Subastas Terminadas

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 20602 - brit. colonies Australia

Monday Jun 05, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Single Watermark 1918/23: Sideface 4 d. violet, Single Crown over A wmk., perf. 14, Plate 2, an unused pane of thirty, marginal from lower left pane of sheet, of lovely vibrant colour, position 2L7 showing "Left Frame Broken at Top", position 2L8 with "Thin FOU", position 2L18 with "Weeping 4 in Right Tablet", position 2L22 with "White spot under "d" in Right Value Tablet", fresh and extremely fine, mounted in margins only, stamps unmounted og. Delightful BW 111d+eb+f+g+h+i = $ 2'250+.rnProvenance: Collection Colonel Harrie Evans, Premier, Melbourne, 9 May 2001, lot 528.

Catalogue 307: Australia - The DUBOIS Collection Collection (part II)


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