By: HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG
lot # 2040 - usa North-, South and Middle-America
Saturday Apr 29, 2017 11:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids:
Apr 28, 12:00 BST
Allegany City Company; 18__, Proof eines Zertifikats über Shares á US-$ 500, o. Nr., 18,6 x 33,2 cm, schwarz, beige, zwei schöne Vignetten, uns bisher unbekannte Rarität! Ein aus Utica stammender Investor hatte die Idee, in der Nähe von Rochester eine Stadt aus dem Boden zu stampfen. Allegany City wurde jedoch nie gebaut. 18__, Proof of a Certificate for Shares á US-$ 500,without number, 18.6 x 33.2 cm, black, beige, two superb vignettes, first time seen by us! Rarity! An investor from Utica had the idea to built a city next to Rochester from scratch. But Allegany City was never built.
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG
The HWPH AG is one of the leaders of world-wide auction houses for historic investments. The team around Matthias Schmitt promotes two large scale auctions per year: one in Würzburg and... Read More
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