JALIL Guillermo & GOTTIG José Luis: Specialized Catalogue of Postage Stamps and Postal History of Argentina (2018/2019 edition), 2 volumes, hardbound, 728 pages. Free downloadable updates will be available for later issues. It includes ALL the Argentina stamps issued up until late 2018, with errors, varieties in perforations, papers, watermarks, etc., with photographs of catalogued varieties, and explanations to help the readers identify...
Auction # 2320 ARGENTINA: Special late May auction
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2320 ARGENTINA: Special late May auction
Notable selection of good material: stamps, covers, varieties, proofs, etc. of all periods, including a number of pieces that have not been available for decades, all of excellent quality and with very attractive starts, with a wide offer for all types of budgets, plenty of interesting items to Be found!
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Lot #2 - Argentina books
"Joyas Filatélicas de la República Argentina 1862-1867", 337 pages, fantastic book recently published, author Pablo Reim, editor Guillermo Jalil. Excellent work with illustrations in full color of the great pieces and letters of the "Escuditos" and "Rivadavias" issues. It also includes other very interesting chapters: Pre-stamp mail postal marks, cancels applied on classic issues, and a short but attractive introduction to Argentine...
Lot #3 - Argentina gauchitos
GJ.1/4, 1857 cmpl. set of 4 values, the 4R with small hinge mark, the rest MNH (+200%), superb, with Alberto Solari certificate
Lot #4 - Argentina barquitos
GJ.5A, 2P. indigo blue, beautiful example franking a folded cover dated 6/AU/1858 sent to Buenos Aires, with blue ponchito cancel, worn + "RENTA DE CORREOS - SAN NICOLAS" in double ogive, superb quality, with Alberto Solari certificate
Lot #5 - Argentina barquitos
GJ.12, To Reales blue, beautiful stamp with 3 immense margins (with part of adjacent stamps), very fresh and attractive. Tiny defect on back barely visible, with excellent frent and very nice, good opportunity!
Lot #6 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.16, 4R. green, worn impression, ample margins, fantastic example!
Lot #7 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.16, 4R. yellow-green, semi-clear impression, with blue grid cancel of Buenos Aires, superb!
Lot #8 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.18, 2P. red, semi-clear impression, mint, ample margins, excellent quality!
Lot #9 - Argentina cabecitas
RARE PROOF: GJ.21, 1P. rose, proof printed on card, light thin on back, very good front, very rare, with Alberto Solari certificate
Lot #10 - Argentina corrientes
GREAT RARITY: GJ.1, Un Real M.C. blue, type 8, on fragment with straightline "Bella Vista" cancel forming a cross (see page 168 in the 1974 Kneitschel catalog), ONLY ONE KNOWN, with Alberto Solari certificate
Lot #11 - Argentina corrientes
GREAT RARITY: GJ.1, Un Real M.C., pair with types 1 and 2 franking a folded cover to Mercedes, with pen cancel and a rimless datestamp of Corrientes 18/SE/1860 at top left (used on this stamp only a couple of months), only 3 similar covers are known, superb, with Alberto Solari certificate.
Lot #12 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.3, blue, used in the first period of use, with mute 16-bar cancel of Corrientes, very rare. With a small repaired defect on back and good front, good opportunity!
Lot #13 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.5, bluish green, block of 4 consisting of types 3-4-7-8, mint full original gum, MNH (+200%), fresh, impeccable, perfect, superb and rare!
Lot #14 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.5, blue-green, fantastic MNH example (+200%), with original gum intact and perfect, very fresh, very intense color, incredibly beautiful, with wide margins and a very neat impression. Very rare!
Lot #15 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.5, blue-green, with DOUBLE dotted cancel (one black and the other one blue), very rare, catalog value US$200+
Lot #16 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.7, dark blue, complete sheet of 32 examples (composition 2, disposition III), including 4 tete-beches (GJ.7T) and 8 gutter pairs (GJ.7a), very fine quality!
Lot #17 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.9, dark rose-lilac, mint with part of its original gum brown, VF quality, rare!
Lot #18 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.9, dark rose-lilac, type 4, very wide margins, with the rare double circle cancel of MERCEDES, excellent quality!
Lot #19 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.11, rose, with datestamp of Corrientes in one corner, very fine quality!
Lot #20 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.11, bright lilac-rose (rare color!!), with Corrientes datestamp, very fine!
Lot #21 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.15, lilac, block of 4 consisting of types 1-2-6-5 (composition 2), featuring type 2 (top right stamp) in a very high position, with 2 strikes of double circle datestamp of Corrientes 5/MAR/1879 (in this period this cancel presented a dent below, probably due a fall from the desk), excellent quality, with Alberto Solari certificate
Lot #22 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.16, dull rose, pair, the left stamp with VARIETY: White horizontal line in the center (impression missing), VF quality, rare!
Lot #23 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.18, 1879 Timbre fiscal, type 1, with Harvey signature, fine quality, rare!
Lot #24 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.18, 1879 Timbre fiscal, type 2, with Solari signature, tiny defect on back else excellent, very rare!
Lot #25 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.18, 1879 Timbre fiscal, type 3, with Miranda signature and handstamp. With notable variety: "LETTERS BROKEN" in the top inscription, very fine quality, rare!