1 Ngr. on dull carmine red, type II, fresh colors, left above slightly at margin line, otherwise having full to wide margins cut, with number cancellation "2" from Leipzig on small piece, expertized Rismondo BPP, Michel 100.-
1 Ngr. a. mattkarminrot, Type II, farbfrisch, links oben leicht an Randlinie, sonst voll- bis breitrandig geschnitten, mit Nummernstempel "2" von Leipzig auf kleinem Briefstück, gepr. Rismondo BPP, Mi. 100...
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
The 136th auction’s more than 12,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply with around 1,500 lots, including - among others - many values in mint condition, Bavaria with Mi.-No. 1Ia*, Saxony with cancelled Sachsendreier (1,000); furthermore, dissolution of a special collection Hanover, Württemberg containing numerous mint condition rarities and a perfect, cancelled 70 Kr. (1,700), also in mint condition.
German empire: greatly differentiated supply with numerous colours, types, varieties, including - among others - small breast plates in mint condition, 5 Pfg Krone/Adler as a four-colour trial proof, unissued Burg Rheinstein; furthermore, an extensive supply of stamp booklets and se-tenant printings
German colonies / post offices abroad: impressive supply with numerous forerunner rarities, cover uses, also mint issues and unusual features; among others also Kiautschou Mi.-Nr. 26A cover, Togo with Mi.-Nr. 19I, cancelled (550). ...
WWI occupation/ Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/Saar: outstanding selection with numerous types, unusual features etc., also including Danzig with mnh “kleiner Innendienst“ (1,000) , * “großer Innendienst” (1,500), Memel with Mi.-Nr. 13e mnh (1,400) and mint issue green overprint (1,100).
WW II/Fieldpost: the customary extensive supply with numerous rarities and good standard issues, including
German local issues: among others, a special catalogue “Special Auction >>DIAMANT<<” with 600 selected lots of the presumably best collections “Großraeschen“ and “Spremberg“ containing exceptional rarities!
West zones/Bund/Berlin: extensive supply with all standard issues, including - among others - Bund with numerous varieties and unusual features, 80 Pfg Posthorn from the upper left sheet corner in exceptional mint condition (500), and Berlin with Währungsgeschädigten-Blocks.
SBZ/DDR: strongly differentiated supply with many types, varieties and unusual features, rare block issues, etc., including watermark varieties, se-tenants and imprints ...
Europe: selective supply with exciting Swiss, Austrian and Liechtenstein offerings as well as other states.
a multi-faceted supply of collections with nearly 2,000 lots originating primarily from private ownership, including complete estate collections, our traditional “great estate” section with the dissolution of 5 major estates, equally specialised country collections, treasure trove boxes and letter bundles with material from all over the world!
Coins: around 1,000 selected lots with numerous collector’s coins and gold coins. An extensive number of medallions are also available! Total opening bid value approximately 240,000 Euros
You can "inspect" more than 500 collections entirely on the internet – the images of all the album pages convey a very accurate impression.
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Lot #602 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
Lot #603 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
2 Ngr. on mat Prussian blue, having bright colors, left mostly at the margin line across, otherwise three sided with wide margins cut exemplar with clear and straight mounted box cancel of 2 lines "LÖSSNITZ", to be issued with something signed Rismondo B PP, Michel 90.- cancel valuation 100 P.
2 Ngr. a. mattpreußischblau, farbfrisches, links meist an der Randlinie entlang, sonst dreiseitig breitrandig geschnittenes Exemplar mit klar...
Lot #604 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
3 Ngr. on yellow, illuminating fresh colors, large margins all around, with full vertical cut line left and short cross-stroke at the bottom of sameer, as properly franked single franking on postal union cover, with centric clear full grid stamp together with single circle postmark "Plauen 25 June 53" over railway mail Leipzig farm to Vienna / Austria. Stamp above the minimal suggestion of a horizontal letter crease, fine example!
Lot #605 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
2 Ngr. on dark blue, fresh colors, large margins all around, as properly franked single franking with full grid stamp together with single circle postmark "Plauen 20 FEB 55" on small cover envelope at a Miss to Dresden
2 Ngr. a. dunkelblau, farbfrisch, allseits breitrandig, als portorichtige Einzelfrankatur mit Vollgitterstempel nebst K1 "PLAUEN 20 FEB 55" auf Damenbriefkuvert an ein Fräulein nach Dresden
Lot #606 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
1 / 2 Ngr. Johann, having bright colors, close / having full margins superb item as moderated, properly franked single franking on cover in the Taxische postal area, with number cancellation "46" together with single circle postmark "Plauen 21 / 6 59" ov er Schleiz to Tanna, Michel 160.-
1/2 Ngr. Johann, farbfrisches, schmal/vollrandiges Prachtstück als moderierte, portorichtige Einzelfrankatur auf Brief in das Taxische Postgebiet,...
Lot #607 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
1 / 2 Ngr. in the counter sheet to 10 stamps (5x2), printing from the so called "B"-Platte, horizontal cancellation strokes were to a large extent removed (Makulaturstriche), unused original gum, certificate with photograph Pröschold BPP
1/2 Ngr. im Schalterbogen zu 10 Marken (5x2), Druck von der sog. "B"-Platte, waager. Annulierungsstriche wurden weitgehenst entfernt (Makulaturstriche), ungebrauchte Originalgummierung, Fotoattest...
Lot #608 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
1 / 2 Ngr. in the block of four, without gum, two paper folding, probably from the wastepaper inventory springing, abridged certificate Rismondo BPP "genuine"
1/2 Ngr. im Viererblock, ohne Gummierung, zwei Papierfalten, vermutlich aus dem Makulatur-Bestand stammend, Kurzbefund Rismondo BPP "echt"
Lot #609 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
2 Ngr. black on medium blue, counter sheet 5 x 2, partly mint never hinged original gum through storage however affected, lower left stamp torn off and with hinge again added to
2 Ngr. schwarz auf mittelblau, Schalterbogen 5 x 2, teils postfrische Originalgummierung durch Lagerung jedoch in Mitleidenschaft gezogen, untere linke Marke abgerissen und mit Falz wieder angesetzt
Lot #610 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
2 Ngr. on pale blue, illuminating fresh, full / having huge margins item in outstanding quality with clear number cancellation "46" together with single circle postmark "Plauen 26 / II 61" as properly franked single franking in the II. weight step on 1 1 0 / 20 Loth heavy cover to Dresden
2 Ngr. a. hellblau, leuchtend farbfrisches, voll/überrandiges Luxusstück mit klarem Nummernstempel "46" nebst K1 "PLAUEN 26/II 61" als portorichtige...
Lot #611 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
5 Ngr. rust brown, unused with original gum, slight defects - amongst other things blotched, above thin, photo expertize Rismondo BPP (2014), Michel 900.-
5 Ngr. rostbraun, ungebraucht mit Originalgummierung, leichte Mängel - u. a. fleckig, oben dünn, Fotobefund Rismondo BPP (2014), Mi. 900.-
Lot #612 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
5 Ngr. reddish brown, on all sides full- / with wide margins, clear used, superb in every respect (choice copy), KB Rismondo BPP
5 Ngr. rötlichbraun, allseits voll-/breitrandig, klar gest., Kabinett, KB Rismondo BPP
Lot #613 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
5 Ngr reddish brown in perfect condition neat cancelled on piece, manuscript signed Richter, Michel 220.-
5 Ngr rötlichbraun tadellos sauber gestempelt auf Briefstück, handschriftlich signiert Richter, Mi. 220.-
Lot #614 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
10 Ngr. cyan blue, on all sides full- / with wide margins, clear NS "1", in perfect condition, expertized Pfenninger
10 Ngr. cyanblau, allseits voll-/breitrandig, klarer NS "1", tadellos, gepr. Pfenninger
Lot #615 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
10 Ngr. cyan blue, having bright colors, three sided good having full margins, right cut into exemplar with strong a print of generally blurred appearance, number cancellation "2" from Leipzig. Schmitz prints in so clearly Stamp are rare! Photo expertize Rismondo BPP (04 / 2013)
10 Ngr. cyanblau, farbfrisches, dreiseitig gut vollrandiges, rechts angeschnittenes Exemplar mit starkem Schmitzdruck, Nummernstempel "2" von Leipzig....
Lot #616 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
10 Ngr blue, glassily paper, on all sides having full margins, unused, in perfect condition, old signs, photo expertize Rismondo BPP
10 Ngr blau, glasiges Papier, allseits vollrandig, ungebraucht, tadellos, Altsignaturen, Fotobefund Rismondo BPP
Lot #617 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
1 / 2 Ngr. bright reddish orange, with violet two ring cancel "local post 27 III 67" on piece, photo expertize Rismondo BPP "perfect"
1/2 Ngr. lebhaftrötlichorange, mit violettem K2 "STADTPOST 27 III 67" auf Briefstück, Fotobefund Rismondo BPP "einwandfrei"
Lot #618 - altdeutschland staten sachsen ortsstempel
"ALTENBURG" - single circle postmark, clear and neat strike on post trip note from ALTENBURG to ZEITZ
"ALTENBURG" - K1, klar und sauber abgeschlagen auf Postreiseschein von ALTENBURG nach ZEITZ
Lot #619 - altdeutschland staten sachsen ortsstempel
"DRESDEN Newest: railway station. ", clear railway station cancel (Mild 51-4) on small piece with 1 Ngr. coat of arms, on coat of arms scarce postmark!
"DRESDEN NEUST: BAHNH.", klarer Bahnhofsstempel (Milde 51-4) auf kleinem Briefstück mit 1 Ngr. Wappen, auf Wappen seltener Stempel!
Lot #620 - altdeutschland staten sachsen ortsstempel
"Plauen 28 / XII 59" - single circle postmark, rated foreign countries accompanying letter for parcels to Wohlen / Switzerland, reverse green package numbers slip of paper, complete letter contents with decorative Rechnungskopf
"PLAUEN 28/XII 59" - K1, austaxierter Auslands-Paketbegleitbrief nach Wohlen/Schweiz, rücks. grüner Paketnummernzettel, vollständiger Briefinhalt mit dekorativem Rechnungskopf
Lot #621 - altdeutschland staten sachsen nummernstempel
3 - "DRESDEN", clear on 3 Ngr. with alongside two ring cancel "DRESDEN NEUST:BAHNH. ", cover centered horizontal folded, in perfect condition, with crest edition rare
3 - "DRESDEN", glasklar a. 3 Ngr. mit nebengesetztem K2 "DRESDEN NEUST:BAHNH.", Brief mittig waager. gefaltet, tadellos, mit Wappenausgabe selten
Lot #622 - altdeutschland staten sachsen nummernstempel
43 - "BRAMBACH", clear on 3 Ngr. coat of arms, stamp not so fresh
43 - "BRAMBACH", klar a. 3 Ngr. Wappen, Marke etwas unfrisch
Lot #623 - altdeutschland staten sachsen nummernstempel
86 - "Altenberg", clear on cover (front) to Freiberg, franked by 1/2 Ngr. coat of arms, alongside two ring cancel, in perfect condition
86 - "ALTENBERG", glasklar a. Brief (Vorderseite) nach Freiberg, frankiert mit 1/2 Ngr. Wappen, nebengesetzter K2, tadellos
Lot #624 - altdeutschland staten sachsen nummernstempel
109 - "change castle", clear on 1/2 Ngr. (stamp right touched), alongside single circle postmark, cancellation in outstanding quality
109 - "WECHSELBURG", glasklar a. 1/2 Ngr. (Marke rechts berührt), nebengesetzter K1, Luxusabschlag
Lot #625 - altdeutschland staten sachsen nummernstempel
157 - "MÜHLTROFF", S.O.T.N on 1/2 Ngr. Johann, superb in every respect piece of letter
157 - "MÜHLTROFF", klar und zentr. a. 1/2 Ngr. Johann, Kabinettbriefstück
Lot #626 - altdeutschland staten sachsen nummernstempel
159 - "OBERWIESENTHAL", clear on 1/2 Ngr. Johann
159 - "OBERWIESENTHAL", klar a. 1/2 Ngr. Johann
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More