Subastas Terminadas

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 1170 - europe Albania

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Korça 1914: Envelopes (2), both philatelic, one showing square Double headed Eagle 10 pa. red on black and 25 pa. red on black each struck directly onto buff envelope and cancelled by "KORCË" cds's (April 16) with Elbasan cds of receipt on reverse (April 19) but probably never went through the post (Opinion Holcombe); second cover with Double headed Eagle 10 pa. red variety "Inverted" on violet and 25 pa. red on violet each struck directly onto cream envelope and cancelled by "KORCË" cds's (March 19) in black with Tirane arrival in blue (March 27) reverse with scarce "STAROVË" and Elbasan transits in black (signed Droese). Also two questionable examples in a bright shade off cover with Holcombe letter of opinion.

Catalogue 284: Europe & Overseas


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