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Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 556 - Main catalogue french india

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

British P.O. 1865: India 1 a. brown, two horizontal strips of four (Gi. 58) and, as seals on reverse pair 8 p. purple (Gi 56) torn on opening but intact, used on 1868 entire letter to Bordeaux endorsed "per Express via Bombay", tied by "Pondichery / 111" duplexes in black (March 2). Curved "INDIA PAID" and 'PD' in red applied in Madras. Reverse with Bangalore octagonal transit in blue confirming the Express rate. From Bombay carried by P&O Steamer "Delhi" to Suez and thence on the "Tanjore" to Marseille. Bordeaux arrival on reverse (April 6). A remarkable Express cover and very rare. Cert. E. Diena (1989).rnNote: Franked at 9 annas 4 pies. 5 a. 4 p. for a letter under ¼ ounce + 4 a. Express fee.

Michel Catalogue 291: Europe & Overseas


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