100 Drachmas (1.9.1935) in multicolor with Hermes at center. S/N: "AΞ069 185965". WMK: Goddess Demeter. Printed in France. Inside plastic holder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55 - EPQ". (Pick 105a).
- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES bank of greece (regular issues) |
1000 Drachmas on 100 Drachmas (1939) in green and yellow with two peasants women at lower left. S/N: "A-196 459249". Printing error: Inverted ovpt. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Fine 15 - Tear Repairs". (Pick 111).
- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES bank of greece (regular issues) |
1000 Drachmas (1.5.1935) in multicolor with Girl in national costume at center. S/N: "AZ=047 659019". Printing error: Commanders signature printed twice. WMK: God Poseidon. Printed in France. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35 - Printing Error". (Pick 106a).
- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES bank of greece (regular issues) |
500 Drachmas (1.1.1939) in purple and lilac with woman in national costume at left. S/N: "A-040 000000". Two red ovpts "SPECIMEN" over signatures, perfin "CANCELLED" at right and perfin "ΑΚΥΡΟΝ" at left. Printed by BWC (without imprint). WMK: Goddess Demeter. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Pinholes". (Pick 109s).
- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES bank of greece (regular issues) |
50 Drachmas (1.1.1939) in green with Hesiod at left. Red S/N: "Θ075 574666". Printed by TDLR. Inside plastic holder "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 107a).
- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES bank of greece (regular issues) |
500 Drachmas (1.10.1932) in multicolor with portrait of Athena at center. Two red ovpts "SPECIMEN" over values & three cancellation holes over signatures. S/N: "ΑΛ95 000000". Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic holder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55". (Pick 102s).
- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES bank of greece (regular issues) |
100 Drachmas (1.1.1939) in green and yellow with two peasant women at lower left. Printed by W&S (without imprint). Never issued. WMK: Archaic head. Inside plastic holder by PCGS "Choice About New 58 / Rust stains in right margin". (Pick 108a).
- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES bank of greece (regular issues) |
5000 Drachmas (1.9.1932) in brown with portrait of Athena at center. S/N: "ΑK007 935539". Inside plastic holder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 103a).
- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES bank of greece (regular issues) |
500 Drachmas (1.1.1939) in purple and lilac with woman in national costume at left. S/N: "Δ-006 700960". Printed by BWC (without imprint). WMK: Goddess Demeter. Inside plastic holder by PCGS "Choice UNC 64". (Pick 109a).
- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES bank of greece (regular issues) |
50 Drachmas (1.9.1935) in multicolor with girl with sheat of wheat at left. S/N: "ΑN076 470450". WMK: Goddess Demeter. Inside plastic holder by PCGS "Choice UNC 64 - OPQ". (Pick 104a).
- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES bank of greece (regular issues) |