BUND - 1949/2000, sehr schöne und gepflegte postfr. Sammlung, lückenlos komplett mit allen verausgabten Briefmarken in fünf Falzlos-Vordruck-Ringbindern. Dabei natürlich auch die Anfangsausgaben wie Bundestag 1949 inklusive allen Wohlfahrtsserien, Posthornserie 1951/52, Heuss 1954, sowie auch Heuss lumogen und liegendes Wasserzeichen. Mi. circa 7700,- €.
UNION - in 1949/2000, very beautiful and cultivated postfr. collection, completely completely with To all overspent postagestamps In five hingeless-Vordruck-binder. Besides, naturally also the beginning issues like 1949 Parliament In 1949 included to all welfare series, post horn serie in 1951/52, definitives "Heuss" In 1954, as well as also definitives "Heuss" Lumogen and lying water mark. Mi. about 7700, - .
Gert Müller Stamp Auctions
Gert Müller Stamp Auctions was established in 1951 and has become well known by holding philatelic ambitions auctions. Numerous collection of important collectors have been auctioneered in the... Read More