Nederland collectie 1864 - 1959 ongebruikt/** met veel betere ex. echter in gemengde kwaliteit (nagegomd, zonder gom) o.a. 6, 11 (2x), 12, 28, 47, roltanding en telegram 12 in Davo album
Netherland and All World Auction
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen Netherland and All World Auction
Corinphila Veilingen Netherlands is auctioning September 27 & October 2-4 with a broad material variety including:
Internment 1914 - 1918 collection Arnold Holleman Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Netherlands and former colonies, Foreign countries, Coins, medals, papermoney, postcards, Collections and more
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- aandelen obligaties (1) Apply aandelen obligaties filter
- acores (2) Apply acores filter
- aegean islands (1) Apply aegean islands filter
- afrikaanse landen (1) Apply afrikaanse landen filter
- Algeria (2) Apply Algeria filter
- Andorra French Post (2) Apply Andorra French Post filter
- andorra spanish post (1) Apply andorra spanish post filter
- angola (1) Apply angola filter
- anguilla (1) Apply anguilla filter
- antigua (1) Apply antigua filter
- Argentina (3) Apply Argentina filter
- argentina privatepost in fireland (1) Apply argentina privatepost in fireland filter
- aruba (3) Apply aruba filter
- Australia (10) Apply Australia filter
- Austria (46) Apply Austria filter
- austria post levante (2) Apply austria post levante filter
- aziatische landen (4) Apply aziatische landen filter
- belgian congo (3) Apply belgian congo filter
- Belgium (36) Apply Belgium filter
- berlin (7) Apply berlin filter
- bizone (1) Apply bizone filter
- bohemia and moravia (1) Apply bohemia and moravia filter
- bosnia and herzegowina austria (3) Apply bosnia and herzegowina austria filter
- brazil (1) Apply brazil filter
- brit commenw. oceania (3) Apply brit commenw. oceania filter
- british commenwealth (23) Apply british commenwealth filter
- british commenwealth europe (3) Apply british commenwealth europe filter
- brittain and colonies (3) Apply brittain and colonies filter
- buenos aires (1) Apply buenos aires filter
- Bulgaria (4) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Canada (6) Apply Canada filter
- canadian states (1) Apply canadian states filter
- cape jubi (1) Apply cape jubi filter
- cape verde (2) Apply cape verde filter
- central africa (1) Apply central africa filter
- cept (12) Apply cept filter
- Ceylon (1) Apply Ceylon filter
- channel islands (3) Apply channel islands filter
- Chile (2) Apply Chile filter
- China (28) Apply China filter
- christmas island (1) Apply christmas island filter
- cocos islands (1) Apply cocos islands filter
- collection/lot baltic states (2) Apply collection/lot baltic states filter
- collection/lot belgium collonies (1) Apply collection/lot belgium collonies filter
- collection/lot brit commenw. afrika (2) Apply collection/lot brit commenw. afrika filter
- collection/lot brit commenw. asia (1) Apply collection/lot brit commenw. asia filter
- collection/lot middle east (4) Apply collection/lot middle east filter
- collection/lot portuguese colonies (1) Apply collection/lot portuguese colonies filter
- collections/lots scandinavia (12) Apply collections/lots scandinavia filter
- collections/lots south america (13) Apply collections/lots south america filter
- collections/lots worldwide (13) Apply collections/lots worldwide filter
- confederate states (1) Apply confederate states filter
- Costa Rica (1) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Croatia (3) Apply Croatia filter
- Cuba (1) Apply Cuba filter
- curacao (49) Apply curacao filter
- Cyprus (2) Apply Cyprus filter
- cyrenaica (1) Apply cyrenaica filter
- Czechoslovakia (21) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- dansk vestindien (1) Apply dansk vestindien filter
- danzig (3) Apply danzig filter
- Denmark (15) Apply Denmark filter
- diverse landen (170) Apply diverse landen filter
- diversen (20) Apply diversen filter
- dominican republic (1) Apply dominican republic filter
- early states parma (1) Apply early states parma filter
- early states sicily (1) Apply early states sicily filter
- Egypt (6) Apply Egypt filter
- eritrea (1) Apply eritrea filter
- Ethiopia (3) Apply Ethiopia filter
- europese landen (9) Apply europese landen filter
- falkland islands (1) Apply falkland islands filter
- falkland islands dependencies (1) Apply falkland islands dependencies filter
- falkland islands territory b south-georgien (1) Apply falkland islands territory b south-georgien filter
- faroe islands (3) Apply faroe islands filter
- Fernando Poo (1) Apply Fernando Poo filter
- finland (6) Apply finland filter
- Fiume (1) Apply Fiume filter
- France (58) Apply France filter
- france and colonies (5) Apply france and colonies filter
- french colonies (7) Apply french colonies filter
- french mail in zanzibar (1) Apply french mail in zanzibar filter
- french occupation generally issue (1) Apply french occupation generally issue filter
- french post in china (1) Apply french post in china filter
- gambia (1) Apply gambia filter
- ger. occ. ii. worldwar french legion (3) Apply ger. occ. ii. worldwar french legion filter
- ger. occ. ii. worldwar serbia (1) Apply ger. occ. ii. worldwar serbia filter
- German Colonies (1) Apply German Colonies filter
- german colonies marshall-islands (1) Apply german colonies marshall-islands filter
- german democratic republic (10) Apply german democratic republic filter
- German Empire (37) Apply German Empire filter
- german federal republic (15) Apply german federal republic filter
- german occupation ww ii (1) Apply german occupation ww ii filter
- german russian occupation (5) Apply german russian occupation filter
- german territories (3) Apply german territories filter
- germany after 1945 (12) Apply germany after 1945 filter
- germany before and after 1945 (17) Apply germany before and after 1945 filter
- gilbert and ellice islands (1) Apply gilbert and ellice islands filter
- Great Britain (49) Apply Great Britain filter
- Greece (7) Apply Greece filter
- Grenada (2) Apply Grenada filter
- grönland (2) Apply grönland filter
- guatemala (1) Apply guatemala filter
- haiti (1) Apply haiti filter
- Honduras (1) Apply Honduras filter
- hongkong (4) Apply hongkong filter
- Hungary (23) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (12) Apply Iceland filter
- india (7) Apply india filter
- india feudatory states (1) Apply india feudatory states filter
- indonesia (36) Apply indonesia filter
- iran (3) Apply iran filter
- Iraq (1) Apply Iraq filter
- ireland (2) Apply ireland filter
- Israel (27) Apply Israel filter
- italian colonies (3) Apply italian colonies filter
- italian djubaland (1) Apply italian djubaland filter
- italian eastern africa (1) Apply italian eastern africa filter
- italian post levante (1) Apply italian post levante filter
- italian somaliland (1) Apply italian somaliland filter
- italian states (5) Apply italian states filter
- Italy (25) Apply Italy filter
- jamaica (1) Apply jamaica filter
- Japan (6) Apply Japan filter
- jemen kingdom (2) Apply jemen kingdom filter
- jersey (1) Apply jersey filter
- joint issues (2) Apply joint issues filter
- karelia (1) Apply karelia filter
- kenya (1) Apply kenya filter
- kingdom of netherlands (45) Apply kingdom of netherlands filter
- Laos (1) Apply Laos filter
- latvia (1) Apply latvia filter
- leban (4) Apply leban filter
- libya (1) Apply libya filter
- lichtenstein (11) Apply lichtenstein filter
- literature (36) Apply literature filter
- literatuur buitenland (50) Apply literatuur buitenland filter
- local issues 1945 (2) Apply local issues 1945 filter
- Luxembourg (18) Apply Luxembourg filter
- macao (1) Apply macao filter
- madeira (2) Apply madeira filter
- malaysia (1) Apply malaysia filter
- Memel (1) Apply Memel filter
- mexiko (1) Apply mexiko filter
- mocambique (1) Apply mocambique filter
- Monaco (4) Apply Monaco filter
- mongolia (1) Apply mongolia filter
- monténégro (1) Apply monténégro filter
- Morocco (2) Apply Morocco filter
- motief bloemen (1) Apply motief bloemen filter
- motief fantasie (3) Apply motief fantasie filter
- motief muziek (1) Apply motief muziek filter
- motief paddenstoelen (1) Apply motief paddenstoelen filter
- nederlands-indië interimperiode (4) Apply nederlands-indië interimperiode filter
- Nepal (2) Apply Nepal filter
- Netherlands (860) Apply Netherlands filter
- netherlands 1852 king william iii (116) Apply netherlands 1852 king william iii filter
- netherlands 1864 king william iii (12) Apply netherlands 1864 king william iii filter
- netherlands 1867 king william iii (3) Apply netherlands 1867 king william iii filter
- netherlands 1869 coat of arms (4) Apply netherlands 1869 coat of arms filter
- netherlands 1872 king william iii (3) Apply netherlands 1872 king william iii filter
- netherlands 1876-1894 numerals (1) Apply netherlands 1876-1894 numerals filter
- netherlands 1891 princess wilhelmina (6) Apply netherlands 1891 princess wilhelmina filter
- netherlands 1899 numerals and queen wilhelmina (15) Apply netherlands 1899 numerals and queen wilhelmina filter
- netherlands 1913 jubilee (10) Apply netherlands 1913 jubilee filter
- netherlands 1923 jubilee (9) Apply netherlands 1923 jubilee filter
- netherlands 1924 queen wilhelmina (6) Apply netherlands 1924 queen wilhelmina filter
- netherlands 1940 queen wilhelmina (2) Apply netherlands 1940 queen wilhelmina filter
- netherlands 1949 queen juliana (4) Apply netherlands 1949 queen juliana filter
- netherlands and colonies (47) Apply netherlands and colonies filter
- netherlands antilles (11) Apply netherlands antilles filter
- netherlands friesland (2) Apply netherlands friesland filter
- netherlands gelderland (3) Apply netherlands gelderland filter
- netherlands groningen (2) Apply netherlands groningen filter
- netherlands half round franco cancellation (78) Apply netherlands half round franco cancellation filter
- netherlands incendiarybox insurance (1) Apply netherlands incendiarybox insurance filter
- Netherlands Indies (119) Apply Netherlands Indies filter
- netherlands indies incendiarybox stamps (1) Apply netherlands indies incendiarybox stamps filter
- netherlands indies japanese occupation (6) Apply netherlands indies japanese occupation filter
- netherlands indies japanese occupation borneo (4) Apply netherlands indies japanese occupation borneo filter
- netherlands indies japanese occupation java (1) Apply netherlands indies japanese occupation java filter
- netherlands indies japanese occupation sumatra (12) Apply netherlands indies japanese occupation sumatra filter
- netherlands large circle cancellation (8) Apply netherlands large circle cancellation filter
- netherlands limburg (4) Apply netherlands limburg filter
- netherlands new guinea (5) Apply netherlands new guinea filter
- netherlands noord-brabant (2) Apply netherlands noord-brabant filter
- netherlands noord-holland (19) Apply netherlands noord-holland filter
- netherlands numeral cancellation (15) Apply netherlands numeral cancellation filter
- netherlands overijssel (2) Apply netherlands overijssel filter
- netherlands small circle cancellation (6) Apply netherlands small circle cancellation filter
- netherlands utrecht (2) Apply netherlands utrecht filter
- netherlands zeeland (1) Apply netherlands zeeland filter
- netherlands zuid-holland (7) Apply netherlands zuid-holland filter
- new caledonia (1) Apply new caledonia filter
- New Zealand (6) Apply New Zealand filter
- nicaragua (2) Apply nicaragua filter
- niger coast protectorate (1) Apply niger coast protectorate filter
- nigeria (1) Apply nigeria filter
- Norway (4) Apply Norway filter
- old ger. states baden (12) Apply old ger. states baden filter
- old ger. states bavaria (3) Apply old ger. states bavaria filter
- old ger. states north german confederation (1) Apply old ger. states north german confederation filter
- old ger. states saxony (1) Apply old ger. states saxony filter
- old ger. states wurttemberg (1) Apply old ger. states wurttemberg filter
- oost-europese landen (10) Apply oost-europese landen filter
- overzeese rijksdelen (18) Apply overzeese rijksdelen filter
- palestine and holy land (3) Apply palestine and holy land filter
- palestine autonome administration (2) Apply palestine autonome administration filter
- panama canal zone (1) Apply panama canal zone filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- Peru (4) Apply Peru filter
- Philippines (1) Apply Philippines filter
- Poland (16) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (5) Apply Portugal filter
- portuguese congo (1) Apply portuguese congo filter
- portuguese guinea (1) Apply portuguese guinea filter
- portuguese india (1) Apply portuguese india filter
- postzegelbenodigdheden (17) Apply postzegelbenodigdheden filter
- postzegelbenodigdheden nederland (3) Apply postzegelbenodigdheden nederland filter
- provinciaal (1) Apply provinciaal filter
- Puerto Rico (1) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- queensland (1) Apply queensland filter
- republic of indonesia java (12) Apply republic of indonesia java filter
- republic of indonesia sumatra (16) Apply republic of indonesia sumatra filter
- republic surinam (1) Apply republic surinam filter
- riau lingga islands (2) Apply riau lingga islands filter
- Romania (12) Apply Romania filter
- ruanda (2) Apply ruanda filter
- ruanda urundi (1) Apply ruanda urundi filter
- Russia (15) Apply Russia filter
- saar (5) Apply saar filter
- salvador (1) Apply salvador filter
- sambia (1) Apply sambia filter
- samoa (1) Apply samoa filter
- San Marino (4) Apply San Marino filter
- Saudi Arabia (2) Apply Saudi Arabia filter
- serbia (5) Apply serbia filter
- slovakia 1939-45 (1) Apply slovakia 1939-45 filter
- slowakije (1) Apply slowakije filter
- south africa (1) Apply south africa filter
- south africa homelands (1) Apply south africa homelands filter
- south corea (1) Apply south corea filter
- Spain (15) Apply Spain filter
- spanish colonies (2) Apply spanish colonies filter
- Spanish Guinea (1) Apply Spanish Guinea filter
- spanish post in morocco (1) Apply spanish post in morocco filter
- spanish west india (1) Apply spanish west india filter
- st. thomas and princess islands (1) Apply st. thomas and princess islands filter
- st. vincent (2) Apply st. vincent filter
- sudan (2) Apply sudan filter
- surinam (47) Apply surinam filter
- swaziland (2) Apply swaziland filter
- Sweden (13) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (65) Apply Switzerland filter
- syria (3) Apply syria filter
- thailand (2) Apply thailand filter
- tibet (1) Apply tibet filter
- timor (1) Apply timor filter
- tobago (1) Apply tobago filter
- topic (16) Apply topic filter
- topic animals (5) Apply topic animals filter
- topic arts (1) Apply topic arts filter
- topic aviation (3) Apply topic aviation filter
- topic birds (2) Apply topic birds filter
- topic butterflies (1) Apply topic butterflies filter
- topic chess (1) Apply topic chess filter
- topic flora and fauna (3) Apply topic flora and fauna filter
- topic horses (2) Apply topic horses filter
- topic lighthouses (1) Apply topic lighthouses filter
- topic paintings (2) Apply topic paintings filter
- topic religion (1) Apply topic religion filter
- topic sea shells (1) Apply topic sea shells filter
- topic shipping (4) Apply topic shipping filter
- topic space (7) Apply topic space filter
- topic sports (2) Apply topic sports filter
- topic trains (2) Apply topic trains filter
- topic transport (2) Apply topic transport filter
- topic world life fund (1) Apply topic world life fund filter
- transvaal (1) Apply transvaal filter
- trieste zone a (2) Apply trieste zone a filter
- trieste zone b (1) Apply trieste zone b filter
- trinidad and tobago (1) Apply trinidad and tobago filter
- tripolitanië (1) Apply tripolitanië filter
- Tunisia (1) Apply Tunisia filter
- Turkey (36) Apply Turkey filter
- turkey zypern (1) Apply turkey zypern filter
- ukraine (1) Apply ukraine filter
- united nations (8) Apply united nations filter
- usa (30) Apply usa filter
- varia (2) Apply varia filter
- vaticane (3) Apply vaticane filter
- Venezuela (2) Apply Venezuela filter
- venezuela ship post jesurun (5) Apply venezuela ship post jesurun filter
- victoria (1) Apply victoria filter
- west-europese landen (5) Apply west-europese landen filter
- Yugoslavia (15) Apply Yugoslavia filter
- åland (1) Apply åland filter
Lot #102 - Netherlands
Nederland gespecialiseerde collectie 1867-1984 w.b. betere ex., tandingen, types, variëteiten, plaatfouten, poststukken en veel stempelmateriaal in 2 blanco albums
Lot #103 - Netherlands
Nederland collectie 1852-1984 geheel */** met vele betere ex. en series (deels nagegomd), roltanding, luchtpost etc. in 2 Schaubek klembanden
Lot #105 - Netherlands
Nederland collectie plaatfoutjes, kleine drukafwijkingen en positiekenmerken 1867-ca. 1985 gebruikt met betere zegels w.b. nrs. 10 (11x), 14 (8x), 18 (5x), 46 (7x), etc. en vanaf ca. 1925 tevens deels */** w.b. paren, strippen en veldeeltjes, zéér uitgebreid opgezet en beschreven in 10 dikke insteekboeken in doos
Lot #106 - Netherlands
Nederland collectie 1852-1996 meest */** met vele betere ex. en series w.b. 1-47, 130-131, Van Konijnenburg, En Face 3 luxe Davo albums
Lot #109 - Netherlands
Nederland collectie 1852-2000 met vele betere ex. en series w.b. 1-79 (inclusief 61b-61c), 101, luchtpost en port compleet, internering etc. in gemengde kwaliteit in 3 Davo albums
Lot #110 - Netherlands
Nederland collectie 1852-2002 gestempeld behoudens nr. 101 compleet, roltanding behoudens R32 compleet, port etc., het geheel keurig opgezet met poststukken in 3 blanco albums
Lot #111 - Netherlands
Nederland luchtpost, collectie van ca. 250 poststukken van en naar Indië w.b. betere ex., trajectpost, crash-covers etc. keurig opgezet in 6 ringbanden
Lot #112 - Netherlands
Nederland collectie 1852-1944 meest */** met betere ex. en series w.b. 1-18, 130-131, jaren '30 **, Van Konijnenburg, roltanding etc. in KaBe klemband
Lot #113 - Netherlands
Nederland kleinrondstempels, mooie collectie op diverse waarden emissie 1872 w.b. veel mooie afdrukken en betere kantoren totaal ruim 600 ex. in insteekboek
Lot #114 - netherlands and colonies
Nederland en O.R. collectie 1852-1992 gestempeld met betere ex., iets stempels, roltanding etc. in blanco album
Lot #115 - Netherlands
Nederland grootrondstempels uitgebreide collectie post en hulpkantoren A-Z meest op fragment met veel mooie afdrukken, totaal 1265 ex. in 2 Safe albums
Lot #116 - Netherlands
Nederland emissie Cijfer en Bontkraag 1899, uitgebreide verzameling w.b. veel betermateriaal o.a. enkelfrankeringen, aangetekend, monsterzakjes, pakketkaarten etc. in o.a. 6 albums
Lot #117 - Netherlands
Nederland puntstempels, collectie tussen 1-222 op 1e emissie port w.b. betere kantoren en mooie afdrukken, totaal ca. 140 ex. (cat.w. ca. 7500) in insteekboek
Lot #118 - Netherlands
Nederland kleinrondstempels, mooie collectie op diverse waarden emissie Bontkraag w.b. veel goede afdrukken en betere kantoren totaal ruim 400 ex. in insteekboek
Lot #119 - Netherlands
Nederland puntstempels, collectie tussen 1-257 op de nrs. 7, 19 en 35 w.b. veel betere ex. in deels gemengde kwaliteit in ringband
Lot #120 - Netherlands
Nederland gespecialiseerde collectie 1906-1923 gebruikt (w.b. 130-131) en * (w.b. 99-100, 130-131, port 28III, 34-43, 67b/68b en brandkast 1-7 */(*)
Lot #121 - Netherlands
Nederland puntstempels, collectie tussen 1-256 op diverse waarden en emissies w.b. betere kantoren en mooie afdrukken in gemengded kwaliteit in schrift
Lot #122 - netherlands and colonies
Nederland en O.R. collectie 1852-1987 meest gestempeld met betere ex. en series w.b. roltanding, port etc. in Davo album
Lot #123 - Netherlands
Nederland jaarsets w.b. nominaal ca. EUR 670, NL1 (ca. 450x), kerst (ca. 60x) en Wereld1 (ca. 40x)
Lot #125 - Netherlands
Nederland collectie 1852-2000 met betere ex. en series w.b. 104-105 en 130-131 in 4 luxe Davo albums
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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