Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog violet rondstempel militaire censuur B2 op envelop met 2x 5 cent Bontkraag Rotterdam-Roosendaal 15.VI.17 met 4-zijdig getanden omrande strook Geopend door de militaire autoriteit, vrijwel pracht ex.
Netherland and All World Auction
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen Netherland and All World Auction
Corinphila Veilingen Netherlands is auctioning September 27 & October 2-4 with a broad material variety including:
Internment 1914 - 1918 collection Arnold Holleman Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Netherlands and former colonies, Foreign countries, Coins, medals, papermoney, postcards, Collections and more
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- aandelen obligaties (1) Apply aandelen obligaties filter
- acores (2) Apply acores filter
- aegean islands (1) Apply aegean islands filter
- afrikaanse landen (1) Apply afrikaanse landen filter
- Algeria (2) Apply Algeria filter
- Andorra French Post (2) Apply Andorra French Post filter
- andorra spanish post (1) Apply andorra spanish post filter
- angola (1) Apply angola filter
- anguilla (1) Apply anguilla filter
- antigua (1) Apply antigua filter
- Argentina (3) Apply Argentina filter
- argentina privatepost in fireland (1) Apply argentina privatepost in fireland filter
- aruba (3) Apply aruba filter
- Australia (10) Apply Australia filter
- Austria (46) Apply Austria filter
- austria post levante (2) Apply austria post levante filter
- aziatische landen (4) Apply aziatische landen filter
- belgian congo (3) Apply belgian congo filter
- Belgium (36) Apply Belgium filter
- berlin (7) Apply berlin filter
- bizone (1) Apply bizone filter
- bohemia and moravia (1) Apply bohemia and moravia filter
- bosnia and herzegowina austria (3) Apply bosnia and herzegowina austria filter
- brazil (1) Apply brazil filter
- brit commenw. oceania (3) Apply brit commenw. oceania filter
- british commenwealth (23) Apply british commenwealth filter
- british commenwealth europe (3) Apply british commenwealth europe filter
- brittain and colonies (3) Apply brittain and colonies filter
- buenos aires (1) Apply buenos aires filter
- Bulgaria (4) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Canada (6) Apply Canada filter
- canadian states (1) Apply canadian states filter
- cape jubi (1) Apply cape jubi filter
- cape verde (2) Apply cape verde filter
- central africa (1) Apply central africa filter
- cept (12) Apply cept filter
- Ceylon (1) Apply Ceylon filter
- channel islands (3) Apply channel islands filter
- Chile (2) Apply Chile filter
- China (28) Apply China filter
- christmas island (1) Apply christmas island filter
- cocos islands (1) Apply cocos islands filter
- collection/lot baltic states (2) Apply collection/lot baltic states filter
- collection/lot belgium collonies (1) Apply collection/lot belgium collonies filter
- collection/lot brit commenw. afrika (2) Apply collection/lot brit commenw. afrika filter
- collection/lot brit commenw. asia (1) Apply collection/lot brit commenw. asia filter
- collection/lot middle east (4) Apply collection/lot middle east filter
- collection/lot portuguese colonies (1) Apply collection/lot portuguese colonies filter
- collections/lots scandinavia (12) Apply collections/lots scandinavia filter
- collections/lots south america (13) Apply collections/lots south america filter
- collections/lots worldwide (13) Apply collections/lots worldwide filter
- confederate states (1) Apply confederate states filter
- Costa Rica (1) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Croatia (3) Apply Croatia filter
- Cuba (1) Apply Cuba filter
- curacao (49) Apply curacao filter
- Cyprus (2) Apply Cyprus filter
- cyrenaica (1) Apply cyrenaica filter
- Czechoslovakia (21) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- dansk vestindien (1) Apply dansk vestindien filter
- danzig (3) Apply danzig filter
- Denmark (15) Apply Denmark filter
- diverse landen (170) Apply diverse landen filter
- diversen (20) Apply diversen filter
- dominican republic (1) Apply dominican republic filter
- early states parma (1) Apply early states parma filter
- early states sicily (1) Apply early states sicily filter
- Egypt (6) Apply Egypt filter
- eritrea (1) Apply eritrea filter
- Ethiopia (3) Apply Ethiopia filter
- europese landen (9) Apply europese landen filter
- falkland islands (1) Apply falkland islands filter
- falkland islands dependencies (1) Apply falkland islands dependencies filter
- falkland islands territory b south-georgien (1) Apply falkland islands territory b south-georgien filter
- faroe islands (3) Apply faroe islands filter
- Fernando Poo (1) Apply Fernando Poo filter
- finland (6) Apply finland filter
- Fiume (1) Apply Fiume filter
- France (58) Apply France filter
- france and colonies (5) Apply france and colonies filter
- french colonies (7) Apply french colonies filter
- french mail in zanzibar (1) Apply french mail in zanzibar filter
- french occupation generally issue (1) Apply french occupation generally issue filter
- french post in china (1) Apply french post in china filter
- gambia (1) Apply gambia filter
- ger. occ. ii. worldwar french legion (3) Apply ger. occ. ii. worldwar french legion filter
- ger. occ. ii. worldwar serbia (1) Apply ger. occ. ii. worldwar serbia filter
- German Colonies (1) Apply German Colonies filter
- german colonies marshall-islands (1) Apply german colonies marshall-islands filter
- german democratic republic (10) Apply german democratic republic filter
- German Empire (37) Apply German Empire filter
- german federal republic (15) Apply german federal republic filter
- german occupation ww ii (1) Apply german occupation ww ii filter
- german russian occupation (5) Apply german russian occupation filter
- german territories (3) Apply german territories filter
- germany after 1945 (12) Apply germany after 1945 filter
- germany before and after 1945 (17) Apply germany before and after 1945 filter
- gilbert and ellice islands (1) Apply gilbert and ellice islands filter
- Great Britain (49) Apply Great Britain filter
- Greece (7) Apply Greece filter
- Grenada (2) Apply Grenada filter
- grönland (2) Apply grönland filter
- guatemala (1) Apply guatemala filter
- haiti (1) Apply haiti filter
- Honduras (1) Apply Honduras filter
- hongkong (4) Apply hongkong filter
- Hungary (23) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (12) Apply Iceland filter
- india (7) Apply india filter
- india feudatory states (1) Apply india feudatory states filter
- indonesia (36) Apply indonesia filter
- iran (3) Apply iran filter
- Iraq (1) Apply Iraq filter
- ireland (2) Apply ireland filter
- Israel (27) Apply Israel filter
- italian colonies (3) Apply italian colonies filter
- italian djubaland (1) Apply italian djubaland filter
- italian eastern africa (1) Apply italian eastern africa filter
- italian post levante (1) Apply italian post levante filter
- italian somaliland (1) Apply italian somaliland filter
- italian states (5) Apply italian states filter
- Italy (25) Apply Italy filter
- jamaica (1) Apply jamaica filter
- Japan (6) Apply Japan filter
- jemen kingdom (2) Apply jemen kingdom filter
- jersey (1) Apply jersey filter
- joint issues (2) Apply joint issues filter
- karelia (1) Apply karelia filter
- kenya (1) Apply kenya filter
- kingdom of netherlands (45) Apply kingdom of netherlands filter
- Laos (1) Apply Laos filter
- latvia (1) Apply latvia filter
- leban (4) Apply leban filter
- libya (1) Apply libya filter
- lichtenstein (11) Apply lichtenstein filter
- literature (36) Apply literature filter
- literatuur buitenland (50) Apply literatuur buitenland filter
- local issues 1945 (2) Apply local issues 1945 filter
- Luxembourg (18) Apply Luxembourg filter
- macao (1) Apply macao filter
- madeira (2) Apply madeira filter
- malaysia (1) Apply malaysia filter
- Memel (1) Apply Memel filter
- mexiko (1) Apply mexiko filter
- mocambique (1) Apply mocambique filter
- Monaco (4) Apply Monaco filter
- mongolia (1) Apply mongolia filter
- monténégro (1) Apply monténégro filter
- Morocco (2) Apply Morocco filter
- motief bloemen (1) Apply motief bloemen filter
- motief fantasie (3) Apply motief fantasie filter
- motief muziek (1) Apply motief muziek filter
- motief paddenstoelen (1) Apply motief paddenstoelen filter
- nederlands-indië interimperiode (4) Apply nederlands-indië interimperiode filter
- Nepal (2) Apply Nepal filter
- Netherlands (860) Apply Netherlands filter
- netherlands 1852 king william iii (116) Apply netherlands 1852 king william iii filter
- netherlands 1864 king william iii (12) Apply netherlands 1864 king william iii filter
- netherlands 1867 king william iii (3) Apply netherlands 1867 king william iii filter
- netherlands 1869 coat of arms (4) Apply netherlands 1869 coat of arms filter
- netherlands 1872 king william iii (3) Apply netherlands 1872 king william iii filter
- netherlands 1876-1894 numerals (1) Apply netherlands 1876-1894 numerals filter
- netherlands 1891 princess wilhelmina (6) Apply netherlands 1891 princess wilhelmina filter
- netherlands 1899 numerals and queen wilhelmina (15) Apply netherlands 1899 numerals and queen wilhelmina filter
- netherlands 1913 jubilee (10) Apply netherlands 1913 jubilee filter
- netherlands 1923 jubilee (9) Apply netherlands 1923 jubilee filter
- netherlands 1924 queen wilhelmina (6) Apply netherlands 1924 queen wilhelmina filter
- netherlands 1940 queen wilhelmina (2) Apply netherlands 1940 queen wilhelmina filter
- netherlands 1949 queen juliana (4) Apply netherlands 1949 queen juliana filter
- netherlands and colonies (47) Apply netherlands and colonies filter
- netherlands antilles (11) Apply netherlands antilles filter
- netherlands friesland (2) Apply netherlands friesland filter
- netherlands gelderland (3) Apply netherlands gelderland filter
- netherlands groningen (2) Apply netherlands groningen filter
- netherlands half round franco cancellation (78) Apply netherlands half round franco cancellation filter
- netherlands incendiarybox insurance (1) Apply netherlands incendiarybox insurance filter
- Netherlands Indies (119) Apply Netherlands Indies filter
- netherlands indies incendiarybox stamps (1) Apply netherlands indies incendiarybox stamps filter
- netherlands indies japanese occupation (6) Apply netherlands indies japanese occupation filter
- netherlands indies japanese occupation borneo (4) Apply netherlands indies japanese occupation borneo filter
- netherlands indies japanese occupation java (1) Apply netherlands indies japanese occupation java filter
- netherlands indies japanese occupation sumatra (12) Apply netherlands indies japanese occupation sumatra filter
- netherlands large circle cancellation (8) Apply netherlands large circle cancellation filter
- netherlands limburg (4) Apply netherlands limburg filter
- netherlands new guinea (5) Apply netherlands new guinea filter
- netherlands noord-brabant (2) Apply netherlands noord-brabant filter
- netherlands noord-holland (19) Apply netherlands noord-holland filter
- netherlands numeral cancellation (15) Apply netherlands numeral cancellation filter
- netherlands overijssel (2) Apply netherlands overijssel filter
- netherlands small circle cancellation (6) Apply netherlands small circle cancellation filter
- netherlands utrecht (2) Apply netherlands utrecht filter
- netherlands zeeland (1) Apply netherlands zeeland filter
- netherlands zuid-holland (7) Apply netherlands zuid-holland filter
- new caledonia (1) Apply new caledonia filter
- New Zealand (6) Apply New Zealand filter
- nicaragua (2) Apply nicaragua filter
- niger coast protectorate (1) Apply niger coast protectorate filter
- nigeria (1) Apply nigeria filter
- Norway (4) Apply Norway filter
- old ger. states baden (12) Apply old ger. states baden filter
- old ger. states bavaria (3) Apply old ger. states bavaria filter
- old ger. states north german confederation (1) Apply old ger. states north german confederation filter
- old ger. states saxony (1) Apply old ger. states saxony filter
- old ger. states wurttemberg (1) Apply old ger. states wurttemberg filter
- oost-europese landen (10) Apply oost-europese landen filter
- overzeese rijksdelen (18) Apply overzeese rijksdelen filter
- palestine and holy land (3) Apply palestine and holy land filter
- palestine autonome administration (2) Apply palestine autonome administration filter
- panama canal zone (1) Apply panama canal zone filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- Peru (4) Apply Peru filter
- Philippines (1) Apply Philippines filter
- Poland (16) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (5) Apply Portugal filter
- portuguese congo (1) Apply portuguese congo filter
- portuguese guinea (1) Apply portuguese guinea filter
- portuguese india (1) Apply portuguese india filter
- postzegelbenodigdheden (17) Apply postzegelbenodigdheden filter
- postzegelbenodigdheden nederland (3) Apply postzegelbenodigdheden nederland filter
- provinciaal (1) Apply provinciaal filter
- Puerto Rico (1) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- queensland (1) Apply queensland filter
- republic of indonesia java (12) Apply republic of indonesia java filter
- republic of indonesia sumatra (16) Apply republic of indonesia sumatra filter
- republic surinam (1) Apply republic surinam filter
- riau lingga islands (2) Apply riau lingga islands filter
- Romania (12) Apply Romania filter
- ruanda (2) Apply ruanda filter
- ruanda urundi (1) Apply ruanda urundi filter
- Russia (15) Apply Russia filter
- saar (5) Apply saar filter
- salvador (1) Apply salvador filter
- sambia (1) Apply sambia filter
- samoa (1) Apply samoa filter
- San Marino (4) Apply San Marino filter
- Saudi Arabia (2) Apply Saudi Arabia filter
- serbia (5) Apply serbia filter
- slovakia 1939-45 (1) Apply slovakia 1939-45 filter
- slowakije (1) Apply slowakije filter
- south africa (1) Apply south africa filter
- south africa homelands (1) Apply south africa homelands filter
- south corea (1) Apply south corea filter
- Spain (15) Apply Spain filter
- spanish colonies (2) Apply spanish colonies filter
- Spanish Guinea (1) Apply Spanish Guinea filter
- spanish post in morocco (1) Apply spanish post in morocco filter
- spanish west india (1) Apply spanish west india filter
- st. thomas and princess islands (1) Apply st. thomas and princess islands filter
- st. vincent (2) Apply st. vincent filter
- sudan (2) Apply sudan filter
- surinam (47) Apply surinam filter
- swaziland (2) Apply swaziland filter
- Sweden (13) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (65) Apply Switzerland filter
- syria (3) Apply syria filter
- thailand (2) Apply thailand filter
- tibet (1) Apply tibet filter
- timor (1) Apply timor filter
- tobago (1) Apply tobago filter
- topic (16) Apply topic filter
- topic animals (5) Apply topic animals filter
- topic arts (1) Apply topic arts filter
- topic aviation (3) Apply topic aviation filter
- topic birds (2) Apply topic birds filter
- topic butterflies (1) Apply topic butterflies filter
- topic chess (1) Apply topic chess filter
- topic flora and fauna (3) Apply topic flora and fauna filter
- topic horses (2) Apply topic horses filter
- topic lighthouses (1) Apply topic lighthouses filter
- topic paintings (2) Apply topic paintings filter
- topic religion (1) Apply topic religion filter
- topic sea shells (1) Apply topic sea shells filter
- topic shipping (4) Apply topic shipping filter
- topic space (7) Apply topic space filter
- topic sports (2) Apply topic sports filter
- topic trains (2) Apply topic trains filter
- topic transport (2) Apply topic transport filter
- topic world life fund (1) Apply topic world life fund filter
- transvaal (1) Apply transvaal filter
- trieste zone a (2) Apply trieste zone a filter
- trieste zone b (1) Apply trieste zone b filter
- trinidad and tobago (1) Apply trinidad and tobago filter
- tripolitanië (1) Apply tripolitanië filter
- Tunisia (1) Apply Tunisia filter
- Turkey (36) Apply Turkey filter
- turkey zypern (1) Apply turkey zypern filter
- ukraine (1) Apply ukraine filter
- united nations (8) Apply united nations filter
- usa (30) Apply usa filter
- varia (2) Apply varia filter
- vaticane (3) Apply vaticane filter
- Venezuela (2) Apply Venezuela filter
- venezuela ship post jesurun (5) Apply venezuela ship post jesurun filter
- victoria (1) Apply victoria filter
- west-europese landen (5) Apply west-europese landen filter
- Yugoslavia (15) Apply Yugoslavia filter
- åland (1) Apply åland filter
Lot #2 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog violet rondstempel militaire censuur B3 op 4-zijdige getande omrande strook Geopend door de militaire autoriteit op envelop (deel frankering tijdens Belgische censuur verwider) Belgische Legerposterijen 4-Ossendracht, aankomststempel 8.5.17, tevens zwart stempel censuur gepasseerd in kastje, 3 zijden geopend
Lot #3 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Kamp bij Nunspeet, lange balk op 5 ct. nr. 60 op envelop naar Camp Harderwijk 12.IX.16 met censuurstrook Geopend door de militaire autoriteit en violet stempel I4
Lot #4 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog violet censuurstempel I5 in cirkel op strook Geopend door de militaire autoriteit op envelop met uitknipsel 5 cent Bontkraag Rijs-Interneeringsdepot naar Utrecht 14.X.15, vrijwel pracht ex.
Lot #5 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog, ovaal zwart getand ned. militaire censuur E.5 op 4-zijdig getande omrande strook Geopend door de militaire autoriteit op envelop met 4x ½ cent cijfer en 3 cent Bontkraag Maastricht-'s-Gravenhage 16.VI.1917, zeer fris pracht ex.
Lot #6 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog violet rondstempel militaire censuur R.I. (Roosendaal) op portvrije briefkaart Harderwijk-Roosendaal 26.IX.16, pracht ex.
Lot #7 - Netherlands
Nederland Internering Sliedrecht, kampkaart Interneeringskamp Harderwijk van Sliedrecht naar Hult 21-6-16 met violet 4-regelig portvrij etc. zonder datumstempel met violette censuur Z6 (stelling in de Mond der Schelde), afbeelding IG-56 Posthist.Stude 30 (vlgns Holleman 2 ex. bekend)
Lot #8 - Netherlands
Nederland Blauw stempel Huis van bewaring CENSUUR 'sGravenhage op kaart met 10 Pf. uit Aachen 15.8.17 naar Harscamp en doorgezonden militaire strafgevangenis, vrijwel pracht ex.
Lot #9 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog, 4 lakstempels Commandant in Zeeland censuur op aangetekende envelop Ossendrecht-Frankrijk 6.6.16 met 2x 5 en 12½ cent Bontkraag, tevens Franse censuur, gebreken (3 zijden geopend)
Lot #10 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog, 6 lakstempels Mil. Maastricht censuur op 2 aangetekende enveloppen resp. Maastricht-Nordhausen 25.11.15 met 10 en 12½ cent Bontkraag en Belgische Legerposterijen 3-Maastricht 3.XII.15 met 5 en 2x 25 cent., beide getande en omrande strook Geopend door de / militaire autoriteit resp. zonder nummer en nummer 51. '15, enveloppen min of meer gebreken
Lot #11 - Netherlands
Nederland Portvrije briefkaart Kampen, lange balk * 1 * 12.7.15 naar sergeant in Oisterwijk via Veldpost 4 terug afzender met Niet bij veldpost- / kantoor No. 4., pracht ex. (achterzijde inplakrestje)
Lot #12 - Netherlands
Nederland Portvrije (onfrisse) envelop Haarlem lange balk * 1 * 10.2.15 naar Willemstad via Veldpost 7, violet Niet bij Veldpost- / kantoor 7 en retour Haarlem via Veldpost 1 en Expedietiekantoor Veldpost * A * 12.II.15 (met spelfout IE)
Lot #13 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog interneringsgroepen provincie Groningen, 6 poststukken t.w. Delfzijl (zwart 4-regelig portvrij etc.), Hebrecht (2x w.b. Druksache uit Luxemburg), Oldehove, Veendam (brief uit Frankrijk) en Winschoten
Lot #14 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Internering Groningen 26 poststukken 1914-1918. Engelse geïnterneerden, veel 4-regelig portvij etc., violet ovaal interneeringsdepot Groningen in violet en blauw, 1 ex. aangetekend, censuur, etc., tevens enkele krantenfoto's en kaarten
Lot #15 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Interneringsdepot Gaasterland 1914-1918, 75 poststukken Bakhuizen, Balk, Rijs, Oudemirdum w.b. 4-regelig portvrij etc. in kleuren en types, 3x ovaal interneeringsdepot Gaasterland, kastje Interneeringsdepot Gaasterland onbekend inconnu in blauw en violet, censuurstroken en stempels (w.b. I5), kaarten, etc.
Lot #16 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Internering Leeuwarden 1914-1918, 8 poststukken, w.b. envelop naar London 13.X.14 (periode Britse geïnterneerden) en militair portvrij, 3 kaarten en kopie-telegram 11/10 1914
Lot #17 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Drente 1914-1919, 11 poststukken, w.b. Assen 5.XII.14 met violet 4-regelig portvrij etc., Emmen, Hooghalen (4x) w.b. 8-hoekig violet interneeringsgroep Hooghalen en Veenhuizen 25.8.19 met roze Bewakingsdetachement VEENHUIZEN en 2 kaarten
Lot #18 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Internering Overijssel 1916-1918, 11 poststukken w.b. Deventer (7x) met 4-regelig portvrij etc in violet en zwart, Hengelo (2x, beide 4-regelig portvrij etc.) en Zwolle (2x) w.b. violet 8-hoekig interneerings-groep ZWOLLE en 3 kaarten
Lot #19 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Interneringsdepot Urk 1915-1918, 10 poststukken van/naar Urk w.b. 4-regelig Portvrij etc. in violet en blauw met nuances, ovaal zwart commando interneering URK, tevens militair vervoerbewijs voor vat petroleum Amsterdam-Urk. Te Urk waren vnl. Belgische officieren geïnterneerd die weigerden hun woord te geven niet te vluchten
Lot #20 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Interneringsdepot Zwolle 1914-1915, 9 poststukken w.v. 5 met zwart 4-regelig portvrij etc. met 2 in groter formaat
Lot #21 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Internering Gelderland 1915-1918. 17 poststukken w.b. Apeldoorn envelop uit Engeland, aankomststempel Apeldoorn 4 2.III.18, Arnhem met Veldpost * 2* en violet 4-regelig portvrij etc., Lobith met blauw 4-regelig portvrij etc., Milligen (2x), Nijmegen (3x) w.b. violet Commandant Interneerngsgroep Nijmegen, 4 -regelig portvrij etc. Oldebroek (4x), Tiel (2x) w.b. blauw 4-regelig portvrij etc. en ovaal commandant...
Lot #22 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Internering Gelderland 1916-1918, 9 poststukken van Epe, Hattem, Kampen (3 kaarten, 1 briefkaart en 2 enveloppen w.v. 1 uit Brazilië) en Wolfhezen (briefkaart naar Duitsland), tevens kopie-lijst Duitse krijgsgevangenen 5 febr. 1918 te Wolfhezen
Lot #23 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Internering Dieren-Brummen en omgeving 1918, 7 poststukken en 3 losse brieven w.b. violet rondstempel Commando Gebied Dieren-Brummen Krijgsgevangenen, blauw 2-regelig Platz Kommandant Dieren op strookje postwissel en 2 etiketten German Prisoner of war transferred to Holland,
Lot #24 - Netherlands franchise stamps
Nederland internering, Nederlandse Maagd groen op envelop (klep achterzijde mist) met lange balk Legerplaats bij Harderwijk 8.II.16 en ovaal interneeringskamp harderwijk met ornamenten, 4-regelig portvrij etc. en 2-regelig Zurück weil unzulässig, vrijwel pracht ex.
Lot #25 - Netherlands
Nederland Eerste Wereldoorlog Harderwijk, 3 aangetekende poststukken stempel Legerplaats bij Harderwijk, resp. 4.V.15 met 10 cent nr.62 voor R-recht met ingestempeld LEGERPLAATS op strookje Harderwijk, geheel portvrij 22.XI.16 met strookje LEGERPLAATS bij Harderwijk en 17.IV.17 met 22½ cent frankering en ingestempeld strookje LEGERPLAATS BIJ HARDERWIJK
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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