guyana - Coin Auctions

Lot 13154 - WORLD GOLD COINS & MEDALS guyana -  Status International Status Coin - Sale 389

Lot 13154 - WORLD GOLD COINS & MEDALS guyana - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389

1976 $100 10th Anniversary of Independence, .500 gold Proof. KM-46. (P)
Estimate A$350

Status International Status Coin - Sale 389

Lot 12572 - world  gold guyana -  Status International International Coin Auction 374

Lot 12572 - world gold guyana - Status International International Coin Auction 374

1977 $100 Legendary Golden Man Proof. KM-47 in original unopened card of issue.
Estimate A$300

Status International International Coin Auction 374

world gold guyana
Lot 8715 - world  banknotes guyana -  Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 355

Lot 8715 - world banknotes guyana - Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 355

$20, $50, $100, $500, $1000, $5000 2011-16. P-30f, 41, 36b, 37, 39b, 40. UNC. (6)

Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 355

world banknotes guyana
Lot 8113 - world  gold guyana -  Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 355

Lot 8113 - world gold guyana - Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 355

1977 $100 Legendary Golden man. KM-47 Proof. (P)

Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 355

world gold guyana
Lot 8872 - world  banknotes guyana -  Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 351

Lot 8872 - world banknotes guyana - Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 351

$20, $50, $100, $500, $1000, $5000 2011-16. P-30f, 41, 36b, 37, 39b, 40. UNC. (6)

Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 351

world banknotes guyana
Lot 7721 - World Banknotes guyana -  Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 346

Lot 7721 - World Banknotes guyana - Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 346

$20, $50, $100, $500, $1000, $5000 2011-16. P-30f, 41, 36b, 37, 39b, 40. UNC. (6)

Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 346

World Banknotes guyana
Lot 7256 - world  banknotes guyana -  Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 342

Lot 7256 - world banknotes guyana - Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 342

$20, $50, $100, $500, $1000, $5000 2011-16. P-30f, 41, 36b, 37, 39b, 40. UNC. (6)

Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 342

world banknotes guyana
Lot 6602 - world  gold guyana -  Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 342

Lot 6602 - world gold guyana - Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 342

1977 $100 Legendary Golden Man. KM-47. Proof. Reserved at gold value. (P)

Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 342

world gold guyana
Lot 6512 - world  gold guyana -  Status International Public Auction #337 - Coins, Banknotes, Militaria

Lot 6512 - world gold guyana - Status International Public Auction #337 - Coins, Banknotes, Militaria

1976 $100 10th Anniv of Independence. KM-46. Proof. (P)

Status International Public Auction #337 - Coins, Banknotes, Militaria

world gold guyana
Lot 6694 - world  gold guyana -  Status International Auction #333 - Coins, Banknotes, Militaria

Lot 6694 - world gold guyana - Status International Auction #333 - Coins, Banknotes, Militaria

1976 $100 10th Anniversary of Independence. KM-46. Proof. (P)

Status International Auction #333 - Coins, Banknotes, Militaria

world gold guyana