LIECHTENSTEIN - interessante Partie mit nur älteren Ausgaben auf Einsteckkarten, dabei viele bessere Werte und Serien inklusive Vaduz-Block 1934, zahlreichen Ausgaben der zwanziger und dreissiger Jahre, dabei auch Mi.Nr. 140/42 usw. Mi. circa 11600,- €.
LIECHTENSTEIN - interesting portion with Only older issues On Einsteckkarten, besides, many better values And series included Vaduz block in 1934, plenty of issues Of the twenties and thirties, besides, also Mi. No 140/42 etc Mi. about 11600, - .
Gert Müller Stamp Auctions
Gert Müller Stamp Auctions was established in 1951 and has become well known by holding philatelic ambitions auctions. Numerous collection of important collectors have been auctioneered in the... Read More