Ferslew 4 rbs. chocolate-brown, plate 1, pos. 41 with good to large margins, tied by target to small lettersheet with adjacent blue "KJØBENHAVN 7/4 1851" to Aabenraa, endorsed "frit" in the lower left corner contrary to the postal regulations. According to the circular 8/1851 the letter was advertised in the 'Berlingske Politiske og Avertissementstidende' and the letter held at the post office to give the sender the opportunity to pay the...
375rd Heinrich Köhler auction - Day 1
By: Heinrich Koehler Auktionen
Heinrich Koehler Auktionen 375rd Heinrich Köhler auction - Day 1
Viewing times of the 375th Heinrich Köhler auction and The ERIVAN Collection 4th. Auction
Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH & Co. KG
Hasengartenstr. 25, 65189 Wiesbaden
Telefon +49 (0)611 34 14 9-0
E-Mail [email protected]
Auction Schedule
Monday, 16 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 1000-1724 |
Single Lots: Liechtenstein, Austria,
Switzerland, Europe and Colonies:
Aegean Islands – Italy, including
Special offer: Denmark – The 1851 act ·
The Gavin Fryer Collection
Special offer: Transatlantic Mail ·
The “Magellan” Collection
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 1725-2428 |
Single Lots: Europe and Colonies:
Latvia – Ukraine, Great Britain and British
Commonwealth, Overseas countries,
Shipmail, Airmail, Zeppelin, Olympics,
Thematics and Literature, Coins, including
Special offer: Poland – Generals 1944 ·
Specialised Collection Postal History (Part I)
Special offer: Jean de Sperati –
The ultimate collection
Tuesday, 17 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 6001-6336 |
Special Catalogue: Latvia since 1918 ·
The Wolfgang Watzke Collection
from 12:00 p.m. | Lot 2429-3446 |
Single Lots: German Empire 1872 – 1945,
German post offices abroad and colonies,
German Occupation WWI, German
Areas and Plebiscites, Saar, Danzig, Memel,
German Occupation WWII, including the
“Montparnasse” Collection
Wednesday, 18 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 3447-4217 |
Single Lots: Germany after 1945: Local
issues, Allied Forces issues, Soviet Occupation
Zone, German Democratic Republic,
Berlin, Bizone, Federal Republik of Germany,
including the “Montparnasse” Collection
from 2:30 p.m. | Lot 10001-10463 |
Collections: Europe: Aegean Islands –
Vatikan, including Great Britain and
British Commonwealth
Thursday, 19 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 10464-10888 |
Collections: Overseas countries,
General collections All World / Europe /
Overseas, Airmail and Zeppelin, Thematic
collections, Picture Postcards, Coins,
Literature, German States
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 10889-11526 |
Collections: German Empire, German
post offices abroad and Colonies,
German Occupation WWI, German
Areas and Plebiscites, Danzig, Memel,
German Occupation WWII,
General collections Germany,
Germany after 1945
Friday, 20 November 2020 | from 09:00 a.m. | Lot 4218-4560 |
Single Lots: German States Baden –
Württemberg, North German
Confederation, including the
“Montparnasse” Collection, including
Special offer: German “Fahrpost”
Agencies in the Netherlands 1839–1874 ·
The Dr. Albert Louis Collection
Special offer: North German postal
district – The “Albatros” Collection
from 11:00 a.m. | Lot 7001-7266 |
Special Catalogue: Bavaria 1849–1920 ·
The Werner Knüttel Collection (Part I)
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 8001-8393 |
Special Catalogue: Départements
Conquis, Prussia, Saxony, Thurn&Taxis ·
The Dr. Josef Altmann Collection
from 5:00 p.m. | Lot 9001-9232 |
Special Catalogue: Slesvig: From
Danish Duchy to Plebiscite 1920 ·
The Christopher King Collection (Part I)
Saturday, 21 November 2020 | from 11:00 a.m. | Lot 1-265 |
German States · German Empire –
The ERIVAN Collection – 4th Auction
Auction Venue
The auction takes place at our premises in Hasengartenstr. 25, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Sale Terms
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Lot #1202 - europa Denmark
Ferslew plate II, 4 rbs. chocolate-brown in vertical pair, tied by target cancel to lettersheet from "KJØBENHAVN 19 6 1851" to Apenrade, endorsed "franco" in the lower left, contrary to regulations, thus the letter was regarded as unpaid and charged with addtional "4" rbs. (12 rbs double rate unpaid letter fee minus 8 rbs. value of postage stamps). Credit given for adhesives was only given for a short period from April 1st to July 24th 1851....
Lot #1203 - europa Denmark
Ferslew 4 rbs. chocolate-brown, slightly touched at upper left, otherwise good to wide margins, tied by target cancel to entire letter from "KJØBENHAVN 9/9 1851" to Schleswig, endorsed "fri" in lower left contrary to regulations with adjacent "ubetalt (unpaid),(signature)" and treated as unpaid, charged with "2" schilling courant (=6 rbs.). An interesting and scarce letter. Certificate Moeller BPP (2002)
Lot #1204 - europa Denmark
Ferslew 4 rbs. chocolate-brown, plate II, just touched in small place, otherwise good to large margins, tied by target cancel to lettersheet from "ODENSE 23 12 1851" to Kierteminde, endorsed "betalt" (paid) in lower left contrary to regulations, corrected by postal clerk to "ubetalt" (unpaid) and charged with "6" rbs. to be paid by the recipient. A fine and scarce entire; certificate Moeller BPP (2001)
Lot #1205 - europa Denmark
Ferslew 4 rbs. chocolate-brown, plate I, good to large margins, used with target cancel on lettersheet from "FRIEDRICHSTADT 13/9 1852" to the ministry for the Duchy of Schleswig and Copenhagen, endorsed "frei" in lower left contrary to regulations and the letter treated as unpaid; additional "3/4" schilling courant additionally paid by the sender. A rare and highly interesting item of Schleswig postal history. Certificate Moeller BPP (2002)...
Lot #1206 - europa Denmark
Ferslew 4 rbs. brown, good margins, tied by target cancel to entire letter (invoice for sweets) from "VEILE 6 12 1851" to Christiansfeld, endorsed "Franco" in lower left, cancelled by pen strokes with adjacent red manuscript "ikke betalt (not paid) (signature of Brinch the postal clerk)", but not charged. A very fine and rare letter treated contrary to the postal regulations by the post office
Lot #1207 - europa Denmark
Ferslew 4 rbs., plate I, pos. 85 with good to large margins, tied by target cancel to lettersheet from "NAKSKOV 15/12 1851" to Binnetze near Maribo, endorsed "frit" in the lower left contrary to the postal regulations. Apparently the letter was presented at the post office where another 2 rbs. were charged and on the letter noted "betalt 2 s"; the value of the stamp was credited, although this did not conform with regulations after July 24,...
Lot #1208 - europa Denmark
Ferslew 4 rbs., plate II, pos. 39, large margins, used with central target cancel on lettersheet from "FLENSBURG 28/2 1852" to the island of Fanø, endorsed "frco" in the lower left corner contrary to the postal regulations, therefore charged with "6" rbs. in red crayon with adjacent violet manuscript notations "Kassebref" and "ubetalt (signature)". A very fine and scarce entire. Certificate Moeller BPP (2002)
Lot #1209 - europa Denmark
Thiele 4 rbs. brown with ample to good margins, tied by target cancel to letterfront with 2 side flaps with adjacent "ECKERNFÖRDE 16/9 52" to Schleswig with the stamp applied in the lower left of the entire with adjacent manuscript "frei", partly tying the stamp; since this was contrary to the postal regulations the letter was charged "3/4" schilling courant in red crayon, payable by the recipient, fine
Lot #1210 - europa Denmark
Thiele 4 rbs. chocolate-brown, good to large margins, tied by target cancel to entire letter from "KJØBENHAVN 2/10 1852" to Saxkjöbing. Since the stamp was placed in the lower left corner of the letter against the regulations it was marked "Ubetalt Kassebrev" and charged "6" rbs. in red crayon to be paid by the recipient. Fine and scarce
Lot #1211 - europa Denmark
Thiele 4 rbs. brown, plate 1, pos. 11 with variety 'cracked plate', tied by clear numeral "1" to cover from Copenhagen with adjacent compass postmark of 9.4.1853 to Lerchenborg near Kalundborg. Since the stamp was affixed in the lower left corner endorsed "Ubetalt" and charged "6" rbs. payable by the recipient. A fine and scarce cover. Certificate Nielsen (2004)
Provenance: Peer Lortentzen (Hoiland auction, 2004)
Lot #1212 - europa Denmark
1854/57, 2 sk. blue and 1863, perforated issue 4 sk. brown, tied by numeral "52" to lettersheet with adjacent "PRAESTØE 29 3" (1864) to Rönnede with transit and arrival marks. The cover was originally franked with 4 sk., endorsed "bet:" by the sender and presented at the post office, which decided the letter had to be treated as unpaid with a fee of 6 sk., an additional 2 sk. stamp was added and behind the "bet" a "6" was added. A very fine...
Lot #1213 - europa Denmark
1854/57, 8 sk. green with good to large margins, in combination with 1864/70, 2 sk. blue, both in nice fresh colour, with numeral "7" on money order envelope from "ASSENS 8/8" to Faaborg with notation "fr." at lower left, therefore charged with 6 sk. unpaid letter rate + 4 sk. 'cash on delivery' fee. The 8 sk. tiny natural printing fold. The only example of this issue known with endorsement 'fr', very fine and attractive
Lot #1214 - europa Denmark
1858, 4 sk. orange-brown with good to large margins, tied by numeral "66" to lettersheet from "SCHLESWIG 25 3 1860" to Flensburg, endorsed "frei" against regulations, endorsed "Postbox letter - not paid (signature). The letter was treated as unpaid, precharged with 6 skilling from which the value of the stamp was reduced, so charged "2" skilling in red crayon. Credit given for the applied postage stamps was only between April 1-July 24, 1851...
Lot #1215 - europa Denmark
1863, Entire double rate letter dated "Leipzig am 31. Januar 63", privately carried to Crempe in Holstein and here dropped in a letterbox endorsed "frei" in the lower left, postally endorsed "Kassenbrief nicht bezahlt (signature)" and sent from "CREMPE 9/2 1863" to Riepen, charged with "12" skilling in red crayon to be paid by the recipient. A rare and unusual letter
Lot #1216 - europa Denmark
1864/70, 3 sk. violet with numeral "44" used on local lettersheet with adjacent "NAESTVED 16 6" endorsed "fr" in the lower left contrary to the postal regulations, so that the unpaid letter rate of 3 sk. instead of 2 sk. had to be paid. An attractive and exceedingly rare single franking; one of 3 examples recorded
Lot #1217 - europa Denmark
3 sk. lilac in horizontal pair (left stamp with perforation cut by scissors at left), tied by numeral "92" on lettersheet from "SKJELSKJØR 2 10" to Copenhagen. The 3 sk. pair affixed on top of an endorsement "franco", so the postal clerk charged the unpaid letter rate of 6 sk., which was noted at upper right of the envelope and was paid in stamps. Fine and rare letter
Lot #1218 - europa Denmark
1864/70, 3 sk. lilac in horizontal pair and 8 sk. yellow-brown, tied by numeral "75" to registered lettersheet from "VARDE 23/5" to Skjern, endorsed in lower left "fr". Since cash payment was not longer accepted from April 1, 1868 the letter was treated as unpaid and franked with 6 sk. unpaid letter rate + 8 sk. registration fee. Vertical cover crease not affecting the stamps, otherwise fine and rare. Certificate Nielsen (2005)
Lot #1219 - europa Denmark
1869, Original letter of explanation from the General Post Directorate in Copenhagen to the post office at Aarhus about an express letter which was presented to the post office carrying a 4 sk. adhesive in the top of the right corner and in the bottom left corner a number of adhesives corresponding to the express fee, for which the sender was asked to pay an additional 2 sk. for unpaid letter rate. The General Post Directorate answers...
Lot #1220 - europa Denmark
Thiele 4 rbs. reddish-brown, 1st printing, plate I, pos. 99, used with numeral "20" on lettersheet with adjacent "KJØBENHAVN JRBPST EXP. 25/4 1853" to Frederiksborg with manuscript notation "found in the mail box with a previously used stamp" and charged "6" skilling in red crayon prepaid by the recipient. A very fine and rare item of postal fraud; the only recorded letter of this period franked with a previously used 4 rbs.
Lot #1221 - europa Denmark
1854/57, 4 sk. orange-brown, used and damage copy, applied to lettersheet to Copenhagen addressed to Holbek, dropped in a letterbox. Adjacent manuscript "invalid" and "A previously used stamp - letterbox (signature)" sent forward with Copenhagen compass handstamp and charged "6" skilling in red crayon to be paid by the recipient. A very rare example of postal fraud
Lot #1222 - europa Denmark
1854/57, 4 sk. orange-brown with large margins, tied by clear strike of numeral "87" to lettersheet, previously postmarked "LYGUMKLOSTER 10/11 1857" (the stamp slightly applied above the postmark) to Copenhagen. An extremely fine letter which shows a postal fraud committed by a postal clerk. The letter was brought into the post office where the clerk received 6 skilling in cash; he postmarked the letter, but did not endorse it with "franco"...
Lot #1223 - europa Denmark
4 sk. orange-brown, a previously used copy with clear marks of circle cancellation, used a second time with clear numeral "51" on lettersheet with adjacent clear blue "ODENSE 9/3" to Bogense with arrival mark of the same day. A fine letter, believed to be the only surviving example of such postal fraud with this stamp. Certificate Vagn Jensen (1998)
Lot #1224 - europa Denmark
1864/70, 4 sk. vermilion, a previously used copy, fixed with wafer seal and with unclear cancellation to entire letter with adjacent cds. "SVENDBORG 18 12" (1865) from Troense to Vemmetofte near Rønnede; interesting and very unusual fraud on the Post Office.
Lot #1225 - europa Denmark
TO HAMBURG: 1852, Entire letter from "KJØBENHAVN 7/10 1852" to Hamburg, prepaid with "16" skilling postage + "8" skilling late fee, endorsed "p Slesvig via Kiel", unusual and scarce entire
Heinrich Koehler Auktionen
Since 1913 the name of Heinrich Koehler has stood for outstanding auctions in the philatelic world. Such a reputation cannot simply be acquired or assumed;... Read More