2 Sgr. dull blue, smooth ground, thin paper, on all sides having full margins exemplar with clear framed cancel of 3 lines "Stettin railway station", superb in every respect (choice copy), signed Drahn and photo expertize Flemming BPP: "genuine and immac ulate. ", Michel 140.-
2 Sgr. mattblau, glatter Grund, dünnes Papier, allseits vollrandiges Exemplar mit klarem Ra3 "STETTIN BAHNHOF", Kabinett, signiert Drahn und Fotobefund...
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
The 136th auction’s more than 12,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply with around 1,500 lots, including - among others - many values in mint condition, Bavaria with Mi.-No. 1Ia*, Saxony with cancelled Sachsendreier (1,000); furthermore, dissolution of a special collection Hanover, Württemberg containing numerous mint condition rarities and a perfect, cancelled 70 Kr. (1,700), also in mint condition.
German empire: greatly differentiated supply with numerous colours, types, varieties, including - among others - small breast plates in mint condition, 5 Pfg Krone/Adler as a four-colour trial proof, unissued Burg Rheinstein; furthermore, an extensive supply of stamp booklets and se-tenant printings
German colonies / post offices abroad: impressive supply with numerous forerunner rarities, cover uses, also mint issues and unusual features; among others also Kiautschou Mi.-Nr. 26A cover, Togo with Mi.-Nr. 19I, cancelled (550). ...
WWI occupation/ Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/Saar: outstanding selection with numerous types, unusual features etc., also including Danzig with mnh “kleiner Innendienst“ (1,000) , * “großer Innendienst” (1,500), Memel with Mi.-Nr. 13e mnh (1,400) and mint issue green overprint (1,100).
WW II/Fieldpost: the customary extensive supply with numerous rarities and good standard issues, including
German local issues: among others, a special catalogue “Special Auction >>DIAMANT<<” with 600 selected lots of the presumably best collections “Großraeschen“ and “Spremberg“ containing exceptional rarities!
West zones/Bund/Berlin: extensive supply with all standard issues, including - among others - Bund with numerous varieties and unusual features, 80 Pfg Posthorn from the upper left sheet corner in exceptional mint condition (500), and Berlin with Währungsgeschädigten-Blocks.
SBZ/DDR: strongly differentiated supply with many types, varieties and unusual features, rare block issues, etc., including watermark varieties, se-tenants and imprints ...
Europe: selective supply with exciting Swiss, Austrian and Liechtenstein offerings as well as other states.
a multi-faceted supply of collections with nearly 2,000 lots originating primarily from private ownership, including complete estate collections, our traditional “great estate” section with the dissolution of 5 major estates, equally specialised country collections, treasure trove boxes and letter bundles with material from all over the world!
Coins: around 1,000 selected lots with numerous collector’s coins and gold coins. An extensive number of medallions are also available! Total opening bid value approximately 240,000 Euros
You can "inspect" more than 500 collections entirely on the internet – the images of all the album pages convey a very accurate impression.
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Lot #502 - altdeutschland staten preußen
Lot #503 - altdeutschland staten preußen
3 Sgr. dark orange yellow, reprint 1864, unused with original gum, reverse at the left under a hinge evident a gum rubbing, expertized Brettl BPP, only issued approximate 100 piece
3 Sgr. dunkelorangegelb, Neudruck 1864, ungebraucht mit Originalgummierung, rücks. auf der linken Seite unter einem Falz augenscheinlich eine Gummischürfung, gepr. Brettl BPP, Auflage nur ca. 100 Stück
Lot #504 - altdeutschland staten preußen
3 Sgr. dark orange, fresh colors and large margins all around, with wonderful clear four ring cancel "119" from Beuthen on on piece in outstanding quality, photo expertize Brettl (03 / 2014)
3 Sgr. dunkelorange, farbfrisch und allseits breitrandig, mit herrlich klarem Vierringstempel "119" von Beuthen auf Luxusbriefstück, Fotobefund Brettl (03/2014)
Lot #505 - altdeutschland staten preußen
4 Pfg yellowish green, having bright colors, left at the bottom of margin line, otherwise having full margins exemplar with wonderful clear and centered, on of this stamp not frequent number cancellation "103"-BERLIN, left above tiny cut, photo expertize Flemming BPP
4 Pfg gelblichgrün, farbfrisches, links unten an Randlinie, sonst vollrandiges Exemplar mit herrlich klarer und zentrischer, auf dieser Marke nicht häufiger...
Lot #506 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1.2 and 3 Sgr. gridded ground, always cut into, together as properly franked three color franking on 1 3 / 10 Loth heavy cover in the II. weight step, with framed cancel of 3 lines "Stettin railway station" to Cottbus
1, 2 u. 3 Sgr. gegitterter Grund, je angeschnitten, zusammen als portorichtige Dreifarbenfrankatur auf 1 3/10 Loth schweren Brief in der II.Gewichtsstufe, mit Ra3 "STETTIN BAHNHOF" nach Cottbus
Lot #507 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 Sgr. carmine rose, gridded ground, plate flaw IV, neat cancelled, photo expertize Flemming BPP: "in perfect quality. "
1 Sgr. karminrosa, gegitterter Grund, Plattenfehler IV, tadellos gestempelt, Fotobefund Flemming BPP: "in einwandfreier Qualität."
Lot #508 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. blue, on all sides having full margins item in outstanding quality on piece with box cancel of 2 lines "WARMBRUNN", photo expertize Brettl International Association for Philatelie Experts "perfect"
2 Sgr. blau, allseits vollrandiges Luxusstück auf Briefstück mit Ra2 "WARMBRUNN", Fotobefund Brettl AIEP "einwandfrei"
Lot #509 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. blue, gridded ground, on all sides having full margins exemplar with handbook PLF 11B3, clear used with framed cancel of 3 lines "Berlin", photo expertize Flemming BPP: "perfectly quality. "
2 Sgr. blau, gegitterter Grund, allseits vollrandiges Exemplar mit Handbuch-PLF 11B3, klar gestempelt mit Ra3 "BERLIN", Fotobefund Flemming BPP: "Einwandfreie Qualität."
Lot #510 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. blue, having bright colors, on all sides full / with enormous margins extremely fine copy with plate flaw II "upper bar of the F from postal stamp shortened", plate flaw visibility free mounted box cancel of 2 lines from "Trier"
2 Sgr. blau, farbfrisches, allseits voll/breitrandiges Kabinettstück mit Plattenfehler II "oberer Balken des F von FREIMARKE verkürzt", plattenfehlersichtfrei aufgesetzter Ra2 von "TRIER"
Lot #511 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. blue, having bright colors and with enormous margins exemplar with plate flaw IV (C1) "Schnupfnase", plate flaw visibility free centric clear mounted two ring cancel "Berlin", spot lightly place
2 Sgr. blau, farbfrisches und breitrandiges Exemplar mit Plattenfehler IV (C1) "Schnupfnase", plattenfehlersichtfrei zentrisch klar aufgesetzter K2 "BERLIN", punkthelle Stelle
Lot #512 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. blue, having bright colors and having full margins extremely fine copy with plate flaw D3 "I from two with seitlichem dot left", plate flaw visibility free mounted framed cancel of 3 lines from Berlin hitch-hiker railway station
2 Sgr. blau, farbfrisches und vollrandiges Kabinettstück mit Plattenfehler D3 "I von ZWEI mit seitlichem Punkt links", plattenfehlersichtfrei aufgesetzter Ra3 von Berlin Anhalter Bahnhof
Lot #513 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. blue, having bright colors and with enormous margins extremely fine copy with plate flaw G1 "upper bar of the last E in postal stamp open, right rosette white spot, and so on. ", tied by centric mounted two ring cancel "Berlin"
2 Sgr. blau, farbfrisches und breitrandiges Kabinettstück mit Plattenfehler G1 "oberer Balken des letzten E in FREIMARKE offen, rechte Rosette weißer Fleck, etc.", entwertet mit zentrisch aufgesetztem...
Lot #514 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. blue, having bright colors, only left below short affected, otherwise full / with enormous margins exemplar with plate flaw I1 "waager. Line under right rosette broken and bright spot under left numeral of value 2", clear two ring cancel from "COE LN"
2 Sgr. blau, farbfrisches, lediglich links unten kurz tangiertes, sonst voll/breitrandiges Exemplar mit Plattenfehler I1 "waager. Strich unter rechter Rosette gebrochen und heller...
Lot #515 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. blue, gridded ground, thin translucent paper, having full margins with clear Teil-Ra2 " (FRIED) RICHSTHAL", photo expertize Flemming BPP: "in perfect quality. ", Michel 200.-
2 Sgr. blau, gegitterter Grund, dünnes durchscheinendes Papier, vollrandig mit klarem Teil-Ra2 "(FRIED)RICHSTHAL", Fotobefund Flemming BPP: "in einwandfreier Qualität.", Mi. 200.-
Lot #516 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. dark blue, having bright colors and with enormous margins extremely fine copy with plate flaw B3 "lighter line through Z from two and bright spot in the Chin" (Late stage), plate flaw visibility free mounted box cancel of 2 lines from Castellaun ( OPD Coblenz)
2 Sgr. dunkelblau, farbfrisches und breitrandiges Kabinettstück mit Plattenfehler B3 "heller Strich durch Z von ZWEI und heller Fleck im Kinn" (spätes Stadium),...
Lot #517 - altdeutschland staten preußen
3 Sgr. yellow orange, thinner paper, having bright colors, on all sides good full / with enormous margins horizontal pair with a little inattentive mounted box cancel of 2 lines from "HIRSCHBERG" (OPD Legnica), photo expertize Flemming BPP ". . . In perf ect quality. "
3 Sgr. gelborange, dünneres Papier, farbfrisches, allseits gut voll/breitrandiges waager. Paar mit etwas nachlässig aufgesetztem Ra2 von "HIRSCHBERG" (OPD Liegnitz),...
Lot #518 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 / 2 Sgr. red orange unwatermarked, neat cancelled with Teil-Ra2 ". . . . ENBURG", photo expertize Flemming BPP: "in perfect quality. ", Michel 200.-
1/2 Sgr. rotorange ohne Wasserzeichen, tadellos gestempelt mit Teil-Ra2 "....ENBURG", Fotobefund Flemming BPP: "in einwandfreier Qualität.", Mi. 200.-
Lot #519 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 / 2 Sgr. orange, on all sides having full margins and having bright colors item in outstanding quality on piece with box cancel of 2 lines "DYHERNFURTH", photo expertize Brettl International Association for Philatelie Experts "perfect"
1/2 Sgr. orange, allseits vollrandiges und farbfrisches Luxusstück auf Briefstück mit Ra2 "DYHERNFURTH", Fotobefund Brettl AIEP "einwandfrei"
Lot #520 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 / 2 Sgr. orange, having bright colors, left below very close margins, otherwise full to wide margins horizontal pair with perfect box cancel of 2 lines "LANDESHUT", photo expertize Brettl (04 / 2014) "in fine, perfect condition and with straight mounte d cancellation"
1/2 Sgr. orange, farbfrisches, links unten lupenrandiges, sonst voll- bis breitrandiges waager. Paar mit idealem Ra2 "LANDESHUT", Fotobefund Brettl (04/2014) "In...
Lot #521 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 / 2 Sgr. orange, having bright colors, in right upper corner a little mended, otherwise having full margins exemplar as additional franking on 1 Sgr. postal stationery cover, as money order forerunner over the amount from 5 Talers with box cancel of 2 lines "HALBERSTADT" to castle by Magdeburg. An attractive document!
1/2 Sgr. orange, farbfrisches, in rechter oberer Ecke etwas ausgebessertes, sonst vollrandiges Exemplar als...
Lot #522 - altdeutschland staten preußen
Under-franked cover: 1 Sgr. red together with manuscript notation "passes not"! On about 2 Sgr. under-franked cover from Hanoverian HANKENSBÜTTEL 16. 4. (67) (blue two ring cancel) in that Thurn & Taxis area to Dudenhausen by Alverdissen, reverse on rout e passing cancellation "Bückeburg railway station" and arrival postmark "Alverdissen 18 / 4" as well nice black varnish seal (complete), the document whitens defects on, the franking is...
Lot #523 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 Sgr. carmin, having bright colors extremely fine copy with scarce single circle postmark "UHSMANSDORF 31. 12. 67" (OPD Legnica) from last day the Prussia post. The post office Uhsmannsdorf was first in the oct 1867 opens. In two respects a small rarity . Photo expertize Brettl (03 / 2014)
1 Sgr. karmin, farbfrisches Kabinettstück mit seltenem K1 "UHSMANSDORF 31.12.67" (OPD Liegnitz) vom LETZTTAG der Preussen-Post. Das Postamt...
Lot #524 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 Sgr. rose, full handrails puncture, clean tied by good continued in use does postmark "BÜRGEL", tiny crease, photo expertize Flemming BPP (2012) : "not frequent cancellation"!
1 Sgr. rosa, voller Handleistendurchstich, sauber entwertet mit gutem weiterverwendetem TuT-Stempel "BÜRGEL", winziger Knitter, Fotobefund Flemming BPP (2012): "nicht häufige Entwertung!"
Lot #525 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. coat of arms, as properly franked single franking - Certificate money - on return receipt for mail taken by coach, with single circle postmark "Bonn 3 11 (1865) " return to Eiserfeld by Win. The Recepisse fastened on a strange document
2 Sgr. Wappen, als portorichtige Einzelfrankatur - Scheingeld - auf Retour-Recepisse für Fahrpostsendungen, mit K1 "BONN 3 11 (1865)" zurück nach Eiserfeld bei Siegen. Die Recepisse haftet auf...
Lot #526 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. Prussian-blue in the horizontal pair with scarce cancellation through two ring cancel "HEILIGENHAUS" (OPD Düsseldorf), left stamp perfect, right a little reperforated - due to the rarity but extraneous!, photo expertize Flemming BPP (2012), rare!
2 Sgr. preußischblau im waager. Paar mit seltener Entwertung durch K2 "HEILIGENHAUS" (OPD Düsseldorf), linke Marke einwandfrei, rechts etwas nachgestochen - aufgrund der Seltenheit...
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More