British Empire auction features attractive British West Indies throughout, with rare stamps, proofs, postal history, stationery and collections. The British Offices in Siam section has a stunning range Bangkok “B”s, with mint and used and no fewer than 8 covers. From Ireland we have the second portions of the Des Quail collection of postal history and the Barry Cousins collection of essays and overprints. As well as better India and Cape of Good Hope triangulars.
Egypt – Chalhoub Part X
Europe and Overseas
Olympic Philately and Memorabilia
France and Colonies
Great Britain
All World Collections
Indian States
British Empire
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Lot #70425 - Indian States SORUTH
1949 Court Fee overprinted "SAURASHTRA": 1a purple, unused, showing double overprint variety, fine and scarce (S.G. £550).
Lot #70426 - Indian States SORUTH
Official: 1948 8a black and yellow-green overprinted SARKARI (SGO7) in vermilion and further overprinted and showing variety "ANNN" for "ANNA", used, fine and very scarce (S.G. £750).
Lot #70427 - Indian States SORUTH
Officials: 1949 Provisional Official 3p with "SARKARI" manuscript overprint in red in used vertical pair on piece cancelled by double circle, lower stamp damaged as often seen, scarce; cert. BPA (2006) (see footnote after SGO22).
Lot #70428 - Indian States SORUTH
Officials: 1929 1/2a black and deep blue overprinted official "Service" in red manuscript, see Gibbons note after SGO22, used block of six on fragment, fine and a scarce multiple (S.G. £1'500), ex. Stoney.
Lot #70429 - Indian States SORUTH
Officials: 1949 1a on 1/2a black and deep blue surcharged in red and further overprinted official "Service" in purple manuscript, see Gibbons note after SGO22, used on fragment, fine and scarce; ex Stoney (S.G. £250).
Lot #70430 - Indian States SORUTH
Officials: 1949 1a on 1/2a black and deep blue surcharged in red and further overprinted official "Service" in blue manuscript, see Gibbons note after SGO22, used on fragment, fine and scarce; ex Stoney (S.G. £250).
Lot #70431 - Indian States SORUTH
1949 1a on 1/2a black and deep blue surcharged in red and further overprinted official "Service" in red manuscript, see Gibbons note after SGO22, pair used at UNA, fine and scarce pair, cert. BPA (S.G. £500).
Lot #70432 - Indian States SORUTH
Officials: 1949 2a on 12a grey and dull yellow surcharged in green and further overprinted official "Service" in red manuscript, see Gibbons note after SGO22, used pair on fragment, fine and scarce (S.G. £500), ex Stoney.
Lot #70433 - Indian States SORUTH
1864-1935 Large specialised accumulation on stockpages, SG1 used(3), SG 11 used(4), SG12 used, SG13 used and many reprints and a few forgeries, SG16 to SG41 many unused but mainly used, three native covers and SG35(2), SG36, SG40a(2) and SG40(2), SG42 to SG49 many unused and lesser used, multiples, sheets and covers with three covers of the 3 pies mauve and one damaged post card franked with the 3 pies mauve, better items include SG45 in a...
Lot #70434 - Indian States SORUTH
1948-49 "SARKARI" and "SAURASHTRA" ovpts: Small selection of unused and used with overprints and surcharges in various colours, on two stockpages showing SG58-61, O14-19 and O22, better items include O60 on cover, plus O16 mint, mixed to fine (24) (SG £1'237)
Lot #70435 - Indian States SORUTH
Officials: 1932-35 "SARKARI" ovpts: Small selection of unused and used with red overprints, on black stockpage showing SGO9-21 and O21-22, better items include O9a, O21 and O22, mixed to fine (16) (SG £1'911)
Lot #70436 - Indian States wadhwan
1888-94 Small mixed lot of unused and used on stock pages, showing SG1 to SG6 unused and used singles, better items SG1b and SG1c, mixed to fine (30+).
Lot #70437 - Indian States Indian States Collections and Lots
1888-94 Attractive accumulation of the following States: BAHAWALPUR mint & used on a stockpage, BIJAWAR including SG1 to SG15 all unused plus unused SG1 unused sheet of 12 with two panes of 6 (3 x2) tête-bêche, four stampless covers and one revenue stamp, six BARAUNDHA state colourful labels with the word “POSTAGE” in the bottom label (in 1983 Koppel & Manners reported that no adhesive fiscal stamps had been reported), FARIDKOT SG N5...
Lot #70438 - Indian States Indian States Collections and Lots
Convention States: 1887-1940s accumulation in large, well filled stockbook and loose stockpages, typically with duplicated used ranges of low values (also mint) and some better mint items throughout. We note From Faridkot SG 10, Gwalior SG 14, 25, 28 (used), 61A and 62B, also SG O85a inverted (used). Nabha SG O25a in block of 6, 3 with albino o/pt, O66 and O67 x 20 of each, Patiala SG O7a in block of 4 (toned gum), O83 x 5, Jind with several...
Lot #70439 - Indian States Indian States Collections and Lots
Revenues: Small collection of India and States revenue stamps and documents, the States with mostly Barwani incl. stockbook of Court Fee stamps and revenues from K&M 201 to 260 on 4 stockpages, 18 usages on documents incl. telegram, plus Jaipur revenues on 5 documents, Charkhari stamps on 7 revenue documents, Holkar 1a on share certificate, and Shapura 1a strip of four on document, and a stockbook of Indian Foreign Bills, Court Fee,...
Lot #70440 - Indian States Indian States Collections and Lots
Indian Feudatory States and Indian Convention States: 1880s to 1940s stock-book filled with more than 800 stamps unused and used with duplication and some AZAD HIND stamps as well as Tibet. The condition is as usual for India a bit mixed but also includes many fine stamps.
Lot #80000 - Sperati
All World – Sperati stamp collection, entitled “Collection no 1”, a stamp approval album (entitled “Timbres Postes”; measuring 15x20cm) exhibiting 235 Sperati reproductions of famous classic stamps; the range of stamps in this album is similar to those contained in Sperati`s famous Livre d`Or album.
This album was gifted by Jean de Sperati to his daughter Yvonne on her 28th birthday, inscribed by Sperati on the inside of the cover and...
Lot #80001 - Sperati
Jean de Sperati production of seven different stamps, mounted in approval booklet with Sperati’s logos and private cachets, “Jean de Sperati, Aix les Bains” and “Philatelie d’Art”, including two copies of Geneva 1846 5c large eagle unused, 1845 “Vaud” issue 5c with forged cancellation, Wurttemberg 1852 18kr used, Oldenburg 1861 ½g, type A of the two types produced, France 1852 20c presumably a genuine used example; an exceedingly rare example...
Lot #80002 - Sperati
Jean de Sperati 1948 – a sketch of Jean de Sperati in profile, with what resembles Sperati`s own handwriting “Souvenir croquis de Mlle Oswald 21.8 1948”; a sketch in blue pen that shows the stamp reproduction artist par excellence at the time when he was producing some of his finest reproductions.
Lot #80003 - Sperati
Argentina, Buenos Aires – 1858-59 “Barquitos” steamship issues, group of fifteen items, comprising:
Tres pesos: four glass clichés, two in negative and some with production notes about chemicals used and exposure times, also an exposure on celluloid with notes about the violet filter used.
Cuatro pesos: one very attractive glass cliché in brown and an exposure on celluloid in vermilionm (mirror image) with notes that specify...
Lot #80004 - Sperati
Argentina, Buenos Aires – 1858 “Barquitos” 4p one glass cliché in black with Sperati`s production notes at base detailing aspects of photographic exposure and chemicals required, and 5p a similar cliché with Sperati`s manuscript annotations; an attractive matching pair that takes us inside the Sperati workshop.
Lot #80005 - Sperati
Argentina, Buenos Aires – 1858-59 Liberty Head and steamship issues, group of six items, incl. one master negative of the 4r Liberty Head from which the clichés were derived, painted black around the area of design, two glass support clichés in black 1 peso steamship, 5p on celluloid negative with surround painted brown (noted “mal” by Sperati), also a proof on paper 4p vermilion ands one transparent photographic paper with 3p with mirror...
Lot #80006 - Sperati
Argentina, Buenos Aires – 1859 Liberty Head 4r one glass cliché in black (type A of the two types produced), mirror image, with some production notes inscribed at base and 2p one cliché on celluloid in gray-brown; an attractive and scarce matching pair of this famous issue.
Lot #80007 - Sperati
Australian States, Tasmania – 1892 £1, a spectacular group of sixteen production elements for the bicoloured stamp, including a rare engraved copper plate of the value tablet, an impression of the value tablet on darkened onionskin paper as well as on two glass support clichés, also four glass clichés featuring the design without value tablet in brown and in the vermilion so often preferred by Sperati, and four clichés on celluloid, one...
David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. company has had a long and well-established tradition and experience in the international philatelic world. David Feldman auctions has unparalleled success at auction, achieving... Read More
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